An increase in uric acid crystals in the urine often indicates trouble in the body. These s alts are formed when the urine concentration is high. Their detection in the analysis can be associated with both malnutrition and medication, and diseases. In medicine, such deposits are called urates. If these s alts appear in the urine, then doctors talk about uraturia. What are the reasons for this deviation? And why is it dangerous? In the article we will consider these issues in detail.
What is this
Protein substances - purines - enter the human body with food. Normally, these compounds are completely recycled. However, with various pathologies or an excess of protein foods in the diet, purine metabolism is disturbed. This leads to an increase in the concentration of urine. As a result, a high content of uric acid is formed in urine. In this case, urates precipitate.
To determine the content of urates, it is necessary to undergo a routine clinical study of urine. In a he althy person, uric acid crystals in the urine can be found only in a very small amount. The norms for the content of these s alts depend on the age and gender of the patient:
Age | Urate in mmol per 1 liter |
0 - 1 year | 0, 35 - 2 |
1 - 4 years | to 2, 5 |
4 - 8 years old | 0, 6 - 3 |
8 - 16 years old | 1, 2 - 6 |
Mature men | 2, 1 - 4, 2 |
Mature women | 1, 5 - 3, 5 |
Causes of uraturia
What causes an increase in uric acid crystals in a urine test? Urine concentration may increase with:
- Wrong diet. If a person abuses fried, spicy and fatty foods, and also often drinks alcohol, then this affects the composition of urine. Urine becomes acidic and becomes overly concentrated.
- Long use of medication. Long-term medication can also affect uric acid levels. Uraturia can be a side effect of antibiotics, antipyretics, and antibacterial medications.
- Dehydrated. A person loses fluid during pathological conditions, accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, with excessive sweating, as well as during physical exertion. Urine becomes concentrated due to loss of water.
- Violation of ammonia production by the kidneys. Such dysfunctionobserved in various pathologies of the excretory organs: hydronephrosis, thrombosis or prolapse of the kidney.
- Gout. This is a serious metabolic disorder in which uric acid is not excreted, but accumulates in the body. Urate is deposited in the joints, resulting in severe pain.
- Infectious diseases of the ureters. In inflammatory processes, urine becomes overly concentrated.
- Deviations in the composition of the blood. Uraturia is often detected in diseases of the hematopoietic system.

Pregnant women
During pregnancy, an increased number of uric acid crystals in the analysis is often determined. The reason for this deviation is most often toxicosis, accompanied by vomiting and dehydration.
Some patients during pregnancy try to eat as much protein as possible. Protein is necessary for the unborn child for the proper formation of tissues. However, protein foods should be included in the diet in moderation, otherwise such nutrition can cause uraturia. This is especially true of animal protein found in fish and meat. During the period of gestation, it is better to give preference to vegetable and milk proteins.
Inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and ureters can also be the cause of uraturia during pregnancy. With an increased content of urinary crystals, doctors recommend that you take the test again. If urates are found repeatedly, then additional examinations of kidney function are ordered.
In children
Urine crystalsacids in the urine of a child may appear due to malnutrition. If parents often give the baby fish and meat food, this can lead to an excess of purines in the body. In this case, you can easily correct the situation. It is enough to review the child's diet and limit the amount of animal proteins.
However, it must be remembered that an elevated uric acid crystal count in a child may indicate uric acid diathesis. With this disease, the child becomes restless, sleeps poorly, and is naughty. This is how the first signs of pathology appear. In such cases, it is very important to start treatment on time. Otherwise, in the future, the process of deposition of urates in the joints and under the skin will begin. This is accompanied by the following unpleasant symptoms:
- appearance of itchy rashes on the skin;
- frequent dyspeptic symptoms (nausea, diarrhea);
- suffocation.
It is important to remember that children with uric acid diathesis grow quite quickly. However, in this case, this does not indicate the he alth of the child. Uric acid diathesis must be cured in time. Otherwise, in adulthood, a violation of the metabolism of uric acid can lead to gout.

How dangerous it is
Is it dangerous to increase the content of uric acid crystals? If the release of urates is noted for a long time, then in the future s alts can form stones. A person develops urolithiasis. If deposits get stuck in the ureter, then an attack of renal colic occurs, accompanied by severe pain.

Also, excess uric acid can cause gout. This is a severe metabolic disorder that is accompanied by severe joint pain.
Manifestations of uraturia
Uraturia may be asymptomatic at first. It can only be detected by a blood test. However, as the pathology progresses, the following painful manifestations occur:
- weakness;
- fatigue;
- nausea;
- temperature increase;
- unreasonable pressure surges;
- appearance of blood impurities in the urine;
- pain in the lower abdomen radiating to the lower back.
These are pretty worrying signs. They indicate the onset of urolithiasis.
If an excess of uric acid leads to gout, then the patient has severe pain in the ankle or knee. Unpleasant sensations are paroxysmal in nature. The pain syndrome can be so intense that the patient cannot bear the slightest touch to the leg. In this case, the inflammation of the joints is caused by the deposition of urate in the bones.

All patients with elevated levels of uric acid crystals are shown a strict diet. Dietary intake of purines should be limited as much as possible. Patients should not eat the following foods:
- meat;
- fatty fish (including canned food);
- sausages;
- smoked meats;
- greasy and fried foods;
- animal fats;
- bean dishes;
- coffee;
- meat offal;
- alcohol.
No more than 70 g of animal protein is allowed per day. You can eat white meat chicken, turkey or rabbit meat. However, such dishes can be included in the menu no more than 3 times a week.
It is good for patients to eat apples, bananas, cherries. These fruits and berries are rich in potassium. Such a composition of food contributes to the removal of urates from the body. Apple and lemon juice is also useful.

At the same time, the diet should be varied and complete. Patients with uraturia should not starve, this can lead to a deterioration in the condition. It is very important to consume at least 2 liters of fluid per day. This will help flush the s alts out of the body.
Drug therapy
How to dissolve uric acid crystals? This question worries many patients. It should be noted right away that it is impossible to get rid of urates with folk remedies. It is necessary to take special medicines that neutralize uric acid s alts:
- "Allopurinol".
- "Blemarin".
- "Soluran".

However, it is important to remember that self-medication in this case is unacceptable. Such drugs can only be taken as directed by a urologist.
Medications are also prescribed to help remove uric acid from the body:
- "Asparkam".
- "Phytolysin".
- "Urolesan".
- "Canephron".
- "Urikonorm".

Drug therapy will only be effective if the patient is on a diet. If the patient violates the rules of nutrition, then signs of uraturia may return.
If a patient is diagnosed with gout, then a plasmapheresis procedure is performed. With this medical manipulation, the patient's blood is purified. This removes uric acid crystals from the body.
How effective is plasmapheresis? This procedure in many cases helps to achieve stable remission. The patient's well-being after cleansing the blood improves significantly. But to achieve a positive effect is possible only in cases where the patient adheres to a diet. With malnutrition, relapses of gout inevitably occur.
It can be concluded that uraturia is a rather dangerous sign that signals the possible development of urolithiasis in the future. Therefore, such a symptom should not be ignored. You need to review your diet, and if necessary, undergo treatment with a urologist.