Today, the Vishnevsky Institute is a leading research center and a multidisciplinary institution that is in the arsenal of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. And the school of surgeons, which Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR A. V. Vishnevsky created so carefully and painstakingly throughout his life, is rightfully considered the pride of not only Russian, but also world surgery.
The origin of everything
It all started in the harsh post-war years, namely in the victorious 1945, when there were many wounded and disabled, whose lives and destinies were crippled by the war. All of them needed, first of all, surgical care, which was provided by the severity of their condition. It was necessary to create a truly advanced center and, with it, the most powerful school of surgeons in the world who would be able to cope with any problem.

For such an institute, famous experts in their field were required. Until 1947, it was led by Mikhail NikiforovichAkhutin, the greatest surgeon of the 20th century Sergey Sergeevich Yudin, and Boris Vasilyevich Petrovsky. After them, Professor Alexander Vasilyevich Vishnevsky, who for a long time headed the institute, took the helm of the established institution. From 1976 to 1988, one of the many students of Vishnevsky, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor Kuzin Mikhail Ilyich, was the head of the flagship of domestic surgery. He was replaced by Vladimir Dmitrievich Fedorov, who headed the institution until 2010. His leadership did not fall on the most peaceful years in the country and the world as a whole, but this did not prevent the institute from maintaining its reputation.
What can they do?
Institute of Surgery. Vishnevsky can boast of high activity, because every year about 3,500 patients regain their he alth, and sometimes life, here. For doctors, surgery of the abdominal cavity, blood vessels, heart, chest will not be a problem.

Purulent surgery, which is fraught with dangerous complications, has no chance before the specialists of the center. At a high level is the treatment of thermal lesions of varying degrees of complexity, as well as maxillofacial surgery. New methods of surgical intervention are constantly being developed and introduced into practical he althcare, which are used not only by the Vishnevsky Institute itself. Feedback from grateful patients is the most expensive and high-quality assessment of the work of a well-coordinated team of specialists.
Approach from all sides
Employees during medical activities, as well as the development of the latest methods of surgical interventiona pathophysiological direction is applied, which allows solving many tasks.

It was here that the world's first clinical-physiological studies were carried out concerning heart sounding, the use of artificial circulation, artificial ventilation of the lungs, phonocardiography, and ballistography. The questions of the mechanics of respiration, gas exchange in the lungs were studied. And how much medical equipment has been developed here, it's just hard to imagine! The Vishnevsky Institute is rightfully proud of its research and development.
Vishnevsky could do anything

The fact that their institution is named after one of the prominent scientists of domestic surgery, academician Alexander Vasilyevich Vishnevsky, causes pride of employees. It was he, together with his son Alexander, who created his own method of pain relief, based on the idea of a trophic function that the nervous system can perform. In practice, the theoretically and practically proven concept of weak stimulation of the nervous system by an electrical impulse is also used. Based on this fact, the technique is used in the treatment of diseases. Everyone in the world knows the work aimed at the use of oil antiseptics and novocaine blockades. It is these developments that are widely used by the Vishnevsky Institute, and they are rightfully awarded the Rene Leriche Prize. The name of Alexander Vasilievich Vishnevsky is closely associated with the world's first commissurotomy performed under local anesthesia. Fulfilled thisa wonderful surgeon also the first open heart operation using a heart-lung machine. He transplanted the most important circulatory organ to a person, and also developed and introduced into wide practice a method for treating disturbed heart rhythm using electrical impulses.
State of the Art
The Vishnevsky Institute today is not only the largest research center, but also a medical institution in Russia.

The best specialists work here and consider it a great honor for themselves and a sign of recognition of their professional achievements. Numerous academicians, professors, doctors and candidates of science daily direct all their knowledge and skills to save and restore people's he alth. But whatever their knowledge and skills, without the most modern equipment, which the Vishnevsky Institute has in abundance, all efforts would be in vain.
There is always hope
With the use of advanced technology, even the most insidious disease can be recognized in the shortest possible time. The Vishnevsky Institute can boast of conducting within its walls both classical operations and interventions at the micro level.

In all areas of surgery, this scientific and medical center has established itself as the most advanced leader. About 24 thousand citizens from Russia and other countries come here to return their lost he alth to them at the Institute. Vishnevsky. Moscow, where the institution is located, is always happy to receivehis guests so that they leave perfectly he althy people.