Suppositories can be designed for insertion into the rectum or into the vagina. This form of medication is often prescribed to patients today because suppositories are effective and do not have a harmful effect on the digestive system. But not all patients know how to properly insert suppositories into the rectum or vagina.

Medicinal suppositories
Suppositories for introduction into the rectum are widely used in the treatment of infectious diseases of the excretory and reproductive systems. Suppositories from hemorrhoids are often used, which reduce pain, reduce nodes and relieve itching. This way of taking the medicine has many positive qualities compared to pills. How to properly insert candles will be described later.
The drug contained in the candles immediately enters the bloodstream, that is, it acts much faster and much more efficiently. In addition, rect althe use of drugs does not have a negative effect on the digestive system (especially if there is a need to take a large dosage). But sometimes suppositories are still not recommended for medical reasons. These are severe forms of hemorrhoids, proctitis, rectal fissures and other diseases.
Introduction of rectal suppositories
How to insert candles correctly? The technique of treatment with rectal suppositories is quite simple, but for those who have never encountered this form of drugs, difficulties may arise. Before inserting the suppository into the rectum correctly, you need to wash and dry your hands well. Hands should not be hot, because the candle will melt too quickly. For this reason, before starting the procedure, it is recommended to keep the medicine in the refrigerator or under cool tap water for several minutes. But the candle should not be too cold, because this can lead to discomfort.

How to properly insert suppositories rectally? The candle should be released from the packaging when it becomes a little warmer. If the doctor has prescribed only half of the suppository, you need to cut the medicine lengthwise with a clean knife. When inserting, it is better to use clean medical gloves. You need to take care of their availability in advance. For ease of insertion and a minimum of discomfort, it is advisable to lubricate the sharp end of the candle with cream (children's or special lubricant). Vaseline is not recommended for this. If there is no suitable remedy at hand, then you can usually use a vegetableoil. If nothing like this is at hand, it is enough to moisten the anus with plain water.

Sometimes the contents of a candle may leak. Therefore, you should take care in advance that there are several disposable napkins nearby. How to insert candles correctly? It is most convenient to administer the medicine in a pose on the side. In this case, the lower leg should remain straight, and the upper leg should be bent at the knee (towards the stomach). With one hand, you need to lift the upper buttock and advance the candle a distance of about five centimeters. After the introduction, you need to squeeze the buttocks and hold them in this position for a couple of minutes. Then you should remain in the supine position for a few more minutes. This will keep the candle from coming out until it is completely dissolved.
Introduction of vaginal suppositories
In gynecology, suppositories and tablets for local effects are also widely used, which must be inserted into the vagina. How to insert suppositories into the vagina? Before the procedure, you should wash your hands and perineal area very thoroughly without using aggressive detergents. It is better to insert vaginal suppositories at night, doing this already in bed. Some drugs are sold with an applicator that allows you to enter the drug and advance it to the required depth correctly.
How to insert vaginal suppositories correctly? For convenience, you need to take a prone position, pull your knees to your chest and insert the applicator, with which you can push the candle into the vagina. Remove the applicator very carefully and without haste. In the absence of a special applicator, a candle is requiredfingers as far as possible. If the injection is shallow, the medicine will simply flow out.

After the procedure, you need to lie down for at least 30 minutes. Candles are not completely absorbed, so for hygienic purposes, you will need to use a napkin or sanitary pad. At the time of therapy, it is better to refuse sexual intercourse in order to avoid re-infection. The partner also needs to be examined, because men of this kind of diseases are often asymptomatic.
Vaginal pills: how to insert
Vaginal tablets eliminate gynecological diseases or are designed to protect against unwanted pregnancy. These drugs are in solid form. Before using the tablets, you need to wash your hands, if the nails are long, then it is advisable to wear medical gloves. The tablet should be moistened with water. The medicine is administered in a prone or squatting position as deep as possible into the vagina. After the introduction, it is desirable to lie down for at least 15 minutes. If the doctor has prescribed a pill at night, then you should not get out of bed.

Pills for contraception contain substances that destroy the membrane of spermatozoa, which leads to the inability of male germ cells to conceive. These substances dissolve and form a film on the mucosa. The film forms a thick plug that prevents sperm from entering the uterus. So, tablets are considered a barrier remedy. Introduce such contraceptivesneeded just before sex. It is important to follow all the instructions and recommendations of the doctor. After the introduction, you can not wash for 30-60 minutes.
Medications in the form of suppositories or tablets in the vagina are prescribed for discharge, itching and burning, and an unpleasant odor. In addition, this form of drug administration can be used to prevent unwanted pregnancy. With abundant discharge, it is recommended to first rinse the vagina so that there is an effect from the use of the medicine. But do not use detergents with aggressive ingredients.

Only a doctor can prescribe vaginal tablets or suppositories. You can not self-medicate or act on the advice of a friend. The wrong scheme of application can complicate the course of the disease, and the process will become chronic as a result. Such self-activity is also unacceptable in the case of pills that are used as a means of contraception.
Introducing candles to young children
How to properly insert candles for young children? Here the procedure is slightly different. The child needs to be put on his back and with one hand lift the legs up. With the second hand, the candle is inserted into the rectum. Previously, it is better to lubricate the anus from the outside with a small amount of baby cream or oil. The medicine should be used after a bowel movement so that the suppository does not come out with the feces. It is better for very young children to inject suppositories during sleep.

Assignment of rectal suppositories to children
Children are often prescribed rectal suppositories, because this is a gentle form of the drug. They are prescribed even to newborns to reduce the temperature in case of illness. Suppositories are very effective, although the procedure cannot be called pleasant. To prevent the baby from crying, you need to distract him with a toy or turn on a cartoon. It is very important when using suppositories to think about the risk-benefit ratio. It may make sense to save the child from an extra dose of the drug if the body can handle itself.