Medicine 2024, October

Sodium barbital: use and dosage

Sodium barbital: use and dosage

Chronic lack of sleep, disorders of the nervous system are not fatal in themselves, but they bring significant harm to he alth and well-being. Medicines of the barbiturate class help treat these ailments

For what reasons does the joint crunch?

For what reasons does the joint crunch?

Diseases of the joints are a very common phenomenon in our society, and the number of causes of arthritis and arthrosis is constantly growing. Why is this happening?

What will the computed tomography of the intestine show? How to prepare and where is it better to do an intestinal tomography in Moscow

What will the computed tomography of the intestine show? How to prepare and where is it better to do an intestinal tomography in Moscow

A person throughout his life has to deal with various diseases and examinations. So, quite a few people decide to examine their own intestines. In this article, we will talk about what is computed tomography of the intestine and what problems it can reveal

Intestinal colonoscopy: preparation for the procedure, indications and consequences

Intestinal colonoscopy: preparation for the procedure, indications and consequences

Intestinal colonoscopy is the most effective method for diagnosing intestinal diseases. This method gives accurate information about the state of the intestinal mucosa. If suspicious areas are found, the doctor takes the tissue for examination. As a result, it is possible to detect the formation of malignant tumors at the earliest stage

ANF analysis: purpose, classification, interpretation

ANF analysis: purpose, classification, interpretation

Most autoimmune pathologies are chronic and pose a serious threat to he alth. In order to identify these ailments at the earliest stage of their development, doctors prescribe an analysis of the ANF. This abbreviation stands for "antinuclear factor"

What is synechia in girls?

What is synechia in girls?

Synechia in girls in medicine implies a gradual fusion of the labia minora. According to experts, this kind of problem in infants is relatively rare today. The most dangerous age is considered to be from one year to three years

Muller's hormone - what does it mean? Anti-Mullerian hormone: the norm of indicators in women

Muller's hormone - what does it mean? Anti-Mullerian hormone: the norm of indicators in women

Not everyone knows what Muller's hormone is, but some women are too well aware of all directions in the research of this substance. These are those who cannot become pregnant on their own, in connection with which they undergo a variety of tests, including those of the endocrine system. Muller's hormone is determined at the stage of preparing a woman for IVF - in vitro fertilization

Spleen: what is it, functions, diseases

Spleen: what is it, functions, diseases

Functional purpose of the spleen: what does the organ look like, where is it located and what role does it play in the body? Diseases of the spleen: symptoms, treatment and prevention

Preparing for the examination: how to take a stool test

Preparing for the examination: how to take a stool test

Before we tell you how to take a stool test, we will tell you why it (analysis) is needed at all. The fact is that during this analysis they look at the appearance of feces, as well as at the results of its chemical and microscopic studies. More about this in our article

The best children's infectious disease specialists in Moscow: where they accept, make an appointment, reviews

The best children's infectious disease specialists in Moscow: where they accept, make an appointment, reviews

How to find a good pediatric infectious disease specialist in Moscow? Of course, when it comes to infection in a child's body, you need to act very quickly, and it is simply impossible for parents to spend hours on the Internet looking for information and reviews about every existing specialist. But the mistake in choosing an insufficiently competent doctor can be too serious. It is best to familiarize yourself in advance with the list of the best children's infectious disease specialists in Moscow, presented below

1 infectious diseases hospital, Volokolamsk highway, 63: departments, conditions of stay, patient reviews

1 infectious diseases hospital, Volokolamsk highway, 63: departments, conditions of stay, patient reviews

Among the many infectious diseases hospitals in Moscow, ICH number 1 stands out - the former 82nd infectious diseases hospital, which is on Volokolamskoye Highway. What is special about it, how does it differ from others and what services does it provide?

Does fluorography show pneumonia? Diagnostic features and recommendations

Does fluorography show pneumonia? Diagnostic features and recommendations

What is fluorography? The difference between classical and digital. How is it inferior to X-ray examination? In what cases is it prescribed? What is digital radiography? Comparison of fluorography and x-ray. What pathologies does the picture show? How to determine pneumonia on it? What types of pneumonia do not show on x-ray?

