Many people are frightened if a tumor is suddenly found in their body. For some reason, most patients associate these formations only with cancer, which inevitably leads to death. However, in reality, everything is not so sad. Among the numerous types of tumors, there are quite harmless ones that do not have a significant impact on life expectancy. Such “good” tumors also include cystic-solid formation. What it is is not known to every person who is not related to medicine. For some people, the word “solid” is associated with the concept of “big, voluminous”, which causes even greater anxiety and fear for their lives. In this article, we will explain in an accessible and understandable way what the aforementioned pathology means, how and why it appears, what are the symptoms and a lot of other useful information.

How life-threatening is a cystic-solid formation
To begin with, we note that all the various types of tumors known at the moment can be divided into two categories:
- Benign (not formingmetastases and therefore not cancerous).
- Malignant (forming single or multiple metastases, which almost always spread throughout the body, which is one of the main causes of death of the patient).
Approximately in 90% of cases, it can be said about a cystic-solid formation that this tumor is benign, that is, safe for life. Of course, this prediction comes true only if the patient does not refuse the treatment offered by the doctor and scrupulously follows all the recommendations. Only a small percentage of these pathologies are malignant. In this case, we are not talking about the degeneration of a benign tumor into a malignant one. In those few patients who are "lucky" to fall into those fatal 10%, the pathology is initially diagnosed as malignant.
Cystic-solid formation - what is it
Both "good" and "bad" tumors are classified according to their morphological features. Among the neoplasms are:
- Cystic. The safest ones tend to be the easiest to treat. They are different in shape, tend to grow, decrease and completely disappear for various reasons. They are a cavity filled with a viscous substance.
- Solid. The most dangerous, in a neglected state, incurable. They are characterized by a hard shell, which entails the invariability of shapes and sizes, that is, they do not increase, decrease or disappear. Inside, solid tumors are filled with tissue fragments.
- Cystic-solid. They are somewhere between the first and secondtype of tumors. They can appear in any organ, which determines the nature of the substrate in their cavity. In most cases, they contain both tissue and liquid.

Neoplasms in the brain
Brain tumors cause the greatest concern among patients. A cystic-solid formation (even a benign one) always compresses neighboring areas of the brain, which causes unbearable headaches in the patient. The reason for such heavy sensations lies in the fact that the brain is enclosed in a hard shell (skull), so any tumor simply has nowhere to go. A neoplasm in soft tissues has the ability to protrude outward or occupy body cavities. Compression forces the brain tumor to put pressure on neighboring cells, preventing blood from reaching them. In addition to pain, it is fraught with disruption of all body systems (digestive, motor, sexual, and so on).
Causes of occurrence
Science does not yet know for certain all the reasons that cause the appearance of tumors, both malignant and benign. In the case of the occurrence of cystic-solid formations of the brain, the following reasons are distinguished:
- Irradiation.
- Extended sun exposure.
- Stress.
- Infections (especially oncoviruses).
- Genetic predisposition. Note that a hereditary factor can be called the cause of a tumor in any organ, not only in the brain, but experts do not consider it a priority.
- Influence of carcinogenic factors (work with reagents,living in an ecologically unfavorable area). For this reason, tumors of a different nature most often occur in people who, by virtue of their profession, work with pesticides, formaldehydes, and other chemicals.

This pathology can manifest itself in different ways, depending on its localization. So, for a cystic-solid formation of the medulla oblongata (recall, this department is located in the occipital part of the head and is a continuation of the spinal cord) the following manifestations are characteristic:
- Dizziness.
- Deafness (usually develops in one ear).
- Difficulty swallowing, breathing.
- Violation of sensitivity in the trigeminal nerve.
- Mobility disorder.
Tumors in the medulla oblongata are the most dangerous, as they are practically untreatable. If the medulla oblongata is injured, death occurs.
In general, for cystic-solid formations in various parts of the brain, the following signs are characteristic:
- Headaches, up to vomiting.
- Dizziness.
- Insomnia or drowsiness.
- Deterioration of memory, orientation in space.
- Impaired vision, speech, hearing.
- Incoordination.
- Frequent mood swings for no apparent reason.
- Muscle tension.
- Audio hallucinations.
- Feeling like there is some inexplicable pressure in my head.
If a cystic-solid formation of the spinalof the brain, this is manifested by pains aggravated in the supine position and at night, descending backache, impaired motor function, paresis.
If at least some of the signs from the above list appear, you should immediately go to the doctor.

