If you stepped on a nail, what to do

If you stepped on a nail, what to do
If you stepped on a nail, what to do

If a person stepped on a nail while doing housework, what to do in such a situation? Not everyone knows the answer, but it is timely measures that can prevent many complications. A puncture wound with a nail can become inflamed or cause tetanus.

If the object or nail has not entered too deeply, then it is worth removing it from the body, and disinfecting the wound with hydrogen peroxide and alcohol. Remove foreign objects from the wound with sterilized tweezers. You can make it so by piercing it over a fire or by simply boiling it.

stepped on a nail what to do
stepped on a nail what to do

Everything is much more serious if the nail is deeply embedded in the body. In this situation, only a doctor should take any action. Neither the nail nor its parts can be removed independently, as they can penetrate deeper into the flesh. The doctor will pull out the nail, examine the wound, and remove any debris and foreign bodies.

If a person stepped on a nail, we have already figured out what to do. If it so happened that a person ran into a larger object, and now he or his fragment sticks out of the body, it is not worth it.try to extract. The protruding part should be tried to be shortened, and the object itself should be immobilized with a bandage, which should be sterile if possible. With this type of injury, a person should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible, where he will be provided with quality care.

But in case of injury with a really large foreign object, and even if vital organs are affected, in no case should you touch the body, but you need to urgently call an ambulance. With rash actions and inadequate assistance, bleeding may develop, which, not even an hour, will lead to death.

tetanus shot for trauma
tetanus shot for trauma

A person living in the modern world, when medicine is at a sufficiently high level, must take care of himself in advance in order to minimize the risk that may arise in a situation if, for example, he stepped on a nail. What to do in order not to worry about the consequences, you ask? First of all, a tetanus shot must be given. With an injury of such a nature as a stab wound with a nail, the risk of developing tetanus increases significantly. If five years have not passed since the last vaccination, then you should not worry, the risk of developing a fatal disease is minimal. With a vaccination period of five to ten years, it is worth stimulating the immune system and introducing tetanus toxoid: it will protect the body and extend the duration of the vaccine for another ten years. But if more than ten years have passed since the last vaccination, or its date is completely unknown, then it is worth vaccinating a person from tetanus completely.

medicines forwound treatment
medicines forwound treatment

In addition to vaccinations, wound care medicines, an important component of which is hydrogen peroxide, which releases atomic oxygen, play an important role in the prevention of tetanus. For tetanus bacteria, it is detrimental, their growth and development occurs in the absence of oxygen, which is facilitated by a stab wound of the foot when he stepped on a nail. What to do in such a situation, we now know. The main thing is to take care of your he alth and, if necessary, immediately contact a specialist.