Splenic vein: the norm in adults, causes of expansion and methods of treatment

Splenic vein: the norm in adults, causes of expansion and methods of treatment

In the article, we will consider what are the norms of the splenic vein. The spleen is a lymphoreticular organ located in the circulatory system. It is located in the hypochondrium on the left. The splenic vein exits the spleen and receives blood from the veins of the stomach and pancreas

Argon plasma coagulation of the cervix: description of the procedure, effectiveness and reviews

Argon plasma coagulation of the cervix: description of the procedure, effectiveness and reviews

The cervix is considered the most vulnerable part of the female reproductive system. It is subject to many specific diseases, most of which require medical or surgical therapy. The choice of a method of treatment depends on several factors: the nature of the pathology, the place of its localization, the degree of severity. One of the methods of intervention is argon plasma coagulation. This procedure will be discussed in more detail in today's article

How to choose a sanatorium with treatment (Crimea). Sanatoriums in the Crimea. Crimea: treatment, sanatoriums

How to choose a sanatorium with treatment (Crimea). Sanatoriums in the Crimea. Crimea: treatment, sanatoriums

Sanatorium with treatment (Crimea) is the best solution for orthopedic disorders, diseases of the heart, blood vessels, respiratory organs, nervous system, and skin. Climatotherapy lies in the healing power of natural insolation and the special composition of atmospheric air. These healing factors are complemented by the charm of swimming in the warm sea and relaxing on sandy beaches

Causes of pressure 100 to 80. Norm by age

Causes of pressure 100 to 80. Norm by age

Many of us have no idea what dangers can warn us when carelessly handling the most precious thing we have - he alth. In this article, we will talk about whether the pressure of 100 to 80 is normal. Who can most often find it, and how it threatens different groups of people. This article is recommended for people of all ages

Advantages and disadvantages of the Regional Diagnostic Center of Bryansk

Advantages and disadvantages of the Regional Diagnostic Center of Bryansk

The general situation in the region often depends on the level of medical care. Employees of the Regional Diagnostic Center of Bryansk are guarding the he alth of the Bryansk residents. The most advanced equipment is located here, highly qualified specialists work

Medical center "Capital": description, address, photo, reviews

Medical center "Capital": description, address, photo, reviews

Medical Center "Capital" is a place where you can diagnose and treat many diseases, from heart problems to the elimination of mimic wrinkles. Today we will find out where this center is located, what specific services are provided there, and also what people think about such a service

Thalamus: functions and structure. The role of the thalamus and hypothalamus in the body

Thalamus: functions and structure. The role of the thalamus and hypothalamus in the body

The diencephalon (thalamus and hypothalamus, mainly) has many important functions that make normal life possible. In the article we will figure out what role in life belongs to the thalamus and hypothalamus

Knee braces for sports

Knee braces for sports

When playing sports, it is important to pay attention not only to the results and muscle training. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the joints, especially the lower extremities. The knee is subjected to the greatest load, therefore, with careless movements, injuries are possible. And because of constant physical influences, the joint wears out: cartilage is destroyed and ligaments become inflamed

Blood test for allergens: deciphering the results

Blood test for allergens: deciphering the results

Allergy is a strong reaction of the body to a substance. It is characterized by the appearance of a number of diverse symptoms: itching, sneezing, runny nose, rashes and swelling. In some situations, death is not ruled out. You can get rid of allergies only after getting rid of the allergen, but before that, it must be detected. Allergen detection is carried out by taking a blood test for allergens

Face ozonotherapy: reviews and contraindications

Face ozonotherapy: reviews and contraindications

In the pursuit of beauty, women often resort to various methods of correcting the skin on their faces. Facial ozone therapy is considered to be one of the most effective and effective procedures recently. What is the essence of the manipulation, how is it carried out and what result can be achieved, according to user reviews? We will also consider the methods of implementation and possible complications from therapy

The average volume of erythrocytes is lowered: causes

The average volume of erythrocytes is lowered: causes

The average volume of erythrocytes is an important indicator of their usefulness and functional ability. Its decrease is observed in severe diseases of the blood system - anemia. Why is there a decrease in this indicator?

Diphyllobothriasis of fish. Diphyllobothriasis - what is this disease?

Diphyllobothriasis of fish. Diphyllobothriasis - what is this disease?

Parasitic diseases are becoming more and more common. A special place among them is occupied by helminthiases - diseases provoked by worms. Such a disease is diphyllobothriasis. What is this pathology, how does it manifest itself and how can it be cured?

Sugar 5.5 in the blood is a lot? The norm of blood sugar in a he althy person

Sugar 5.5 in the blood is a lot? The norm of blood sugar in a he althy person

Many, when undergoing medical examinations, faced the need to do a blood test. One of the main indicators of this analysis is blood sugar. What are its normal numbers, what can a sugar level of 5.5 indicate, and in what cases should you be wary?

