What is the normal ESR in a blood test in children? This is a common question. Let's look into it in more detail.
Complete blood count is one of the most affordable, fastest and safest ways to assess the functioning of the internal organs and the general condition of the child. After receiving the form with the test results, parents, as a rule, are lost in an abundance of complex and incomprehensible terms.
In order to have an idea about the he alth of the crumbs even before going to the pediatrician, it is important to know what exactly each indicator means, how it is deciphered and what values are recognized as a variant of the norm for a child of a particular age category.
Complete blood count recommended:
- at least once a year if the child is he althy;
- at least once every six months, if the child is often sick with colds and infectious diseases;
- at least 2 times a year - for children under the age of 3;
- before each preventive vaccination (according to the vaccination calendar).

The simplest method for diagnosing a wide range of different pathologies is to take a general, or clinical, blood test. Together with the standard indicators, the ESR is determined within the framework of the study. This abbreviation refers to the rate at which erythrocytes settle. What exactly does ESR show in a child? Should parents panic if the result is different from the norm? Let's figure it out together.
Norm ESR in the blood of children
ESR, along with the abbreviations ROE or ESR, is the name of one indicator, meaning the rate at which erythrocytes settle. Normally, red blood cells have a negative charge, due to which they repel each other and at the same time do not stick together. Sometimes the amount of protein in the blood plasma, especially fibrinogen or immunoglobulin, can increase. Protein in this case plays the role of a kind of bridge between red blood cells. Such bridges cause aggregation, that is, the process of attaching some red blood cells to others. Clumped erythrocytes can settle in the liquid medium of the blood much faster than he althy ones. In such a situation, such a protein indicates the presence of certain inflammatory pathologies in the body. Directly this analysis makes it possible to recognize them. The rate of ESR in the blood of children is of interest to many.
For reference, let us recall that erythrocytes are called red blood bodies in medicine, which are ninety percent composed of hemoglobin. Their main function is to transport oxygenon the body. They can also regulate acid and alkaline balance with water-s alt metabolism. What is the norm of ESR in the blood of a child of 3 years? Consider further.

Research principle
The basic principle of conducting a study on the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is as follows: blood is placed in a test tube, which is mixed with an anticoagulant, namely sodium citrate. As a result of this process, the red blood cells are separated from the blood plasma, and they subsequently settle to the bottom. The liquid in the upper layer becomes transparent. Further, according to its height, it is estimated at what rate the erythrocytes settled. Clumped red blood cells tend to be heavier, so they will sink faster than their he althy brothers. There is a certain norm of ESR in the blood of children, which you need to focus on when deciphering the results.
The indicator is measured using two methods. So, the Panchenkov method is used, as well as the Westergren method. In the first method, a capillary is used, and in the second, a test tube. The scale for evaluating the results is also different. Westergren's technique is more sensitive to elevated levels, in connection with this, it is used in world practice. The norm of ESR in the blood of a 2-year-old child will be presented below.
A normal rate of sedimentation indicates that no disturbances have been detected in the activity of the children's circulatory system, and there is no inflammatory process directly in the body. The normal values, characteristic for children of different ages, are the followingindicators:
- In newborns, the ESR rate in the blood is 2.0–2.7 millimeters per hour.
- At one to twelve months, 4 to 7 millimeters per hour.
- From one to eight years, the norm of ESR in the blood of children is 4-8 millimeters per hour.
- Eight to twelve years 4 to 11 millimeters per hour.
- From twelve years old and older, the norm of ESR in the blood of children is 3-15 millimeters per hour.
As you can see, as you grow older, the boundaries of normal values expand. A low ESR in a newborn may be due to the peculiarity of protein metabolism in the child's body. Going beyond the generally accepted boundaries indicates the development of a disease that occurs in an acute form, often we are talking about the inflammatory nature of the pathology.
Why might it be necessary to determine the norm of ESR in the blood of children?

