On how to get rid of a cough

On how to get rid of a cough
On how to get rid of a cough

Unfortunately, with the onset of cold weather, people are increasingly concerned about the question of how to get rid of a cough. It is important to know the nature of such a phenomenon, that is, to know what causes the cough. After all, the method of treatment will depend on this.

how to get rid of cough
how to get rid of cough

For example, when a cough is an allergic reaction, or when unpleasant attacks and throat spasms are caused by an external irritant, antihistamines should be taken. At the same time, their appointment can only be carried out by a qualified specialist after an analysis for allergens. Another thing, if we are talking about a cough that occurs as a result of a cold or flu virus, in this case, you should take a whole range of drugs that will remove microbes from the body.

When it comes to how to get rid of a cold cough, you should pay attention to its type. For example, if the cough is dry, which often happens at the beginning of an acute respiratory illness, special remedies should be used for treatment, designed to help in sputum discharge. If you are interestedways to cure a cough quickly and effectively at home, it can be advised to use a recipe based on honey and cranberry juice mixed in equal proportions. This mixture should be consumed at least three times a day, fifty milliliters at a time.

Milk with figs boiled in it for a few minutes is also very effective.

how to cure a cough quickly and effectively
how to cure a cough quickly and effectively

It is necessary to stir the resulting mass until smooth and let it brew for several hours. How to get rid of cough with this remedy? You should just take half a glass of it three times a day.

If traditional medicine seems not very effective to you, you should pay attention to the various syrups and potions offered by modern pharmacy chains. The basis of such funds, as a rule, are various mucolic substances and extracts from plants. Moreover, most often cough mixtures, especially if it is cough syrup for children, contain extracts of medicinal plants.

cough syrup for children
cough syrup for children

From bouts of protracted spasms of the throat, which are accompanied by sputum, such drugs that help thin the sputum will help. In this case, you can also use traditional medicine, for example, badger fat, approved for use during pregnancy and even children, will be especially effective in this case.

It is worth noting that children's cough is a response toalmost any external stimulus. Sometimes, in order to answer the question of how to get rid of a cough, it is enough just to identify and remove an external irritant, which can be acrid smoke, pollen, or pet hair. However, it is recommended to take tests for allergens in order to further protect the child from external pathogens.
