Light therapy in medicine plays an important role, especially in the last few years. Even Hippocrates described that a bunch of diseases can be cured by using only sunlight. Now everyone knows that the human body converts all the light it receives into electrochemical energy. And this leads to the activation of the biochemical process, which allows you to cover the entire body, and not just the skin.

History of occurrence
Many centuries ago, man began to study light and its beneficial properties. And although they could not fully recognize its nature, already in ancient Greece, such therapy was actively used. At the beginning of the 20th century, thanks to Dr. Finsen, originally from Denmark, some forms of tuberculosis could be treated with light rays. However, at that time, doctors began to give preference to medicines. In 1938, light therapy fell out of favor as it was replaced by penicillin.
Now, thanks to modern physicists and their developments, various devices are being created that can affect the bodyhuman, based on the biological system.
The "Bioptron" ("Zepter") device, which is manufactured by a Swiss company, can be attributed to such developments.
Device structure
Bioptron lamp consists of:
- plastic table stand;
- support pad;
- stand-handle;
- oval lid with ventilation holes;
- power supply and fuse;
- halogen lamp controller;
- grounds;
- fan;
- control and display panels.

At the top of the control panel is the head of the device, which consists of:
- light source;
- Brewster mirrors;
- protective glass filter and dust protector;
- UV protection;
- medical filter.
The device can be installed in three positions: horizontally, vertically and at an angle. The case is designed in such a way as to ensure sufficient cooling of the system in any of the positions. The main thing - before working with the Bioptron lamp, make sure that the vent and fan located in the oval cover are not blocked by anything.
Main instrument parameters
The weight of the device is no more than 0.5 kilograms. Main parameters:
- power supply rated at 230V;
- current frequency is 50Hz;
- color temperature allows about 2600K;
- lamp rated power is 20Tue;
- wavelength - from 480 to 3400 nm;
- specific power - 40 mW/cm2.
The service life of the device is not limited when used correctly.
Color filters
Since the light of the device causes excitation of active zones and points on the skin, especially in a narrow light range, the wavelengths are different and characteristic of a particular color.
In addition to the device itself, the system includes seven color filters "Bioptron" and three homeopathic remedies, which contain essential oils and plant extracts that contribute to the transmission of information.
All light therapy programs, as the basis of a person's psychophysiological state, are aimed at restoring and maintaining informational and energy balance.
Light, passing through the filters, acquires additional properties, for example: drainage of the lymphatic and venous systems, reduction of slagging of the body, and so on.

Each filter color has its own healing effect:
- red - relieves pain, restores blood flow, stimulates blood circulation, nervous and immune systems, and also helps against sadness;
- orange - restores the functions of the intestines and genitourinary system, relieving inflammation, is an antidepressant, and can reduce discomfort during menopause;
- yellow - relieves constipation, reduces acidity, helps the spleen function and the absorption of food by the body, improves the lymphatic system;
- green -tones, cleanses the lungs and bronchi, fights heart disease, helps eliminate headaches and restore the nervous system;
- blue - fights any ENT diseases, helps heal burn wounds, relieves hyperactivity;
- blue - relieves insomnia, depression, sinusitis, conducts epithelialization of wounds and elimination of pain syndromes in the back, joints;
- violet - a tranquilizer for the nervous system, antiseptic, reduces blood pressure, dilating blood vessels, can cause active growth of leukocytes in the spleen.
To achieve the highest performance, you can combine colors based on exposure time.
Operation principle
Bioptron treatment is very effective and safe, as the principle is based on the interaction of a light beam on the skin.
Cellular energy under light exposure is accelerated several times, which allows you to start, in addition, the process of microcirculation, which affects the biostimulation of body cells. Protein metabolism increases, and this, in turn, allows the production of collagen and elastin.
The use of "Bioptron" is possible either by acting directly on the problem area or on biological points.

Operating instructions
Despite the fact that the Bioptron Zepter system is very light and can be used at home, it is still worth consulting a doctor. The specialist will tell you how to achievebetter treatment outcome.
Bioptron instructions are very simple:
- it is best to use the device in a relaxed state, preferably in the morning or before going to bed;
- before use, you need to clean the area of skin from dirt and fat, on which therapeutic manipulation will be carried out;
- the device is installed at an angle of 90 degrees, but at a distance of at least 10 centimeters from the treated area;
- for 1 treatment area should be given separately for 5-10 minutes in the morning and evening;
- when using the device on the face, eyes should be closed;
- on completion of the procedures, the device should be disconnected from the network.
During the procedures, the apparatus may cause discomfort in the area of application. But you shouldn't worry about this. There is no threat to the human body. You just need to relax as much as possible by closing your eyes. Depending on the frequency of use of the device, the discomfort will subside with each use.