When should a child have an ESR?
Children are often prescribed an ESR test as part of preventive measures to diagnose a possible inflammatory process. In addition, the doctor may refer the child for tests if there are suspicions of appendicitis and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Also, the direction for this analysis is given in case of suspicion of a malignant disease. In addition, an ESR test for a child is prescribed when a small patient has digestive disorders along with headaches, poor appetite, weight loss and pelvic discomfort.
It should be noted that the ESR analysis does not giveassurance of an accurate diagnosis. Identify certain he alth problems in children only in combination with the values of other tests. Thus, this requires a complete clinical picture.
Features of blood sampling in children for ESR
The rules for preparing a child for donating blood for ESR boil down to the fact that the sampling is carried out strictly in the morning, in addition, a small patient must come to the clinic on an empty stomach. As part of the Panchenkov method, blood is taken from a finger. According to the method according to Westergren, blood is taken from a vein. In the event that such a test is required for an infant, then the biomaterial is taken from the heel. All you need is just a couple of drops, which are applied to the filter blank. Performing this analysis does not pose any danger to the baby.
Capillary blood
In the event that capillary blood sampling is required, then in children it is taken from the ring finger on the hand, this technique is anatomically considered more harmless. The fingertip is wiped with a piece of cotton wool, which is pre-moistened with alcohol. Also, a solution of alcohol with ether is suitable for wetting. After that, a puncture is made, the first drop is wiped off, as it may have an accidental impurity. Then the blood is collected in a special vessel. It is extremely important that the blood flow from the wound on its own, without any pressure, because during pressure it can be mixed with lymph, which can lead to a change in the cellular, and in addition, the biochemical composition of the biological material of the child. This may laterdistort the result. In order for the blood to flow freely, the baby's hand can be held for a minute in warm water.

Venous blood
During the sampling of venous blood, the doctor tightens the forearm with a special tourniquet, and the biomaterial is taken from the vein with a syringe. To make it easy for the doctor to penetrate the vein with a needle, the child may be asked to work a little with the fist, squeezing and unclenching it.
All methods of taking an ESR analysis are moderately painful for a child, but nevertheless, children can be capricious, as they are afraid of an unknown procedure and are very afraid of the sight of blood. In clinics, during blood sampling, parents are allowed to be near their children. At the same time, it is very important to explain to the child that the analysis is carried out so that he does not get sick later. After this procedure, some children may experience dizziness with nausea. In such cases, chocolate with sweet tea or juice helps well. Also, the baby can be taken to a cafe where he can eat something sweet. This will improve your well-being and help you forget about the unpleasant moment.
Blood on ESR in children
The rate of erythrocyte sedimentation in children varies due to various pathological factors. For example, in girls, this indicator is usually slightly higher than in boys. The fluctuation of this indicator may also depend on the time of day. So during the day the ESR can rise. Next, consider what other factors can influence the deviation of the results of this analysis in children fromnorms.

What does an increase in ESR in a child indicate?
The main reasons for an increased ESR in a child may be the following factors:
- Development of infectious diseases in the form of tuberculosis, measles, mumps, rubella, whooping cough, scarlet fever and others.
- The appearance of bleeding.
- Development of an allergic reaction.
- Presence of injuries or broken bones.
- Metabolic disorder.
- Development of thyroid diseases.
- The appearance of malignant tumors.
True, not always an increase in ESR indicates some kind of illness. In infants, this happens when teething or with a deficiency of vitamins, and, in addition, with improper nutrition of the mother, when the baby is breastfed. In addition, the jump in this indicator occurs due to the intake of fatty foods or due to the use of paracetamol.
If a decrease in the rate of ESR in the blood in children at the age of 5 is detected, for example. What does this mean?
What does a decrease in ESR in a child mean?
The low level of this indicator may be due to the following factors:
- Having persistent diarrhea.
- Incessant vomiting.
- Dehydration of the child's body.
- Development of viral hepatitis in a child.
- Destrophic pathologies of the heart.
- Chronic circulatory failure.
It is important to consider that a reduced ESR is normal in the first two weeks of lifebaby.
How to normalize ESR in the blood of children 6 years old?

How can I normalize the level of ESR in a child?
As noted earlier, it is simply impossible to determine the diagnosis based solely on the ESR. In the event that the value of this analysis is far from normal, the doctor may recommend additional examinations:
- Performing biochemical analysis.
- Determination of sugar along with hormonal research.
- Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity.
- Feces on helminth eggs.
- Taking a chest x-ray.

Further treatment depends on the results obtained. As a rule, in order to normalize the indicators, antibiotics with antiviral or antihistamine drugs are prescribed. There are also methods from the field of non-traditional treatment, which include taking decoctions from herbs with anti-inflammatory effects, for example, such as chamomile and linden. Tea with raspberry, lemon and honey may also be shown. In addition, foods that are rich in fiber should be included in the child's diet, protein foods of natural origin are also recommended.
We reviewed the ESR rate in a blood test in children.