A hangover is a terrible punishment for a great evening spent the day before. The symptoms are familiar to everyone who has ever “went through”. Terrible headache, dry mouth, lack of desire to move. Sometimes there is even a chill, an increase in body temperature, plus a rapid pulse as a result of an accelerated heartbeat. You may also lose your appetite and develop diarrhea.

The most banal feeling in a person in such an unenviable state is an aversion to alcohol. And, naturally, the question arises: “How to remove a hangover at home?”
If the body contains too much alcohol, the liver is not able to break down all the incoming ethyl alcohol into water and carbon dioxide in a timely manner. And then the body accumulates a substance that is a half-life product of alcohol - acetaldehyde.
How to remove a hangover at home? There are a lot of popular tricks. Ordinary buckwheat porridge, for example. If you eat it before drinking alcohol, then the threshold of intoxication will decrease. And if you drink a glass of milk before that, then in the morning there will be no headache.
These are the easiest answers tothe burning question of how to remove a hangover at home. But if these methods did not help, there are others. For example, the best medicine is sleep. It's just great if you can sleep longer the next morning. You can relieve a hangover at home if you drink more liquid. Sweet hot black tea will help a lot. It needs to be strong. You can also drink coffee - thanks to him, a person will also cheer up. However, do not abuse it.

Usually mineral water helps, as it regulates the s alt balance of the human body. Peppermint tea or mint decoction is great for quenching thirst and coping with painful irritability.
The most popular way to get rid of a hangover at home has always been considered pickle. Best of all - cabbage, because it has a high concentration of vitamin C. In second place - cucumber. It normalizes the balance of s alts in the body, and they, in turn, hold the water that a person needs. In addition, the brine has the ability to restore the right amount of potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. However, this liquid should be consumed within reason. Also, in order to restore the supply of potassium and s alts, it is worth adding dried apricots and potatoes to your diet. Hot broths and soups are a great help and the only food recommended in case of a hangover.

It's good if this syndrome is rare. But if ata person has become a habit, then his relatives (more often than himself) are tormented by the question: "How to cure alcoholism at home? Is this possible?" St. John's wort is an ambulance. It must be taken twice a day before meals. After two weeks of such treatment, the person will begin to experience an aversion to alcohol. Also a good remedy is a decoction of oat seeds (unpeeled), to which calendula flowers are added. When taken before meals, cravings for alcohol are noticeably reduced.