Ankle bandage: types, indications, reviews

Ankle bandage: types, indications, reviews
Ankle bandage: types, indications, reviews

The ankle is most often injured. This joint can withstand heavy loads. The greater the person's weight, the higher the risk of ankle injury. The joint is almost constantly under tension. As a result, cartilage wears out quickly. In this case, the ankle gradually loses stability due to changes in the surrounding tissues.

ankle brace
ankle brace

How to solve the problem

At the first sign of such an ailment, experts recommend wearing an ankle brace. It allows you to reduce the load on the joint, ligaments and muscles. In addition, the bandage protects cartilage tissue from further destruction.

It is worth considering that the appointment of any fixative should be carried out only by a doctor. Choose a brace for the ankle joint should be in accordance with the recommendations of a specialist. After all, these products are medical supplies. They are usually used for the prevention or treatment of diseases associated with the joint.

When to wear a retainer

Bandage on the ankle joint is prescribed only in the presence of certain diseases and tissue damage. Such situations are worthattributed to:

  • postoperative period;
  • injuries received after removing the splint from plaster;
  • arthritis or arthrosis therapy;
  • functional instability of the joint;
  • sprain;
  • increased physical activity, for example, during long-term work or intensive exercise in a certain sport, such a bandage is especially necessary for those who have been in a standing position for a long time;
  • congenital foot and ankle pathologies.

Each of the above cases requires an individual approach, as well as the correct choice of fixator. If the bandage is chosen incorrectly, then it can worsen the condition of the tissues of the joint.

ankle brace
ankle brace

Purpose and types

How to choose the right ankle brace? Among the large assortment of clamps, it is difficult to independently choose the one that is required. Each bandage model is used only in certain cases. Therefore, before buying, you should consult a doctor, as well as get at least some idea about the varieties of such a fixative. Currently available:

  1. Bandage on the ankle joint is elastic or rigid. The first type of fixators is used for injuries of moderate and mild severity. At the moment, there are several types of such a bandage.
  2. Protective latch. It is used for open fractures. These dressings have a bactericidal effect and help protect open wounds from dirt and dust. In addition, the latchwicks moisture.
  3. Medicinal bandage. Outwardly, the retainer resembles a bandage made of bandages. The material is impregnated with certain drugs that promote wound healing.
  4. Compression bandage on the ankle joint. It is also called oppressive. Such a fixator is often used for hemarthrosis, when blood accumulates in the joint after damage. The bandage allows you to stop bleeding, which can occur as a result of damage to small vessels.
  5. The immobilizing fixator is prescribed for sprains, dislocation reductions and bruises. Most often, such products are used in sports medicine. The fixator allows you to provide complete rest to the joint, as well as reduce pain.
ankle brace
ankle brace

Features of choosing a rigid bandage

The range of such products is very large and varied. If desired, you can purchase an ankle brace with lacing or with special fasteners. The latter can be made in the form of ties or straps. Most often, such fasteners are equipped with a rigid latch, which has a frame made of dense and hard material. If the choice is unsuccessful, then such a bandage can re-injure the joint. When choosing a product, you should consider:

  • injury severity and nature;
  • features of the anatomical structure;
  • prone to allergic reactions;
  • comorbidities;
  • material used to make the frame;
  • clasp type;
  • calf girth,ankle and ankle circumference and foot size.

Rigid bandage can cause re-traumatization of tissues. This is dangerous in dislocations. After all, with the wrong therapy, a dislocation can turn into a habitual one.

ankle brace elastic
ankle brace elastic

What to look for when choosing a product

When buying an ankle brace on your own, it is worth considering several factors. First of all, you should read the instructions that come with the kit. It indicates all contraindications and indications. In addition, the instructions describe the material that was used to make the retainer, as well as how to use the bandage correctly and in what cases.

If you choose your own ankle brace, then you should study the information about possible side effects and contraindications.

ankle compression bandage
ankle compression bandage

Who shouldn't wear an ankle brace

Despite the fact that the ankle brace is used to prevent and treat certain diseases and injuries, it has a number of contraindications. You should learn about them before buying and using such a product. Do not use a bandage when:

  • skin diseases, including dermatitis, localized at the site of wearing a bandage;
  • phlebite;
  • arterial occlusion;
  • venous ulcer;
  • trophic ulcer developing on the background of diabetes mellitus;
  • thromboembolic disease.

Application features

It is allowed to wear an ankle brace not only on bare skin, but also on underwear made of cotton fabric. It is not recommended to constantly walk with a bandage. After 6 hours of wearing, the retainer should be removed, and then the skin should be treated with an antiseptic preparation or washed in warm water and soap. After that, you need to take a short break - 30 minutes. After the specified time, you can put it on again.

lace-up ankle brace
lace-up ankle brace


At the moment, ankle bandages are considered effective and reliable in the prevention and treatment of many diseases of the articular tissues. A wide selection allows you to choose a product that will be ideal in all respects. Before starting to use such fixatives, you should definitely visit your doctor. Indeed, in some situations, it becomes necessary to apply a plaster cast. It reliably protects damaged joint tissues, muscles and ligaments from further damage in violation of bed rest. It is for this reason that consultation with a traumatologist is required. Do not forget that the wrong product can cause serious complications.
