What should be the weight gain in infants?

What should be the weight gain in infants?
What should be the weight gain in infants?

Every person is unique and inimitable. This property is manifested from birth. Some of the babies are born with a weight much higher than the norm, and from the first months they are considered a hero. Other children, being premature, gain the necessary kilograms with great difficulty, trying to catch up with their peers in all respects. The way a baby develops and grows up to a year determines the usefulness of his he alth. Is weight gain in infants appropriate? How many centimeters should a baby grow every month? These and other questions always worry young mothers. The article provides answers to them, as well as some statistics on changes at an early age.

weight gain in babies
weight gain in babies

Change in height in infants during the first year of life

The length of the body at birth in a child ranges on average from 40 to 55 centimeters. Growth increases especially intensively in the first three months - 3 cm each. Then the pace slows down a little. Growth increases from three months to six monthsmonthly by 2.5 cm, from 6 to 9 months - by 1.5-2 cm. In the last time period, the increase is even less. For the 10-12th months, the growth is 3 cm. On average, one-year-old babies have a body length of about 75 cm.

How does weight gain in infants change with age?

weight gain in children
weight gain in children

The weight of a newborn baby can be from 2.6 to 4.5 kg. Usually in the first week of life, the weight decreases slightly. This is due to adaptation to new conditions. With a not quite steady feeding regimen, the baby loses a large amount of fluid. In the following weeks of the first month, the child actively restores the lost weight, adding up to twenty grams daily. In the second month, intensive growth continues. The daily increase is already about thirty grams (about 800-100 g in 30 days). By the fourth month, the weight of the baby doubles. At 12 months, the baby should have a mass, three times in comparison with the one that was at birth. But all these figures are average indicators, since the actual increase in each baby is individual and may differ slightly from the norm. It depends on many factors, the main of which is the nutrition of the baby.

What is the difference in weight gain in infants depending on the form of feeding?

Significantly affects the gain on what kind of feeding your baby is - artificial or breastfeeding. As a rule, the use of formula by a child gives a larger monthly increase.

Why can babies gain less than normal weight?

weight gain in preterm infants
weight gain in preterm infants

This could be due to several reasons. These include:

  • developmental anomaly;
  • serious illness (allergies, digestive problems, etc.);
  • violation of the feeding regimen (less than 5 times a day, insufficient sucking time, early introduction of additional food, little milk from mom).

How is weight gain different for premature babies?

For the physical development of crumbs, higher rates of weight gain and growth are characteristic. Already by 2-3 months, their mass doubles, and by 3-5 it triples. A one-year-old baby weighs 4-7 times more than what he had at birth.

How much weight gain do children over one year old?

From 12 months to two years old, the baby should gain 2.5-3 kg in weight. Each subsequent calendar period of time, until the onset of puberty, the mass increases by an average of 2 kg per year. But do not be upset if there is a significant discrepancy with all indicators, because the main condition is the he alth of your baby.
