If there are problems in the intestinal area, the causes of which are not clarified during ultrasound diagnostics, then doctors often prescribe a colonoscopy. It is worth taking this procedure responsibly, fulfilling all the conditions specified by the doctor. It is important to choose the site of the colonoscopy.
Minsk is a popular medical tourism center among citizens of neighboring countries. It is famous for its medical centers and specialists. But before undergoing a colonoscopy in Minsk, you should familiarize yourself with both the general nuances of the procedure and the peculiarities of Belarusian medicine.

Reason for holding
Today, this procedure is prescribed to almost every patient who applied. A sedentary lifestyle, unhe althy diet, even numerous stressful situations have a negative impact on the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
If there are cases of colorectal disease among relativescancer, then for the purpose of early diagnosis it is worth undergoing this procedure. It is also recommended for every person over 45.
Prerequisites for endoscope examination:
- Pain in the intestinal area, occurring periodically for unexplained reasons.
- Bleeding from bowel movements or any bleeding from the anus.
- Anemia. One of the reasons for the lack of red blood cells may be a violation of the absorption of nutrients in the intestines, their improper breakdown.
- Losing weight for no apparent reason.
- Previously discovered neoplasms, such as polyps.
- Impaired intestinal patency.
Colonoscopy: impossible to see
Given the severity of the procedure, the doctor decides to perform a colonoscopy. When a reason for manipulation in the intestinal area appears, possible contraindications for its implementation are being studied.

Reasons for not having a colonoscopy:
- acute respiratory or other inflammatory diseases of the body, accompanied by fever;
- low blood clotting;
- peritonitis;
- intestinal infection;
- Crohn's disease;
- low blood pressure;
- pregnancy.
Before the study, the doctor examines the patient, measures the pressure. A patient who is scheduled for a colonoscopy is obliged to fulfill all the conditions of the doctor and report chronic diseases,the presence of allergies, taking medications in preparation for the procedure.
For a good examination of the rectum, you must follow all the doctor's recommendations. This is especially true for following a slag-free diet. For constipation, it should be followed for three to five days. With regular stool - no more than a day or two before the procedure.

Approved Foods:
- soups;
- low-brewed tea or weak coffee;
- boiled lean meat. For example, chicken, rabbit;
- fermented milk products, low fat;
- bananas;
- white bread.
Strictly prohibited:
- fruits, vegetables, herbs;
- nuts;
- cereals;
- cereals;
- bean mushrooms and dishes with them;
- fatty meat, fish;
- smoked meats, canned food, sausages;
- bread, sweets, alcohol;
- dumplings.
One day before the examination, you can have a hearty breakfast. Meals should consist only of permitted foods. From sixteen o'clock in the afternoon - hunger.
Taking a laxative
An obligatory stage of preparation is bowel cleansing with laxatives. On the evening before the day of the colonoscopy, certain medications are started. The most common are Fortrans, Forzhekt, Moviprep, Endofalk, Forddrive. They are diluted in water and drunk for a specified period of time.
Before a colonoscopy (in Minsk or any other city), more often prescribed"Fortrans". This is a French drug. Only adults are allowed to use it. The powder from the package is dissolved in one liter of water and drunk within an hour. One liter of solution is taken at the rate of 15-20 kilograms of weight. For a quality colonoscopy, it is worth taking about three to four diluted packets. Usually two in the evening and two in the morning.
The urge to go to the toilet begins to appear an hour after the first sip. The first stool has a characteristic brown color. As you take the laxative, it will become clearer.
Stool color is an indicator of bowel cleansing. If the discharge is practically not colored, transparent - the doctor will be able to carefully examine the intestinal walls, carry out the necessary manipulations.
Colonoscopy with or without anesthesia
Many patients think about whether to use anesthesia during this procedure. During a colonoscopy in Minsk, anesthesia is not used in its full sense. When deciding on the introduction of a person into a state of half-asleep, certain drugs are prescribed intravenously. At the same time, he can even dream, but he does not feel anything unpleasant or painful.

