A baby's immune system begins to develop only after birth. Therefore, it reacts aggressively to some unfamiliar substances. One of these is cow's milk protein. In infants, an allergy to this product is fleeting. It does not threaten the life of the child, but it causes significant discomfort. Usually the pathology goes away by the age of five. Only in exceptional cases does it become permanent.
Essence of pathology
Any allergy is an autoimmune disorder, which is expressed in an inadequate response of the body's defense system to external influences. As a result, she begins to produce antibodies to substances that do not pose a threat to human life.

Approximately 5% of newborns are allergic to cow's milk protein. The body recognizes it as a foreign antigen. All in such milkthere are more than 20 types of protein. The most active among them are the following: casein, alpha- and beta-lactoglobulins, albumin.
How does an allergic reaction develop? Normally, the molecular chains of milk in the digestive system break down into elements that are easily absorbed by the body. In infants, the gastrointestinal tract is still poorly developed, and enzyme deficiencies are often observed. Therefore, some parts of the molecular chain are preserved. It is on them that the autoimmune response is directed. This is how cow protein allergy develops in babies.
Causes of disorder
It is immediately worth noting that the best food for a newborn in the first six months of life is breast milk. It has in its composition all the substances necessary for the child and is well absorbed. Pediatricians consider any complementary foods to be rough food. Allergens, penetrating into the esophagus, easily overcome its loose structure and enter the bloodstream. Therefore, this disorder is so common among infants. Closer to 2-3 years, the walls of the gastrointestinal tract are strengthened. They gain the ability to resist pathogenic elements. Therefore, there is often a "self-healing" of allergies.
The reaction itself is of two kinds. True hypersensitivity develops even with the use of a small amount of milk. In this case, the cause of the disorder lies in the insufficiency of degrading enzymes, as mentioned above. A pseudo-allergic reaction is observed with excessive use of the product, when the stomach simply cannot cope with the processing of such an amount of milk.

Risk factors
Children are more likely to be allergic to cow's milk protein if the following predisposing factors are present:
- complicated pregnancy, accompanied by stress and the threat of miscarriage;
- unfavorable ecological situation;
- prone to any kind of allergy in one of the parents;
- malnutrition of a woman during pregnancy.
Clinical picture
Antigens, together with the blood flow, are carried to various systems of internal organs. Therefore, there are no clear symptoms of an allergy to milk in a child. Pathology can affect the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and skin, and also be expressed by a violation of the respiratory function. The clinical picture becomes more vivid against the background of SARS and infectious processes, in stressful situations.
Problems with the gastrointestinal tract in children
In babies, an allergic reaction is most often manifested by indigestion. Food particles are usually visible in waste products. The baby may experience vomiting and diarrhea, spitting up on a regular basis.
Another unpleasant symptom of cow's milk intolerance is the presence of red blood cells in the feces. Due to the interaction of protein elements and body antibodies, damage to the intestinal mucosa occurs. The presence of erythrocytes in the faeces confirms the appropriate analysis, and visually they can be detected by blood streaks.
Skin manifestations
Ifparents do not notice the unusual reaction of the immune system and changes in he alth status, the symptoms of allergy to cow's milk protein in infants continue to increase. For example, swelling and redness, itchy dermatoses appear on the skin. A direct consequence of these processes are severe scratching and secondary infection. The appearance of a milk scab also indicates the development of pathology.

Respiratory dysfunction
In rare cases, an allergy to cow's milk protein in infants is accompanied by damage to the respiratory system. In such a situation, parents may notice:
- continuous sneezing;
- allergic rhinitis;
- nasal congestion.
A rather dangerous manifestation of an allergic reaction is anaphylactic shock. The disorder begins to develop almost immediately. The skin becomes pale, the child's face and throat swell, and a spasm of the larynx occurs. Often the clinical picture is complemented by convulsions and urinary incontinence. The condition described is always a medical emergency.
Diagnostic Methods
How to identify milk allergy in children? What should parents do first? With such questions, you should seek help from a pediatrician.
First, the doctor must examine the child, study his history. The specialist can ask a series of clarifying questions to parents in order to get a complete clinical picture. After that, laboratory and clinical tests are scheduled:
- stool analysis;
- blood test for antibodies to allergens;
- skin tests.
Allergy to cow protein in its symptoms and course resembles lactase deficiency. Therefore, diseases are easy to confuse, which is categorically not recommended, because they imply different approaches to treatment. To differentiate pathologies, the pediatrician prescribes lactose-free nutrition to the baby for some time (up to 7 days). If allergy symptoms do not appear, then the cause of the malaise is lactase intolerance.

