130 over 80 - blood pressure is normal during pregnancy

130 over 80 - blood pressure is normal during pregnancy
130 over 80 - blood pressure is normal during pregnancy

Pregnancy naturally entails hormonal changes throughout the body. As a result, the main organs and systems double the pace of their work. One of the first to respond to changes is the cardiovascular system, because now the heart must provide two organisms with blood and all the nutrients. During pregnancy, blood pressure is an indicator of its normal course, and it is important to regularly monitor whether it is elevated or, conversely, reduced.

Normal during pregnancy

130 to 80 pressure
130 to 80 pressure

The concept of normal blood pressure is different for each person, but the main criterion is considered to be such numbers at which a woman feels good. The average indicator during pregnancy is considered to be 130 to 80 pressure, and it is on it that they are guided when assessing the course of pregnancy.

Many expectant mothers weighing less than 55 kilograms have blood pressurelowered, but in their case it is normal. In order not to suspect a decrease in pressure (hypotension), when registering with a antenatal clinic, a woman should measure blood pressure on both hands.

On subsequent visits, blood pressure measurement should be done at each appointment. But it should be borne in mind that it is not always possible to obtain the desired pressure of 13080 during pregnancy, many factors can affect its performance. The result may be distorted due to waiting for an appointment, physical exertion, or simply from fatigue, or it may simply be a reaction to a white coat. For greater reliability, it is recommended to measure pressure at home, using a special device - a tonometer.

The main thing is to do everything right

pressure 130 80 what to do
pressure 130 80 what to do

Reliable blood pressure readings can also be obtained at home. It is only necessary to do this procedure correctly. It is better to entrust this responsible process to another person, then the result will be more reliable. For measurement, it is optimal to use a conventional rather than a digital tonometer. The dependence of electronics on the power of the batteries and much more can affect the normal result, and it most likely will not show pressure of 130 to 80. The measurement frequency is about once a week, and they do it at the same time in calm conditions. It is strictly forbidden to measure pressure after exercise or stress, in which case the result will be inaccurate. To record all measurements, it would be useful to have a special notebook, inwhich should reflect all the indicators, and at the time of admission, show it to your doctor. Blood pressure can change at different times of the day and should be measured both in the morning and in the evening.

Pressure dropped

130 over 80 normal pressure
130 over 80 normal pressure

In the first trimester of pregnancy is not uncommon when lower than 130 to 80, the pressure. Then you should think about it, because this may be a sign of early toxicosis of a pregnant woman. But at the same time, it can also be an independent condition, which is a response to hormonal changes during the first 16 weeks. Signs of low blood pressure can be nausea, constant drowsiness, dizziness, fainting, especially frequent, weakness. In such a situation, when the pressure is below 130 to 80, it is better to spend more time in the fresh air, normalize the rest regime, get enough sleep and eat. Vitamins will also be useful.

If there is heavy or harmful work, it is better to change it to a lighter one, a certificate of the appropriate sample with a proposal to the management of the enterprise to do this can be issued by a doctor. Low blood pressure can also make itself felt during hunger. Even if a pregnant woman has nausea, then it is worth eating regularly, albeit in small portions, but more often and with what you want at the moment. The best option would be a small amount of nuts or dry fruits, or you can carry crackers with you. Attempts to increase blood pressure with caffeine, which is contained in coffee or strong tea, will not lead to anything good, but will only negatively affect future offspring. resort to thisthe way to increase the pressure is only in an emergency.

Pressure dropped sharply, what to do?

pressure 130 80 during pregnancy
pressure 130 80 during pregnancy

The first thing to start with is to take a horizontal position and raise your legs to a hill, so more blood will get to your head. Equally important is the constant flow of fresh air, it is additionally worth freeing the neck from clothes, it will be much easier to breathe. Ammonia, which can be applied to a cotton swab, will help bring a person to their senses, they should smear whiskey and let them sniff from a distance. Do not poke a swab in the nose, this can lead to reflex respiratory arrest. A cup of strong tea will help a person finally come to his senses.

High blood pressure

The second half of pregnancy is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure. This is due to an increase in the volume of circulating blood, as well as a change in the work of the kidneys before childbirth. Tinnitus, varicose veins, heaviness in the legs, headaches and nosebleeds indicate that the pressure is higher than 130 over 80. Normal pressure can be returned if the cause is found, which may be related to the kidneys, endocrine problems, pathology of the cardiovascular system. And also with ailments that were before pregnancy. Also affects heredity and age, ultimately the result of an increase in pressure can be preeclampsia (or toxicosis, as this term was previously called). It is important to constantly monitor your he alth. And if the pressure exceeds 13080, what to do, the attending physician will tell, andself-medication can lead to serious complications.
