The word Wellness in English means well-being, or good he alth. Every person likes when he is in excellent he alth and has a wonderful appearance. And for this you need to provide the necessary conditions.

The Wellness direction includes not only biological supplements, as is commonly believed, but also rubbing the body, and spa treatments, and even accessories - shorts, massage accessories. But the designation “Wellness” sounded especially bright when Oriflame introduced means for ingestion. Mostly positive Wellness by Oriflame products are a big, big part of that definition when viewed as a whole. After all, this is also everything that is connected with physical and breathing exercises, cleansing procedures, proper nutrition. What reviews do Wellness products evoke from consumers? And what is it - vitamins or pacifiers?
Wellness is beautyinside: fit, feel great
You need to familiarize yourself with each of the products in order to understand what Oriflame vitamins are. Wellness reviews are varied, so let's try to find out how they affect people.
Beauty lies not only in the appearance of a person. Its basis is a he althy lifestyle and excellent he alth. Wellness by Oriflame products, which are reviewed in the article below, were developed in Sweden. At the same time, the basis for its creation was the latest data from the field of science that studies the principles of he althy eating. As the founders of the Wellness series assure consumers, each product combines the best natural ingredients that have a beneficial and effective effect on the human body, endowing it with beauty from the inside and excellent well-being. So, what are they - Oriflame Wellness products, reviews of which are contradictory and, in turn, cause numerous unceasing discussions?
Complex of vitamins for daily use "Wellness Pack"
Most people consume far more calories than the body needs to function. At the same time, their diet contains little fresh vegetables and fruits, organic food. Conversely, processed foods (pasta, bread, desserts, etc.) that contain "empty" calories dominate our menu. Thanks to Oriflame, a Wellness Pack vitamin complex was developed, reviews of which emphasize its high efficiency. It contains everything necessary for the full functioning of the bodyhuman substances - fatty acids, antioxidants, minerals, vitamins.

The Wellness Pack is produced separately for men and women. The recipe is based on the characteristics of the body of each of the sexes. The complex is recommended for daily use. Wellness Pack vitamins provide prevention of micronutrient deficiencies and an optimal balance of nutrients.
Complex "Wellness Pack": useful composition
One Wellness Pack contains 21 sachets. The following vitamins are packaged in each of them:
- Omega-3 capsules - 2 pieces.
- Swedish Beauty Complex Plus - 1 piece
- "Multivitamin and minerals" (for women or for men) - 1 tablet.
What are these ingredients?
Complex "Omega-3": effect on the human body. Customer Reviews
Omega-3 Complex contributes to:
- normalize the activity of the cardiovascular system;
- improve brain function;
- increasing the level of moisture and elasticity of the skin, as well as getting rid of irritations, allergies, dermatitis and other similar abnormalities;
- strengthen the nervous system, vision;
- prevention of Alzheimer's disease;
- reduce the risk of loose joints;
- stopping inflammatory processes inside the body.

Are consumers attracted to these Oriflame vitamins? ReviewsWellness-series as a whole is positive. People say the following about the Omega-3 complex: with an active lifestyle, the body is filled with energy, chronic fatigue recedes, blood vessels become cleaner and more elastic, heart function and plasma composition improve. Also, with regular use of this product, skin color is evened out, a natural blush appears.
“Swedish Beauty Complex Plus”: unique ingredients. Customer Reviews
"Swedish Beauty Complex Plus" contains astaxanthin - a unique antioxidant, which is of natural origin, from the Stockholm archipelago. It is about 100 times more effective than vitamins C and E. Thanks to astaxanthin, the cells of the human body are protected from free radicals, which helps prevent the development of many diseases, even cancerous tumors.
What are the reviews of the Wellness product "Swedish Beauty Complex Plus"? Consumers testify that with its regular use, the condition of the skin, hair, nails, and the body as a whole improves, immunity is strengthened, endurance increases, and migraine recedes.
Multivitamin & Mineral Complex: Beauty for Women & Men
In the Wellness by Oriflame line, the Multivitamins and Minerals complex is selected individually in the amount of trace elements that is necessary for men or women. This drug normalizes the functions of the human body, strengthens the immune system, nails, hair, vascular walls and promotes cell renewal.