MRI of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space: reviews. Abdominal MRI: What's Included?

MRI of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space: reviews. Abdominal MRI: What's Included?

On the market of instrumental research methods, a new method has recently appeared - magnetic resonance imaging. What is this procedure?

Platelets: the norm in children. Blood test for platelets: decoding and interpretation of the results

Platelets: the norm in children. Blood test for platelets: decoding and interpretation of the results

Platelets are the main "mechanical defenders" of our body. What are these cells, and what is their norm in children of different ages?

Bombay phenomenon - what is it?

Bombay phenomenon - what is it?

The Bombay Phenomenon is a unique manifestation of the blood type. What is it, how and why does it develop and what are the features of the life of people with this condition

ACTH (hormone) - what is it? adrenocorticotropic hormone

ACTH (hormone) - what is it? adrenocorticotropic hormone

Hormones are the main regulators of all systems of our body. One of the main hormones is adrenocorticotropic. What is this substance, and what functions does it perform?

"Diaskintest": reviews. "Diaskintest" in the diagnosis of tuberculosis

"Diaskintest": reviews. "Diaskintest" in the diagnosis of tuberculosis

Tuberculosis diagnosis is getting better and better. The already outdated method (Mantoux reaction) was replaced by a new, more accurate and safe one - diaskintest. What is this method?

MCHC (blood test): transcript, norm

MCHC (blood test): transcript, norm

MCHC is a rather important indicator of not only blood, but also the functioning of the body as a whole. What is this indicator and why is its definition so important?

Coronary bypass surgery - what is it? Coronary artery bypass grafting

Coronary bypass surgery - what is it? Coronary artery bypass grafting

Ischemic heart disease is becoming more and more common. Conservative methods do not always allow to cope with this disease. One of the treatments for coronary artery disease is coronary artery bypass grafting

Electroencephalography - what is it? How is electroencephalography performed?

Electroencephalography - what is it? How is electroencephalography performed?

Many nervous diseases are difficult to diagnose. This is especially true of diseases that occur with a change in the electrical activity of the brain. To diagnose such processes, a special method was created - electroencephalography

Micropolarization of the brain of children: reviews. Transcranial micropolarization method

Micropolarization of the brain of children: reviews. Transcranial micropolarization method

The nervous system is one of the most complex structures in the body. Due to it, almost all daily human activities are carried out

Enteral routes of drug administration

Enteral routes of drug administration

Depending on the pathology, the ways of administering drugs are also chosen so that they affect the body as quickly and efficiently as possible. Having knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of certain methods of administering drugs, for each patient, you can choose the most optimal option

What is topography in anatomy? Topographic anatomy

What is topography in anatomy? Topographic anatomy

Topographic anatomy performs a number of particularly important tasks, including the description of the exact location of organs in both natural and pathological states. The results of this science are widely and actively used in the diagnosis of diseases, therapy, and, most importantly, in surgery

Listeria monocytogenes: bacteria, causes of listeriosis, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Listeria monocytogenes: bacteria, causes of listeriosis, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Listeria monocytogenes is a gram-positive microscopic life form that causes listeriosis in humans. The bacterium multiplies in food. Once in the human body, it penetrates into the cellular structure, where it remains to parasitize. Studies have shown that predominantly pathogenic microflora is concentrated in the liver, spleen

Why do mosquito bites itch?

Why do mosquito bites itch?

As soon as the sun starts to warm up outside, one small buzzing problem immediately appears - a mosquito and all that unpleasant that can be associated with it. Let's see why mosquitoes drink blood and, in fact, why mosquito bites itch

What is a mutation?

What is a mutation?

Mutations are called spontaneous changes in the DNA structure of living organisms, leading to the occurrence of all kinds of abnormalities in growth and development. So, let's consider what a mutation is, the reasons for its occurrence and the classifications that exist in the science. It is also worth paying attention to the impact of changes in the genotype on the nature

How to open an ampoule: tricks and tricks

How to open an ampoule: tricks and tricks

Ampoule is a sealed glass container designed to store liquid and powder medicines. Since its main feature is tightness, it should be assumed that it is sealed on all sides and it is sometimes very difficult to get to its contents. So, let's consider methods that give an answer to the question: "How to open an ampoule without harming yourself and others?" In addition, we will figure out what ampoules are and what they are for