Rib fracture: how long does it heal? Features of treatment, recommendations

Rib fracture: how long does it heal? Features of treatment, recommendations
Rib fracture: how long does it heal? Features of treatment, recommendations

Oste cells of various orientations lie in the structure of bones. Some are responsible for the mechanism of musculoskeletal activity, others for destruction and rebirth, others for the main substance. At an early age, organic elements predominate in the human body. However, in the process of growing up, the ratio of substances change direction, which leads to fragility, destruction of bone tissue. Although, despite the high resistance of the body to external factors, problems may arise in the younger generation. In view of this, for most people, the quite appropriate question is ripening about how long a rib fracture heals.

rib fracture how long does it take to heal
rib fracture how long does it take to heal

Features of the development of fractures

Rib injuries often result in fractures due to specific anatomy. The connection with the sternum and spine is fragile, and the arcuateness increases the level of vulnerability. Bone structures are fused only in the first seven pairs, the rest are fastened with cartilage tissue.

Injuries in this area occur in 15% of all existing options. The occurrence of such problems increases when ossification occurs. SoThus, the question of how much the ribs grow together after a fracture is quite justified.

Such injuries are dangerous because other very important organs of the cardiac, vascular, and pulmonary systems are localized next to them. In addition, at first a person may not suspect that he has damage in this area. If you start the treatment process, then complications arise.

how long do ribs heal after a fracture
how long do ribs heal after a fracture

Causes leading to damage

The most important causes of fractures are considered to be two groups: traumatic and pathological.

The first one can be called:

  • strike;
  • squeezing;
  • collision;
  • fall;
  • compression;
  • sports injury.

Second - pathological, occurs in the following situations:

  • connective tissue disorders (arthritis);
  • oncological processes;
  • tumors;
  • problems with bone cells and structures that cause osteoporosis;
  • sternum of abnormal anatomy for various reasons;
  • pathological disorders at the hereditary level that lead to bone fragility.

In any case, this problem is considered a complete or partial violation of the integrity of the bone. Some parents do not know all the nuances and subtleties of the functioning of the systems, so they ask in advance how long the rib heals after a fracture in a child. In childhood, bone tissues are predominantly organic and cartilaginous elements, so they are elastic andelastic. Thus, fractures are rare in a child; rather, these injuries are similar to fractures. However, if such a problem is diagnosed, then this means that the baby has undergone a traumatic effect.

how long does it take for a fracture of two ribs to heal
how long does it take for a fracture of two ribs to heal

Classification and leaky fracture mechanism

In order to carry out the correct treatment, the doctor conducts a diagnosis, as a result, certain provisions are revealed. These data, obtained during the examination, will give answers to questions about whether there is a displacement, the number of broken bones, and many others. In the process, it will also become known if the rib is after a fracture, how long it heals. Such injuries upon examination are classified as follows:

  • injury can be open or closed, that is, with or without tears in the skin;
  • intensity, which will indicate the complete divergence of the fabric or the type of crack, branches - the ends are damaged, but at the same time fixed with each other;
  • local position: one way or two way.

These injuries can be multiple, single, with displacement. Depending on this, fusion and healing occurs quickly or slowly. The rib is depressed or fails depending on the location of the damage. A similar problem proceeds in different ways and has a different severity, symptoms, and so on. However, treatment often implies a certain complex nature.

how long do ribs heal after a fracture in a person
how long do ribs heal after a fracture in a person

Special featuresfractures

How long a rib fracture heals depends on the extent of the damage and other factors. The main manifestations of such damage are as follows:

  • constant pain, aggravated by breathing, rapid movement, pressing;
  • swelling, bruising, redness around the affected area;
  • the chest is deformed;
  • emphysema, subcutaneous pleura due to trapped air;
  • coughing up blood - happens when a lung is damaged.

Complicated consequences of fractures

Severe injuries may have the following complications:

  • The shock process develops during bleeding and especially in the cold.
  • Lack of respiratory activity - the patient cannot breathe freely and calmly due to pain, resulting in cyanosis, increased pulse and breathing.
  • Air enters the space of the pleura, suffocation occurs - pneumothorax;
  • Hemothorax - hemorrhage in the cavity between the pleura, resulting in a clinical drop in pressure, arrhythmia.
  • Pneumonia or inflammation in the lung system. This option can occur with a long immobile state of the patient, in the presence of infection and foci of inflammation. However, such an outcome appears in rare cases.

