Dyspeptic symptoms are digestive disorders that develop due to a lack of certain enzymes involved in the digestion of food.

Impaired motility of the digestive tract can lead to a slowdown in the process of digestion of food that has entered the stomach and its absorption. For this reason, dyspeptic phenomena begin to develop.
At the same time, when these disorders appear, the intestinal mucosa is irritated by the decay products of nutrients that are formed in large quantities, which are hydrogen sulfide and organic acids. This becomes a prerequisite for the development of overly active peristalsis. Also, violations of the digestive system adversely affect the state of the microflora and lead to dysbacteriosis.
Dyspeptic phenomena, which are accompanied by fermentation processes, are expressed in rumbling in the intestines and severe flatulence. In this case, the stool is characterized by liquid and pallor,sour smell, admixture of foam. In the course of coprology, the presence of a huge amount of plant fiber, acidic organic compounds, and starch impurities is established. Both rotten and fermentative dyspeptic phenomena are expressed in diarrhea. Due to general poisoning with decay products, there is often a decrease in working capacity, lethargy and general weakness, and an appetite disorder. The analysis reveals the content of nitrogen in the stool.
Dyspeptic syndrome: diagnosis
Diagnosis is based on analysis data, results of coprology, clinical symptoms of the disease, conversations with the patient. It should be borne in mind that in some cases there are no symptoms of the inflammatory process of the intestinal mucosa. In the event of dyspeptic phenomena, differential diagnosis is fundamental for separating this group of disorders from other diseases of the digestive system - enterocolitis, enteritis, pancreatitis, gastritis and others. Establishment according to the anamnesis of the factors of irrational and malnutrition of the patient in the absence of pathological disorders in the secretory function justifies the fact that dyspeptic phenomena are multilateral in nature.

Quick relief of manifestations, subject to the normalization of the diet and regimen, is a confirmation of the correct diagnosis. Differential diagnosis is also required to distinguish between various dyspeptic phenomena with infectious and parasitic colitis, for example, with bacillary dysentery. To carry it out, you need to haveanamnestic data, information about the pathological processes associated with the disease (spasms of the abdominal muscles, fever), about the general condition of the patient. In addition, test data for the presence of inflammatory processes in the intestinal tract should be considered, studies are being carried out for salmonellosis, and the presence of other pathogenic bacteria in the digestive system is checked.