Ultrasound is a diagnostic method often used in medicine. It is highly informative and accessible. Ultrasound machines are even available in clinics in small towns.
The advantages of the method are:
- high information content of the results obtained;
- harmlessness of the procedure;
- low cost compared to other types of diagnostics;
- research is being conducted in real time;
- use of diagnostic manipulations not only for examination, but also for control during surgical interventions
However, this method has disadvantages. They are negligible compared to the benefits of using this method.
Disadvantages of ultrasound:
- dependence of the reliability of information on the qualifications of the doctor;
- restriction of the examined area by the size of the "ultrasonic window"
To choose a doctor for an ultrasound examination, you can ask your friends about their personal experience of undergoing ultrasound, read reviews on the Internet.

Ultrasound in Belarus
Minsk is the center of medical tourism for the countries of the former Soviet Union. In the capital of Belarus, the qualifications, education, and experience of a doctor working in a paid medical center are strictly regulated. The activities of medical centers are controlled by the state.
Ultrasound examination in Minsk
Most of the capital's clinics are overcrowded as in any major city. If research is needed, everyone decides where to get an ultrasound in Minsk.
Usually a doctor from a polyclinic at the place of residence sends a patient for a free examination. But the waiting list for it can reach several months. Therefore, many patients do not wait for the time to undergo an ultrasound scan for free, but enroll in public hospitals, polyclinics on a fee basis or private medical centers.
The level of service does not always correspond to the level of paid medicine. Sometimes you have to wait in line at the door of the office due to errors of the registrar or the slowness of the doctor. When visiting an ultrasound room in a state clinic, it is better to take napkins and a diaper with you - they are not always offered even at a paid appointment.

When contacting a paid center, the level of service is slightly higher. Doctors are usually tactful and patient. Napkins and sheets are available. You only need an identity document with you, money to pay for the service, some studies may require a referral from a medical institution at the place of service. Passport is not always required.
Before visiting a doctor, an agreement is concluded forprovision of services. Payment can be made before or after the doctor's visit.
Preparation for ultrasound
Some ultrasound examinations do not require special preparation. On the day of treatment without preparation, you can study: the brain, joints, heart, thyroid gland, lymph nodes, vessels of the upper and lower extremities, muscles, soft tissues, kidneys, mammary gland, scrotum organs.
Breast examination is recommended no later than ten days from the start of menstruation. This organ is best seen before the onset of hormonal changes before the start of the cycle.
It is necessary to carry out some preparation before ultrasound in Minsk of the following systems and organs: liver, spleen, gallbladder, pancreas, stomach, intestines, bladder, pelvic organs, abdominal organs.

Lode Medical Center
"Lode" is a multidisciplinary center that provides the most complete list of services on a paid basis or under medical insurance. The institution cares about its reputation, therefore it maintains a high level of service, constantly updates equipment, and highly qualified medical workers work. More than 25 years of experience in the medical services market. All types of ultrasounds can be done.
When conducting ultrasound of blood vessels in Minsk, the center "Lode" uses a combination of ultrasound and Doppler ultrasound methods. This allows you to consider the structure of the vessels and study the nature of the blood flow. Thus, an examination of the renal veins is carried out andarteries, aorta and inferior vena cava, veins of the lower and upper extremities.
In Lode, an ultrasound examination of the stomach is performed. It is carried out on an empty stomach. For 6-8 hours it is recommended to exclude food intake. After the examination, the patient is offered to drink some water. Then they study the passage of fluid from the esophagus to the stomach.

Eco Medical Center
The main profile of the institution is the reproductive direction of medicine. The specialists of the center solve the problems of infertility of applied families. Thanks to the services of IVF medical workers, more than 9,000 children have appeared. The possibility of conception begins with an examination by a gynecologist, passing tests, and undergoing an ultrasound examination. Many years of experience of the specialists of the center allows you to see deviations from the norm when examining organs on ultrasound of the small pelvis in Minsk.
Research is recommended once a year for every woman. A he althy uterus, ovaries are the main reproductive organs of women. A woman's ability to become a mother depends on the degree of their he alth.
Ultrasound examination allows you to consider the size, structure, features of the uterus, ovaries. On ultrasound, the structure of the endometrium is studied. The pelvic organs are examined on ultrasound in Minsk: transvaginally, transabdominally, combining both methods. In the first case, the sensor is inserted into the vagina. In the second case, you need a filled bladder. An ultrasound examination is performed through the abdominal wall.
Ultrasounds are performed not only before conception. Research referrals are given to womenif:
- have menstrual irregularities;
- pain present;
- pregnant;
- surgical interventions were performed;
- suspect endometriosis;
- picking up contraception;
- have inflammatory diseases

