Doctors order a sugar test if they suspect diabetes. However, regular passage of such a study is necessary even with the complete he alth of the patient. Glucose is a substance that is involved in all energy processes in the body. Deviations in sugar levels adversely affect human he alth. The initial stages of hypo- and hyperglycemia may be asymptomatic. In these cases, only a blood test helps to identify early signs of the disease.
Who is assigned the analysis
A blood sugar test is recommended for all he althy people about once every three years. This will help prevent the development of metabolic disorders and cardiovascular pathologies. A glucose test is also prescribed according to indications, if the patient has the following complaints:
- vision deterioration;
- increased thirst and dry mouth feeling;
- acceleratedurination;
- constant feeling of tiredness;
- slow healing of skin wounds;
- itch.
These symptoms may indicate the presence of diabetes. A blood test for sugar should also be taken by pregnant women. Expectant mothers are often prone to a special (gestational) form of diabetes.
Who is at risk
Glucose testing is also prescribed for people who have an increased risk of sugar metabolism disorders. In this case, the analysis must be taken every year. The risk group includes the following categories of patients:
- overweight patients;
- middle-aged and elderly people;
- patients with a hereditary predisposition to diabetes;
- patients undergoing treatment with steroid hormones;
- patients with allergies and tumors;
- patients with cardiovascular pathologies.
Analysis for sugar is prescribed not only for adults, but also for children. This test is especially recommended if the child's parents or immediate family have had diabetes.
Types of tests
There are different ways to test for glucose. The following types of sugar analysis are most often prescribed:
- standard;
- glucose load test;
- Glucose tolerance test;
- determination of HbA1 content (glycated hemoglobin);
- test for glucose and cholesterol.
Each of these types of tests has its indications. We next review these studies.more details.
Standard analysis
Most often, doctors prescribe a standard analysis. For research, capillary blood is taken from a finger or venous blood from the elbow bend.
How is sugar labeled in tests? Glucose is indicated in millimoles per liter of blood (mmol/l). This unit of measurement is currently accepted in all laboratories.
The norm in deciphering a blood test for sugar is an indicator from 3.3 to 5.5 mmol / l. For a biomaterial taken from a vein, an upper value of up to 6.1 mmol/L is allowed.

If in the analysis the sugar indicator slightly exceeds the permissible upper limit, then this indicates a predisposition to impaired glucose metabolism. The result of a study of capillary blood above 6.1 mmol, and venous - more than 7 mmol / l serves as the basis for making a preliminary diagnosis of "diabetes mellitus". However, to confirm the presence of pathology, additional studies are needed.
Load test
This is a study on the sensitivity of cells to the effects of glucose. It helps detect type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes in pregnant women.
First, a standard sugar test is taken from the patient. Next, the patient takes glucose powder. It is pre-dissolved in 300 ml of water. The dosage is determined by the doctor depending on the age and weight of the patient. After 2 hours, a second blood sample is taken.

In deciphering a blood test for sugar with a loadprescribe indicators before taking glucose. Normally, they range from 3.3 to 5.5 mmol / l. 2 hours after the glycemic load, an increase in sugar to a level of 4 to 7.8 mmol / l is allowed.
If sugar after exercise reaches a level of 7.8 to 11.1 mmol/l, then this indicates a pre-diabetic condition. Higher readings suggest diabetes disease.
Be aware that this study sometimes gives false results. Distortion of indicators is possible when taking certain medications, as well as increased physical and emotional stress on the eve of the study.
Glucose tolerance test
This test is similar to the previous study. First, the usual analysis for sugar is carried out by the standard method. Next, the patient takes glucose. Repeated analysis is carried out three times: 60 minutes after the glycemic load, and then blood is taken every 30 minutes.
This study is otherwise called the glycemic or sugar curve. Based on the results of the analysis, the doctor builds a graph with a curved line that shows the sugar level 60, 90 and 120 minutes after exercise. The interpretation of the analysis for sugar, carried out by this method, is similar to the usual test with a load. Normal readings are between 4 and 7.8 mmol/L 2 hours after glucose ingestion.
Determination of HbA1 (glycated hemoglobin) in blood
This is the most informative sugar analysis. It allows you to identify the earliest stages of diabetes. The advantages of the test include the fact that it can be carried out both before meals andafter.
With the help of this test, an indicator of hemoglobin associated with glucose molecules (HbA1) is detected. The results of the analysis can be affected by the intake of vitamins, diseases of the blood and thyroid gland. This test is quite expensive and not available in all laboratories.

In deciphering a blood test for sugar, carried out by this method, the indicators are given as a percentage. The content of glycated hemoglobin up to 5.7% is considered the norm. At rates from 5.8% to 6.4%, a person has an increased risk of impaired glucose metabolism. If the content of glycated hemoglobin exceeds 6.5%, then doctors assume diabetes.
Combined glucose and cholesterol test
Determine the indicator of cholesterol and glucose will help analysis of biochemical parameters. This test combines a blood sugar and lipid test. In addition, the study shows the level of proteins, minerals and liver enzymes.