Cystic-solid formation in the thyroid gland
As a rule, a cystic-solid formation in the thyroid gland is a cavity limited by a dense membrane filled with cells of the thyroid gland itself. Such cavities are observed single and multiple. Causes of occurrence may be the following:
- Hereditary factor.
- Frequent stress.
- Hormonal disorders.
- Iodine deficiency.
- Infectious diseases.
A cystic-solid formation of the thyroid gland may not manifest itself at all and be discovered by chance during a routine examination of the patient. In such cases, the doctor, with the help of palpation, gropes for small seals on the thyroid gland. Many people with this pathology have complaints:
- Difficulty and even pain when swallowing.
- Shortness of breath (not there before) when walking.
- Hoarse voice.
- Pain (uncharacteristic).
The appearance of a cystic-solid formation in the left or right thyroid lobes is felt about the same. More often they are very small in size (up to 1 cm). However, cases of a very voluminous cystic-solid formation (more than 10 cm) have been recorded.

Solid cystic formation in the kidneys and pelvis
Tumors in the kidneys in men and women occur with approximately equal frequency. But in women much more often than in men, cystic-solid formations appear in the small pelvis. What can this bring to patients? Since this pathology is mainly observed in women of childbearing age, without timely treatment, it can lead to infertility. The main cause of the disease are hormonal disorders caused by:
- Pregnancy.
- Climax.
- Abortion.
- Taking birth control pills.
Tumours are manifested by pain in the lumbar region and / or lower abdomen, headache, menstrual irregularities.
On the kidneys, cystic-solid formations appear for the following reasons:
- Injuries to the organ.
- Tuberculosis (which develops in the kidneys).
- Infections.
- Operations.
- Stones, sand in the kidneys.
- Hypertension.
- Congenital organ anomalies.
Patients complain of pain in the lumbar region, difficulty urinating, unstable blood pressure.

Cystic-solid formations of any localization are diagnosed using the following methods:
- Examination by a doctor, palpation.
- Blood test.
- CT.
- Ultrasound.
- MPT.
- Biopsy.
Whenthe occurrence of cystic-solid formations in the spinal cord, an additional X-ray of the spine, electroneuromyography, and spinal angiography are performed.

The discovery of a cystic-solid tumor is not a reason to prepare for death. In the vast majority of cases, this pathology is successfully treated. According to the indications, the doctor may prescribe medication or surgery. It mainly depends on the location of the tumor. So, with a cystic-solid formation on the medulla oblongata, operations are not performed, only treatment with pills and radiotherapy is practiced. When the tumor is localized in other parts of the brain, as a rule, surgery is prescribed using a laser and ultrasound. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are prescribed only if the tumor is inoperable. With this pathology in the thyroid gland, the methods of treatment depend on the size of the formation. Small nodules (up to 1 cm) are treated with tablets. When larger formations appear, a puncture may be prescribed, followed by removal of the affected part of the thyroid gland.
Of course, the appearance of a tumor in any organ should be taken seriously. If the patient goes to the doctor in time and fulfills all his prescriptions, then a cystic-solid formation in the kidney, in the thyroid gland, in the genitourinary system and some other organs can be cured completely and without complications. The outcome of the treatment of such a pathology in the brain is less favorable, since withDuring surgical intervention, adjacent tissues are almost always affected, which can lead to a number of complications. A tumor in the spinal cord or in the medulla oblongata is the option with the least favorable outcome. But even in these cases, timely treatment can save the patient's life.