Each of the components that make up the Wellness Pack complex is also produced by Oriflame separately.
Reviews on the effectiveness of the complex "Multivitamins and Minerals"
What causes Wellness minerals and multivitamins reviews from buyers? The Oriflame company made sure that this drug filled the need of the body of any person for the elements necessary for a full life.

This is probably the reason why consumers experience mostly positive emotions when consuming these multivitamins and minerals. They express the following opinions about the drug:
1. First of all, it pleases that the complex does not contain synthetic compounds and toxic substances.
2. These vitamins and minerals are not deposited in the internal organs in the form of sediment or stones.
3. Bones, nails, hair are strengthened, overall well-being improves.
4. The complex "Multivitamins and Minerals" from "Oriflame" can be used during pregnancy. It contains iodine, iron, folic acid. The advantage of this complex is that it contains vitamin B9, which is rarely found in other similar preparations.
Vitamins from Oriflame: reviews of the full Wellness Pack
According to customer reviews, the Wellness Pack complex helps to strengthen nails, hair, relieves rashes on the face and body, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, overall well-being, and increases efficiency. Also, vitamins perfectly restore the female body after pregnancy and lactation. Thanks to the regular use of the Wellness Pack complex, shallow wrinkles on the face are smoothed out, the skin is tightened, and vitality is increased. In addition, thanks to the drug, the immune system, joints, muscles are strengthened, vision and heart function improve.
What customers especially like about Wellness Pack vitamins is that the daily multi-drug serving is packaged in individual sachets. It is very convenient.
Complex "Wellness" from "Oriflame" for children: benefits and reviews of parents
Complex "Multivitamins and Minerals" for children is produced by Oriflame in the form of chewable tablets. They have a natural orange flavor and contain 8 minerals and 13 vitamins in a perfectly balanced formula. The complex supports the he alth of the child. Vitamins are recommended for use by children from 4 years old, 1 tablet per day, and from 10 years old - 2.
How effective are children's Wellness vitamins? Parents' reviews confirm the properties of this complex declared by Oriflame. Thanks to the regular use of these vitamins by children, immunity is strengthened, which helps to prevent colds or quickly heal from them. Each child is captivated by the orange taste of vitamins and their similarity to chewing gum. Therefore, children use the complex with great pleasure.

"Hair & Nail NutriComplex":efficiency, customer reviews
Thanks to a number of vitamins, which are selected according to a special formula, hair and nails are fully nourished. Nutricomplex "Hair &Nail" from the "Wellness" series from "Oriflame" gives the desired result if it is used regularly for at least two to three months. As a result, hair loss is prevented, they are strengthened, become dense and shiny, and brittleness and delamination of the nail plates are eliminated.
Reviews Wellness product "Nutricomplex for hair and nails" is really positive among consumers. Not only the customers themselves, but also their hairdressers and manicurists notice significant improvements. Even the most lifeless and weak hair regains its former density, silkiness and he althy radiant appearance. Stops splitting and brittle nails.
Negative reviews: Wellness by Oriflame
Despite the large list of positive reviews about the Wellness vitamins from the Oriflame company, there are also negative statements addressed to them. But basically there are only two reasons - individual intolerance to products and the high cost of the Wellness series. In the first case, you still have to abandon the use of such vitamins, but you should think about the price. After all, as you know, a quality product cannot be cheap. Perhaps not everyone knows, but for some products of the Wellness line, a subscription is issued, in which, after purchasing 3 packs, the fourth one is provided by Oriflame for free. The benefit is obvious - 25% discount and confirmed by certificates and reviewsSwedish quality buyers.

Do You Need Wellness Vitamins?
Eating habits for most people are driven more by family tradition and social background than by the idea of he althy eating and longevity. Most often, it is the lack of time, and not taking care of your own body, that leads to the use of semi-finished products. After all, the cheapest food is the least he althy, and also very high-calorie. If you recognize yourself in this description or just sometimes “dabble” with semi-finished products and junk food, we recommend that you take a Wellness test. Reviews ensure that by answering a few questions, one can determine the current state of he alth. After passing the test, personal recommendations are made on how to correct it. By following them, you will bring your well-being to an excellent state. Wellness test can be found on the Oriflame website.