Proper sterile table setting

Proper sterile table setting
Proper sterile table setting

It is worth knowing how to properly set a sterile table, because the sterility of the instruments that are placed on it depends on it. In order to make the setting of the sterile table as simple as possible, you should take care of the availability of a certain material and observe some conditions. Firstly, it is worth bringing a bix from the sterilization room, in which sterile linen is located, and place it on a stand. The table itself must be in a special room in which manipulations can be safely performed.

Before laying the sterile table, it is necessary to check the labeling of the bix, as well as its sterility. Before starting work, it must be tightly closed and tied. The sterilization box must be opened using a pedal on a stand or an assistant. In each bix, before laying the material, a napkin is laid, opening which, you can close the edges of the bix. Before setting the table, it must be wiped with a disinfectant solution, for example, a 1% solution of chloramine, twice. Having taken out a sterile sheet, it must be unfolded in two layers and thrown onto the surface of the table. After that, you should get the second sheet, also unfold it intwo layers and throw on the first. The edges of the sheets that hang off the table are non-sterile. They should hang down thirty centimeters on each side.

sterile table setting
sterile table setting

The top sheet should be folded like an accordion, the last layer of the inside should be on the outside. Now you can proceed to the arrangement of sterile instruments on the table. Hooks are hung on the edges of the upper sterile sheet, with which it can be opened.

The sterile table is covered for the whole working day, the time and date of its covering are recorded on a piece of paper, which must be attached to the pins. The maximum period of sterilization of the desktop is six hours. In order for it to remain sterile throughout the working day, you should not look into it without special need. After the tool is removed, the table should be covered and returned to its original form.

Setting the sterile table in the operating room

sterile table setting
sterile table setting

During various operations, it is necessary to use a mobile sterile table. So the instrumentation can be moved to any end of the operating room and given to the surgeon, regardless of its location. The technique of covering the sterile table in the operating room involves covering it with a sterile oilcloth. A sterile diaper folded in half is placed on top of it, one half of which covers the table, and the second folds in half or hangs down. Tools are transferred with the help of a forceps and placed in the required order. Covering rulessterile table provide for the need to adhere to the rules of asepsis and antisepsis as much as possible. All manipulations should be done with sterile hands or with the help of a special sterile forceps or tweezers, which is located in a 6% hydrogen peroxide solution. Also, sterile tools for setting the table can be found in the bix itself, but it is worth extracting it with a tool that is in a peroxide solution.