The norms of analysis for sugar are the same as in a standard study - from 3.3 to 6.1 mmol / l. The biomaterial is taken from a vein on an empty stomach. The analysis is usually taken in the morning.
How to independently determine blood sugar
You can find out your glucose level at home. To do this, you need a special device - a glucometer, which can be purchased at pharmacy chains. Such regular glucose measurement is necessary for patients with diabetes mellitus. This allows you to keep the concentration of sugar under control and take timely measures to bringindicators back to normal.
Patients with insulin-dependent diabetes (type 1) should have their glucose levels checked 4-8 times a day. If you have type 2 diabetes, you need to check your blood sugar twice or thrice a day. Measurements are taken on an empty stomach, before meals and at bedtime.

How to prepare for analysis
How to test for sugar? Before the study, it is very important to follow the rules for preparing for the study, otherwise the test results will be distorted. The following conditions must be met.
- Before a blood test for sugar, you must stop eating 12 hours before taking the biomaterial. During this time, you can only drink pure water.
- Do not use toothpaste, chew gum or smoke before the examination.
- Physiotherapy, massage, and x-rays should not be taken before sugar analysis.
- It is necessary to exclude increased physical activity on the eve of the test.
- It is also important to avoid stress and overwork whenever possible.
Some tests require special preparation. It is recommended that you stop taking your medication 24 hours before the test with a load of glucose tolerance. If it is impossible to refuse medicines, then you need to inform the laboratory assistant about what drugs are being taken.

Do not drink alcohol 3 days before the test. The study can not be carried out with inflammatory andinfectious diseases.
The rules for preparing for a biochemical analysis are the same as for a standard test. If the blood test is carried out by the method of determining glycated hemoglobin, then it is permissible at any time of the day, before or after meals. Before the analysis, you must stop taking vitamin preparations.
Nutritional rules before the study
Before testing blood for glucose, you must adhere to certain dietary rules. Three days before the analysis, you need to stop eating the following foods:
- smoked meats;
- fried food;
- fats;
- confectionery;
- sugar;
- hot spices;
- alcoholic drinks.
This rule applies to all types of glucose testing, except for the exercise test. Before testing for glucose tolerance, it is not recommended to limit yourself to the use of carbohydrates. The patient's diet should be familiar and natural, only then the glycemic curve will show reliable results.
Possible causes of hyperglycemia
If glucose exceeds the norm, then most often this indicates a sugar disease. However, false test results are also possible. An increase in blood sugar can be temporary, usually due to violations of the rules for preparing for the study. False high sugar readings are noted in the following cases.
- If the patient ate before the test.
- If the patient experienced stress and emotional experiences shortly before the study.
- The reason for a false result may bephysical activity on the eve of analysis.
In addition, hyperglycemia can be observed in violation of the function of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, gonads. Uncontrolled medication can provoke an increase in glucose: hormonal drugs, diuretics and anti-inflammatory drugs.
Causes of low glucose levels
Hypoglycemia in the results of the analysis is less common than the increase in sugar levels. Most often, these indicators are caused by an overdose of insulin. This is a rather dangerous condition that can lead to the development of a hypoglycemic coma.
Reducing blood glucose is often observed in case of poisoning, it may be a symptom of arsenic and ethyl alcohol intoxication. Hypoglycemia is also noted in pancreatic tumors, liver and gastrointestinal diseases. Blood sugar can drop with obesity or anorexia.
How to lower glucose
If the analysis reveals a persistent increase in blood glucose, then an endocrinologist should treat hyperglycemia. This condition indicates a lack of insulin in the body. You should carefully follow all the recommendations of a specialist and regularly take prescribed antiglycemic drugs.
A patient with hyperglycemia is advised to completely eliminate sugar, sweet confectionery, alcoholic beverages, coffee and white bread from the diet. The following dishes will help to establish glucose metabolism in the body:
- porridges and side dishes from buckwheat;
- juices from vegetables (beets, carrots, potatoes);
- Jerusalem artichoke;
- cabbage;
- radish;
- fresh cucumbers.

A person suffering from hyperglycemia would benefit from including these foods in their daily diet.
In addition to medicines, daily exercise will help to improve sugar metabolism. Moderate physical activity is useful in diabetes. This consumes a lot of energy, and glucose is consumed in large quantities, which leads to a decrease in its concentration.
If sugar is low
Too little sugar concentration also negatively affects a person's well-being. Hypoglycemia leads to malnutrition of organs and tissues. First of all, the lack of energy substances affects the functions of the brain. In severe cases, coma sets in.
Signs of glucose deficiency are dizziness, hunger, weakness, feeling hot, trembling in the body. To prevent this condition, you need to eat regularly and avoid large intervals between meals. Great physical exertion must also be avoided so as not to waste glucose. If a person takes insulin, then you must strictly adhere to the dosage recommended by the doctor.
A study on sugar can tell a lot about a person's he alth. Therefore, this analysis must be done regularly, even in the absence of signs of hypo- and hyperglycemia. It is useful for diabetics to purchase a glucometer to determine the level of sugar. This will help keep your blood glucose under control.