The composition of feces can tell a lot about a person's he alth. At the same time, special attention is paid not only to its smell and consistency, but also to color. If suddenly the stool becomes black and liquid, you need to see a doctor. The specialist will help to understand the reasons for such changes, and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.
Normal stool color in adults
In different people, the shade of stool may vary depending on certain factors. This indicator is affected by the diet over the past few days, the individual characteristics of the body, as well as the presence of bile. In a he althy person, a decorated stool is considered the norm, homogeneous and dense in its consistency. Its color should be as close to yellow-brown as possible. A slight change towards a dark shade is allowed, but not black.

Any deviation from the norm should alert. A change in the consistency and color of stool usually indicates serious disturbances in the functioning of the body. Black diarrhea is an alarming symptom that cannot be ignored. Such a disorder can be due to both physiological causes and he alth problems. Let's consider each of the cases in more detail.
Physiological causes
The color of feces is influenced by a person's daily diet. Certain foods (beets, black pudding) can give a dark shade to stools. However, they do not affect the consistency of the stool, so in this case there is no need to talk about diarrhea. Some coloring foods, when consumed in excess, still contribute to the occurrence of diarrhea. A prominent representative of this group is the well-known prunes.
Black diarrhea can occur after taking activated charcoal. However, the drug itself does not cause diarrhea. If the disorder has already taken place, and the patient has decided to take activated charcoal, then the stool may change its color to black. This medication is not absorbed in the intestine, but acts as a sorbent. The tablet absorbs toxins and other harmful substances, after which it is excreted from the body.
Black diarrhea, the causes of which are physiological in nature, is not dangerous to the body. This is a temporary phenomenon that passes very quickly. The disorder does not require specific therapy, it is enough just to review your diet. If the diarrhea lasts more than three days, it is recommended to see a doctor and get tested.

Diseases accompanied by black diarrhea
Sometimes the coloring of liquid stools in black indicates violations in the digestive tract. This symptom appears whenbleeding in the stomach or esophagus. The duodenum may also be involved in the pathological process. The blood mixes with bile. Therefore, the color of the stool changes from brown to dark.
The following pathologies can provoke internal bleeding and, as a result, black loose stools:
- Stomach ulcer. Pathology is characterized by the appearance of black diarrhea, severe pain in the epigastric region, and vomiting.
- Gastritis. There are many varieties of this disease. For example, erosive gastritis often results in internal bleeding.
- Stomach cancer. At first, the disease is asymptomatic, and is detected only during a profile examination. The appearance of black liquid stool indicates the progression of the pathology.
- Varicosis of the veins of the esophagus. This disorder can lead to black stools, but is not always accompanied by loose stools. The veins in the esophagus are fragile and can be easily damaged by food.
- Polyps. These are benign formations that can be localized in the stomach or esophagus. Once detected, treatment should begin immediately. Otherwise, polyps can transform into cancerous tumors.
Any of the listed diseases requires competent treatment. Therefore, you should not delay a visit to the doctor in order to prevent the development of complications.

Black diarrhea during pregnancy
While carrying a baby, a woman's body undergoes various changes. Hormonal changes take placebackground, the taste preferences and needs of the expectant mother are changing. Black diarrhea during pregnancy is not uncommon. Gynecologists warn everyone about this in advance.
The reasons for such changes are quite clear. After conceiving a child, a woman begins to take vitamin complexes and various supplements so that the fetus develops correctly. Very often they contain a high content of iron. This trace element leads to a change in the color of feces to black. Such a symptom indicates that all the vitamins that the expectant mother takes are fully absorbed. Their excess is similarly excreted from the body so as not to harm the growing fetus.

When to see a doctor?
Stool disorder does not always proceed without complications. When warning signs appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. These symptoms include:
- presence of mucus in feces;
- more than 20 bowel movements per day;
- increased body temperature;
- severe abdominal pain;
- changing human consciousness.
If black loose stools are accompanied by one or more of the symptoms on this list, a medical team should be called. Hospitalization is indicated for patients with such disorders. Already in the hospital, the doctor will be able to determine the cause of the disorder and prescribe treatment.

Basic Principles of Therapy
Blackdiarrhea in an adult is a symptom of disorders in the body, and not an independent disease. After a complete examination, the doctor will be able to make the correct diagnosis. Treatment of the disorder depends on the identified disease, the nature of its course and the state of the body. The intake of diarrheal drugs can be limited only if the violation is caused by physiological causes. In all other situations, a qualified approach to solving the problem is required.
For example, for the treatment of ulcers and gastritis, antibiotics and medicines are prescribed to reduce the acidity of gastric juice. All drugs are selected individually, and the duration of their administration usually does not exceed 10 days. Also, patients with this diagnosis are recommended a special diet.
Black diarrhea is often accompanied by bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. The most dangerous complication of the pathology is stomach cancer. If tumor formations are detected, surgical intervention is indicated, and then a course of chemotherapy is prescribed. Surgery is possible only if the cancer has not yet metastasized.
If the cause of bleeding is polyps in the stomach, they should also be removed. Surgery is the only way to treat the disease. After the operation, constant monitoring of the state of he alth by a gastroenterologist is required.
Medication use
Of course, each of us at least once in our lives had to deal with this violation. In most cases, people do not pay attention to black diarrhea. Their treatment is usuallylimited to taking antidiarrheal drugs.
A popular drug from this group of drugs is Loperamide. It quickly restores peristalsis, but is dangerous for the development of complications. After taking it, slight intoxication of the body is possible due to the penetration of harmful elements into the blood. Therefore, immediately after Loperamide, you need to take Enterosgel. This sorbent perfectly absorbs toxins and removes them from the body.
If the liquid stool has a dark tint, you should try to analyze your diet over the past few days. What causes diarrhea is easy to understand. It is possible that certain foods or medications have contributed to the disorder. Therefore, they should be abandoned for a while. Most likely, in a few days the condition will return to normal.

Therapeutic diet
During diarrhea, doctors prescribe a special diet in addition to drug therapy. It implies the exclusion from the diet of fatty and spicy foods, canned food and marinades. Also banned are sparkling water and sweets.
All food should be as light and simple as possible. Do not overload the intestines, which require a long rest. With diarrhea, you can eat boiled chicken or rabbit meat, rice porridge without milk. It is recommended to pay special attention to the drinking regime, because with diarrhea the body loses a large amount of water.
Help of traditional medicine
How can I get rid of diarrhea at home? Opponents of drugs prefer to treat stool disorderfolk remedies. Among them, the recipe with rice water is the most popular. To prepare it, you need half a glass of cereal. Rice should be boiled in a liter of water, allowed to cool and strain. It is recommended to use the medicine instead of eating five times a day.
Decoction of blueberries also helps with diarrhea. At home, cooking it is not difficult. You will need a tablespoon of dried berries, pour 500 ml of water, boil and leave to simmer over low heat. After half of the liquid volume disappears, the decoction can be used for medicinal purposes. It is recommended to take it once a day for a tablespoon.

Prevention measures
To prevent diarrhea and its complications, doctors recommend following simple rules:
- wash hands thoroughly before eating;
- do not consume expired eggs, milk, etc.;
- wash fruits and vegetables under running water.
Every conscious person should know what causes diarrhea, and try to avoid factors provoking the disorder. In addition, it is necessary to periodically undergo an examination, and if diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are detected, immediately begin treatment.