Features of treatment
The main difficulty in treating an allergy to cow's milk proteins in infants is that this product is the main type of food at this age. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the baby is transferred to special mixtures. They are based on hydrolyzed protein, soy or milk from other animals. The new mixture is introduced into the diet gradually and in a diluted form.
When a baby is breastfed, the woman's diet is reviewed. For some time, she will have to give up all products that may contain cow's milk (cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, condensed milk, and others). A noticeable improvement in the condition of the baby is usually observed 14-30 days after the start of the diet.
In an acute form, therapy is necessarily supplemented by taking medications. Children with severe forms of the disease (Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock) are subject to hospitalization. Other patients can be treated inhome conditions. Usually therapy involves the use of the following groups of medicines:
- Enterosorbents ("Enterosgel", "Laktofiltrum"). These drugs first adsorb allergen substances on themselves, and then remove them from the body.
- Antihistamines. Reduces swelling, redness and itchy skin. The choice of a specific drug is up to the doctor.
- Hormonal drugs ("Prednisolone", "Hydrocortisone"). Among the main indications for use, there are symptoms that require an immediate response. This is, as a rule, bronchospasm, severe swelling, lowering blood pressure. Medicines may only be administered by he althcare professionals.
Separately it is worth mentioning the local treatment. They resort to his help in the presence of skin manifestations of the disorder. At the same time, some drugs ("Bepanten") only restore damaged skin, while others ("Fenistil") block the very mechanism of allergy development. Therefore, they eliminate swelling, itching and redness.

Traditional medicine
Recipes of folk healers have long been used to eliminate the symptoms of allergy to cow's milk proteins in infants. However, this method of treatment should not be considered as an alternative to traditional therapy. Without identifying the allergen and revising the child's diet, it is not possible to overcome the pathology. In addition, an additional consultation with a pediatrician is required before starting a course of therapy.
- Protein Allergiccow's milk in infants helps to cope with a series. With the use of this medicinal plant, a healing decoction is prepared. Baths and lotions with it help relieve skin itching and swelling. Some parents give their children a decoction to take by mouth, starting with a few drops.
- Dill seed decoction is good for gastrointestinal disorders. Most often it is used for diarrhea, colic and regurgitation. To prepare the product, you will need about half a teaspoon of dry seeds, pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew. For medicinal purposes, the child is given 3-4 drops of "medicine" several times a day. Gradually increase the dosage to a full spoon.
These are the most common recipes found in folk healers. For more information on this issue, please contact your pediatrician.

Prognosis for recovery
Unfortunately, in recent years, the number of sick children has been steadily increasing. However, parents should not be upset if the baby is allergic to cow's milk protein. Why it occurs and how to deal with it correctly - these are the questions they should puzzle themselves in the first place. High-quality medical diagnostics today allows you to identify the cause of the disorder and select the most effective methods for its elimination.
According to statistics, by the end of the first year of life, about half of children manage to completely overcome allergies. Already by the age of three, this problem is diagnosedonly 10% of babies. Only in exceptional cases does it remain for life.

Prevention Methods
Why there is an allergy to cow's milk antigens in infants is described a little higher. Can it be avoided? As a preventive measure for the disorder, pediatricians recommend adhering to the following rules:
- Follow your diet during pregnancy.
- It is better to give up alcoholic beverages, since the alcohol contained in them can provoke hypersensitization in the fetus - an increase in sensitivity to certain substances.
- While breastfeeding, a woman should avoid those foods that most often cause allergies.
- In the event of the initial symptoms of an allergic reaction in a child, you should immediately seek qualified medical help.
Allergy to cow's milk in infants is a common phenomenon. This does not mean that its manifestations can be ignored. It is better for parents to immediately consult a pediatrician and, under his control, select options for eliminating an atypical reaction of the body.