Important to know what kind of doctors you need to pass for a driving school?

Important to know what kind of doctors you need to pass for a driving school?
Important to know what kind of doctors you need to pass for a driving school?

Before entering a driving school, you should definitely provide a certificate of your fitness. You can take this document at the clinic at the place of residence, but you need to know whose signature and seal should be on it. It would be useful to inquire about this in advance. In order not to run around the clinic later in search of the necessary information, you can find out about the list at the reception.

So who?

what doctors need to pass for a driving school
what doctors need to pass for a driving school

During a visit to the clinic, you can find out which doctors go for a driving school using the certificate form that will be issued at the registry office. There will be a therapist, an ophthalmologist, an otolaryngologist (in other words, an ENT), a neurologist, a surgeon and, of course, a psychiatrist and narcologist. It is from the signature and conclusion of these specialists that the fate of training at a driving school depends. In addition, they may need tests, it is also worth going through an ECG, taking a general urine and blood test, they will definitely need a fluorography, and for women - a conclusion fromgynecologist.

Help is especially needed in order to start the practical part of the training, and even during the exams in the traffic police. It would be useful to pass the commission in advance, and only then go to study, so in which case it will be possible to improve your he alth or even find out about your unsuitability for driving.

medical certificate for driving school which doctors
medical certificate for driving school which doctors


If the decision to enter is firm and not subject to appeal, then it is also worth taking some documents with you for a medical examination. It is worth taking a passport, as well as a 3 by 4 photo, it is these documents that are required first by a medical certificate for a driving school. "Which doctors should be first?" - there will be a natural question. And you need to start with a narcologist and a psychiatrist who will issue personal certificates that confirm that the person is not registered with these specialists. Immediately it is worth noting that these certificates are paid, so you will have to fork out additionally. With them, you need to visit other specialists who are required by a certificate to a driving school. Which doctors should be next?

Further everything is simple

certificate to a driving school which doctors
certificate to a driving school which doctors

If the photo is already ready, then you can proceed to further trips, if not, then you should go to the photo salon and take a picture. For rights, a photo is not needed, it will be taken immediately before they are received, in this case it is necessary to stick it on the certificate form.

In any clinic you can find out which doctors you need to go through for a driving school, you can go through them in a private clinic orany other institution. But for this kind of activity there must be a special license, the state hospital certainly has it.

During the visit, the first thing that opens up to the eye is the reception, it is here that you should present your passport and a photo that the sister will stick on the form according to which the examination will be carried out. Also here they will note which doctors need to go through for a driving school, they will note the number of the office and the hours of admission. You can manage quite well in a day, but you can get by with a couple of hours, it all depends on the number of visitors to a particular specialist.

To whom first?

You can start with any office that is listed in the certificate, but it is best to start with an ophthalmologist. It is this specialist who will inspect with particular meticulousness, and no wonder, because it is necessary to check the most important organ for the driver - the eyes. The clarity and sharpness of vision, as well as color perception and many other tests are checked, and in which case treatment and selection of glasses are prescribed to help prevent mistakes on the road. But if the doctor prescribes wearing glasses, then it is best to take a photo on the rights in them, but today they don’t find fault with this.

which doctors pass for driving school
which doctors pass for driving school


Next, the list of doctors to pass for a driving school is headed by an ENT. Hearing, along with the eyes, helps to drive a car, because there can be many signals on the road, and all of them need to be distinguished. If there are problems, the doctor should be warned about this, and he will prescribe audiometry - a special examination that will show the degree of hearing loss. Some degrees of hearing impairment (deafness) may not prevent amateur driving, but they still impose their limitations.

After that, the conclusion of a surgeon and a neurologist will be required, it does not matter who to go to first. But these specialists are also related to the conclusion about the he alth status of the future driver. On the part of these specialists, there may also be contraindications to entering a driving school. Women will also need the conclusion of a gynecologist, without it they cannot pass any medical examination, and not only the one required for admission to driving lessons. The last on the list of what doctors need to go through for a driving school is a therapist. It is this specialist who evaluates the conclusions of all previous colleagues and makes the final verdict on a person’s readiness for learning. On the basis of its seal, the seal of the institution is set, and the certificate acquires legal force.