Care must be taken when using the device, as the elements are made of fragile glass and plastic.
Always check for free air flow to the unit's vents to achieve maximum cooling.
It is worth using only original components. The manufacturer will not be held responsible for the malfunction of the device if damage was caused during operation due to non-original stands, tripods andother things.
In case of replacement or repair of the lamp of the device, it is necessary to contact only specialized workshops for warranty service. If the repair was carried out independently, the manufacturer is not responsible for the work performed.
You should monitor the humidity in the room where you plan to turn on the device. Humid and hot rooms should be avoided. It is desirable that the temperature is between 10 and 40 degrees.
Do not allow dust or liquids to get inside the device. Avoid vibration and shock.
Indications for use
Since light therapy in our time has been widely used in various fields of medicine. The Swiss device "Bioptron Zepter" is a clear certified example of the uniqueness of the light flux as a biological therapy. He has permission to use medical technology, which was issued by the Federal Service for Surveillance in He alth and Social Development (FS No. 2010/188 of 2010-27-05).

Fields of application, as confirmed by the reviews of "Bioptron", are different:
- dermatovenereology - acne, urticaria, dermatitis, herpes, eczema, mycosis, psoriasis, scars and more;
- dermatosurgery - preoperative preparation, various rehabilitation programs;
- aesthetic cosmetology - stretch marks, wrinkles, premature aging;
- otolaryngology - tonsillitis, rhinitis, frontal sinusitis, otitis media, sinusitis, papillomatosis, etc.;
- therapy - osteochondrosis, asthma,bronchitis, hypertension, hypotension, arthritis, peptic ulcer, etc.;
- urology - prostatitis, balanoposthitis, impotence;
- neurology - stroke, syncope, depression, migraine and more
- pediatrics - prevention of SARS, tonsillitis, hormonal crisis and more;
- surgery - hemorrhoids, bruises, injuries, wounds, burns, hematoma, fistulas, bursitis and more;
- dentistry - stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, periodontitis and more;
- ophthalmology - stye, glaucoma, conjunctivitis, myopia;
- obstetrics and gynecology - colpitis, warts, cervical erosion, frigidity and more.
Bioptron contraindications
Despite the breadth of successful applications, there are limitations to the use of the device. There is a certain list of diseases that prohibits the use of the device:
- active tuberculosis;
- sick heart and kidneys;
- epilepsy;
- blood vessel disease;
- impaired cerebral circulation;
- transplanted organs.
Also, the device must not be used during pregnancy and lactation.
There are diseases in which the use of the device is permissible, but strictly adhering to the instructions of "Bioptron" and under the close supervision of a specialist:
- oncology, since the effect of light on mutated cells of the body has not been fully studied;
- thrombophlebitis (acute form), as a blood clot under the influence of a light beam can come off.
Where to buy the device

If you decide to purchase the Bioptron apparatus, then, without hesitation, you should contact the official dealers of the Zepter company. The order should be placed on the official website of the manufacturer. Beware of fakes! Now many people are trying to cash in on a big name. Made in Switzerland only.
Reviews about "Bioptron" say one thing: it's better to pay once for a high-quality and reliable device than to save money to buy a useless "dummy". Its cost depends only on the modification. If we are talking about a home version, then the lamp will cost about 80,000 rubles. If we are talking about a more powerful lamp for medical institutions, then the price will rise to 300,000 rubles.
Reviews about "Bioptron"
Invest once in the purchase of a miracle device, and it will help you out more than once. Its scope is so wide, and the safety and effectiveness are completely unconditional. In addition, the device can be used for both adults and children with the same effect.
Bioptron readings are unique. Those who have been familiar with the device for more than a year confirm its effectiveness with confidence. It has already been proven by the personal experience of many people that thanks to the device, the growth and renewal of body cells increases. It helps to quickly relieve sharp pain, for example, with sciatica. Improves blood pressure, skin condition, sleep and mood.
Those who got acquainted with the device in the field of cosmetology are also very impressed. Celebrateeffectiveness in the treatment of seborrhea, eczema, acne, herpes and psoriasis. There are even cases after plastic surgery, where the device helped to quickly remove swelling, eliminating inflammation, reducing scarring and normalizing blood circulation.
And, of course, we should not forget that every medical institution actively uses light therapy in its therapeutic manipulations. At first, doctors were somewhat distrustful of such a method in the face of the apparatus of the Zepter company. But over time and with the increase in positive reviews about "Bioptron" it became clear that the device combines only a biological complex for the human body.