The Rh factor is a protein found on the surface of red blood cells in the blood. The presence or absence of this antigen can be determined with a simple blood type test.

Statistical data show that one seventh of the planet's population is Rh negative. This means that the protein on the surface of red blood cells, which was mentioned above, is completely absent.
Negative Rh factor in a woman: why is it dangerous?
This genetic feature is characteristic of both men and women, but for a strong half of the population it poses absolutely no danger. Also, women who have it positive should not worry about the Rh factor. The only cause for concern is the case when a woman is Rh-negative, and she carries an Rh-positive fetus. In cases where the blood of the mother of the child does not contain antibodies, and in the father's blood on the surface of erythrocytes isprotein responsible for a positive Rh factor, there is a risk that the fetus will inherit the father's genes. There is a risk of forming a Rhesus conflict, which can cause a number of troubles. They are mainly associated with the second and third pregnancies.

The mother's body accepts the protein in the blood of the fetus as a foreign body, and the process of formation of protective cells begins, which can penetrate the placenta to the unborn child and destroy its immunity even in the womb. At the same time, a pregnant woman does not feel any changes, but they can be determined using special tests. Sometimes the first and second babies are born he althy, but with each subsequent pregnancy, the risk increases more and more. In such cases, they say that the woman has a positive-negative Rh factor. Statistics show that only 0.8% of pregnant women experience such a phenomenon as Rhesus conflict. This can cause miscarriage or some serious illnesses in the baby, such as enlargement of the spleen, heart and liver, jaundice, erythroblastosis or reticulocytosis. In more severe cases - anemia, edematous syndrome in an infant, or even dropsy of the fetus. Since these illnesses are very severe, in many cases stillbirth or death of a newborn may occur.
When does Rh sensitization occur?
There are enough reasons for the mother to start forming antibodies to antigen Dmany:
- getting the baby's blood into the mother's bloodstream during childbirth (in the case when the mother is "positive" and the fetus is Rh-negative);
- in cases of ectopic or interrupted pregnancy, - in case of miscarriage or bleeding for more than 12 weeks, etc.
How to avoid Rh conflict?

In most cases, a mother who does not have the D antigen in her blood will give birth to the first child with the presence of this gene he althy. With subsequent pregnancies, the situation becomes more complicated, but in such cases, do not lose hope. For example, in the body of a mother whose Rh factor is negative, within three days after childbirth or other events that provoke mixing of blood with the opposite Rh factor, special antibodies are introduced that block the formation of protective reactions in the female body. This is the most reliable help for those who want to create a large family and give birth to not only one child, but several.