New Doctor Medical Center
One of the multidisciplinary centers in Minsk. "New Doctor" provides all types of ultrasound examinations. Modern equipment is used for high accuracy of the conducted research.
So, examination of the joints using ultrasound is carried out by the Hitachi Aloka ARIETTA S70 expert-class device. The study is indicated for injuries, chronic diseases, pain and swelling in the knee area. Specialists of the "New Doctor" examine the condition of the joints, tendons, ligaments, muscles. Special preparation for ultrasound is not required.
With the help of the device, you can examine the state of other organs and systems. Preparation is needed before an ultrasound of the bladder.
An hour before the event, you need to drink about 700 ml of liquid without gas. The study of ultrasound occurs only with a clear urge to urinate. After examining a filled bubble with a sensor, the patient empties it and undergoes the study again. This allows you to consider possible problems of organ emptying.
Vita Medical Services Center
The main activities of the Vita Medical Center in Minsk are ultrasound, gynecology,oncology, dermatology. The center offers services at discounted prices. For example, when undergoing an ultrasound examination of any organ, a 50% discount is provided for an ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland.
The thyroid gland is a small organ responsible for the functioning of the body's hormonal system. External deviations from the norm are viewed during an ultrasound scan. The position of the organ, shape, size, contours, the presence of tumors - what the doctor of the medical center sees during an ultrasound examination. Medical center "Vita" is located in the center of Minsk at the address: Maxim Bogdanovich street, 6.

Sinlab Laboratory Services Center
The main profile of the medical center is laboratory research. But the areas of activity are constantly expanding for the convenience of patients. In "Sinlab" you can get advice from a gynecologist, rheumatologist, endocrinologist, dermatovenereologist, allergist.
The Center provides services for ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs of adults and children. Ultrasound is performed only after special preparation. You should refrain from eating for eight hours. It is necessary to avoid constipation, gas formation before the ultrasound. If there are problems, adjust the diet a few days before the examination.
In the laboratory "Sinlab" in Minsk, with ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, the doctor examines the liver, biliary tract, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, kidneys. He pays attention to the size, structure, position, neoplasms, manifestationsinflammatory processes.

Confidence Medical Services Center
One of the profiles of a medical organization is phlebology. The specialists of the center successfully use the latest methods of getting rid of dilated veins of the lower extremities. An ultrasound is initially scheduled.
When examining veins on ultrasound of the lower extremities in Minsk, the Confidence Center carefully examines the condition of the valves, the nature of the blood flow, and the patency of the veins. It is recommended to undergo a study for pain in the legs, swelling, cramps, injuries, ulcers on the skin of the lower extremities. The center performs minimally invasive operations to remove leg veins under ultrasound control.
Medical organization "Alfamed"
Private medical center "Alfamed" in Minsk offers consultations of doctors for children and adults, ultrasound examinations, practices taking tests at patients' homes. Has been working in the medical services market for over 15 years.
Performs ultrasound examinations of many organs. In the Alfamed center in Minsk, you can undergo an ultrasound of the heart. Ultrasound examination of the heart muscle is indicated for heart murmurs, heart failure, after heart attacks, for pain, after surgery, and in many other cases. No special preparation is required for the inspection.

Sante Medical Center
Medical Consulting Center "Sante" offers a range of consulting and diagnostic services. In addition to traditional examinations by narrowly specialized doctors, the organization provides services in plastic surgery, phlebology, proctology, dentistry, and cosmetic procedures.
Blossom Clinic Medical Organization
The activity profile of the Blossom Clinic center is cosmetology, oncodermatology, proctology, dermatology, psychotherapy. Carry out procedures of laser, hardware, injection cosmetology. A medical organization conducts ultrasound diagnostics of internal organs.
Medical tourism is actively developing in Minsk. This is facilitated by the opening of modern private medical centers, which provide a full range of diagnostic services.
Ultrasound is one of the most popular diagnostic methods in medicine. It attracts with its painlessness, speed of implementation and obtaining results, cost, reliability. But it should not be considered as the only true diagnostic method. It complements the information obtained with the help of x-rays in injuries of the musculoskeletal system. Or adds information content after conducting a magnetic resonance study for circulatory disorders of the brain.
In the medical services centers in Minsk, you can examine almost any organ on paid ultrasound. The study can be used when performing precise minimally invasive surgical interventions. Electrocoagulation of veins is carried out under the control of ultrasound equipment. With its help, studies of the rectum during colonoscopy are carried out.
But for moreinformation content before conducting some studies, you must follow the rules of preparation. The bladder is best viewed when it is full. And the state of the abdominal organs is the opposite if the patient is examined on an empty stomach.