To conduct a colonoscopy in Minsk under anesthesia in the full sense is impossible, but under gentle sedation it is possible. But this should be discussed in advance. Not all institutions provide sedation. Sometimes drugs are used that only slightly "muffle" the sensations. In this case, the patient is conscious and can feel the movements of the device.
Sometimes the patient has contraindications for immersion indream. They include bronchial asthma, a number of hormone-dependent diseases, heart rhythm disturbances, alcohol or drug intoxication.
After completing the obligatory stages of preparation, it is time for the procedure itself. To undergo an intestinal colonoscopy in Minsk, you need to arrive at a medical facility in advance.
First of all, a medical care contract is concluded. Cash is being brought in. Then the patient is sent to the doctor, who examines the patient, checks the tests.
If desired and able to use medical sleep for pain relief, the patient should undergo the following studies:
- biochemical blood test;
- complete blood count;
- coagulogram;
- electrocardiogram with transcript.
How is the procedure? The lower part of the body is released, panties with a slit in the back are put on. One arm is extended, a catheter is placed, and a sedative is administered. Then the doctor inserts the colonoscope into the rectum, gradually moving towards its beginning. In this case, the intestine is inflated with air.

Polyp removal
During a colonoscopy in Minsk (as in any other city), it is possible to remove polyps or take material for a biopsy. When a polyp is found, a loop is thrown at it, which compresses the neoplasm. It is clamped, the polyp is cut off. At the same time, all vessels are coagulated to avoid bleeding.
After which the doctor takes outpolyps and sends them for histology. If benign tumors are found, a colonoscopy may be rescheduled.
Traditional or capsule?
Today in Minsk they do traditional or capsule colonoscopy. The latest method of examining the intestines has recently appeared and has been certified in America. Actively used in Europe.
Capsule has a large size. Consists of a camera, diodes, power supply, antenna, transmitting unit. Works for nine hours. The study is carried out in a period of about four to eight hours. You can study the state of the small or large intestine.
When moving through the small intestine, a photo is taken every 2-35 seconds. Thick - every half a minute.
But before "launching" the main capsule, you must swallow the "scout capsule". It will determine the patency of the intestine, the location of the adhesions.
Capsule colonoscopy in Minsk is possible. It is advisable to use it if necessary to examine the small intestine. Capsule colonoscopy cannot take a biopsy or remove a polyp. A significant disadvantage of capsule examination is the high cost.

Contacts of medical centers in Minsk for colonoscopy
A number of medical institutions of the he alth care of the Republic of Belarus offer an examination of the intestines. Many of them are private centers, clinics, hospitals.
Paid medical centers:
- Kravira, Pobediteley Avenue, 45;
- "Lode", Independence Ave., 58;
- "Seventh Heaven", Filimonova Street, 53;
- "Nordin", Surganov street, 47B;
- Ecomedservice, Tolstoy street, 4;
- Confidence, Pritytskogo street, 39.

Doctors of the highest category are allowed to work in paid centers. Such institutions are equipped with all the drugs and equipment necessary for a painless colonoscopy.
Polyclinics of the city of Minsk (No. 1, 20, 29, 5) can conduct an examination of the intestines. Before arriving, ask the staff about pain relief during a colonoscopy. Outpatient examinations may not be sedated.
Before deciding where to do a colonoscopy in Minsk, you should pay attention to hospitals. Patients enter into an agreement on the procedure and placement in the ward for a day. This is necessary to stop possible bleeding after removal of polyps.
List of hospitals in Minsk where colonoscopy is performed:
- 10 city hospital, Uborevich street, 73.
- 5 city hospital, Filatova street, 9.
- 6 Clinical Hospital of the city of Minsk, Uralskaya street, 5.
- City Emergency Hospital, Lieutenant Kizhevatov Street, 58.
Where it is better to do a colonoscopy in Minsk, everyone chooses for himself. Before recording, you should ask your friends, read the reviews.
Patient opinions
All those who have undergone a colonoscopy are advised to undergo an examination under sedation. It is difficult to take laxatives. Some advise to lick a lemon in the cut beforewith another sip. It is difficult for many to “depart” from drug sleep. It also causes discomfort when air escapes from the intestines after a colonoscopy.

It is advisable to stick to a diet for several days before the study. You need to take a laxative according to the scheme prescribed by your doctor. On the day of the procedure in the clinic, it is advisable to take a relative or friend. After a colonoscopy, the patient may have a decrease in pressure, be slightly dizzy.
Before a colonoscopy in Minsk, according to reviews, doctors offer to pay for the removal of polyps. During the research process, they will be removed immediately. If not found, the money will be returned.
All questions of interest should be asked at the time of making an appointment with a doctor. During the appointment, specify the possibility of sedation, the conditions of preparation.