Patients who have similar injuries often ask the doctor how long the ribs heal after a fracture in a person. As a rule, bones grow together according to a certain principle. Connective tissues grow first, then callus is formed, inwhich will contain various cells and elements. In the process, the neoplasm will completely cover the defect that has arisen, the affected area will acquire density and structure.

how long does a rib fracture heal without displacement
how long does a rib fracture heal without displacement

Additional injury symptoms

How long a rib fracture heals directly depends on immobilization and proper treatment. Such injuries mainly occur after strong blows, bruises and other incidents. They are characterized by symptoms such as coughing, difficulty breathing and other things. Multiple fractures are dangerous due to respiratory failure.

Healing goes through several stages, but directly depends on proper immobilization. First you need to properly apply a tight bandage, ensuring immobility of the bone structures of the ribs, then you need to fix them with a splint. If the incident that caused injury to a person occurred somewhere on the road, in a public institution or place, then, if possible, the patient is taken to the nearest emergency department.

Transportation of the patient to the clinic

To take the patient to the clinic yourself, you need to follow certain rules:

  • comfortable tire that does not cause pain, does not squeeze anything;
  • quick immobilization;
  • the wound is closed with an aseptic tourniquet;
  • transport the patient in a semi-sitting state.

When such injuries occur, the victim wonders how long a rib fracture heals. The areas most affected are thosethe most curved. If only one element is affected, then splicing will be quite fast with competent treatment and therapy. However, in most cases, multiple fractures occur with compression and with the fall of the two ends, traumatizing the soft tissues and causing bleeding and effusion. The answer to the question of how long a displaced rib fracture heals can be given by a qualitative diagnosis and examination by a doctor.

how long does it take for a broken rib to heal
how long does it take for a broken rib to heal

Examination and research of bone structures in injuries

Diagnosis of the patient is carried out by a doctor who will palpate (examine) the bone structures in order to find out the degree of damage and the local location of the injury. For specific pains, research methods of the following nature are additionally prescribed:

  • informative accurate way - X-ray, which will reveal even the smallest fractures;
  • tomography using computer technology - identifies complex and questionable injuries;
  • magnetic resonance or wave therapy for radiography contraindications;
  • diagnosis by ultrasound will analyze the healing process;
  • angiography, laboratory blood tests - additional research methods and options for a clearer and more accurate result.

How long the ribs heal after a fracture also depends on the timely first aid and hospitalization. In any case, the victim must be immediately immobilized with splints, tourniquets, bandages and ensure proper transportation to the clinic. Among other things, it is important to check the area of injury for open wounds. If there are any, then you need to treat with a disinfectant. After such actions, it is necessary to seal clean paper, film and additional airtight material so that air does not enter the chest cell and there is no lung fall.

How long does a rib fracture take to heal: symptoms and treatment

If the injury is not complicated, then recovery occurs gradually and independently, the main thing is to provide the most benign conditions for the patient. Bone integrity occurs in a month. As for the elderly and immunocompromised patients, healing is delayed for several weeks. Inpatient treatment includes:

  • pain medication therapy;
  • bandaging with additional elastic materials;
  • removal of excess air or blood (pneumothorax and hemothorax);
  • elimination of insufficiency of the respiratory system;
  • short recovery of multiple injuries, especially in areas that won't heal on their own.

How long a broken rib heals may depend on proper sleep. To speed up the fusion process and reduce pain, the patient needs to fall asleep in a semi-recumbent or sitting position. Similar terms apply to facilitate.

Rehabilitation and prevention

After the main treatment, the injured person needs a set of restorative measures. How long a fracture of two ribs heals, the same amount of rehabilitationtherapy required by the patient. If the injury is simple, and the bones have grown together in a few weeks, therefore, preventive measures will be minimal and simple.

If the disease is pathological, then the underlying problem must first be treated. In the case of a simple fracture, treatment with local analgesics and painkillers will be required. In the process of hematoma, etc., it resolves on its own. Complex injuries require comprehensive care and rest.

Rehabilitation activities include:

  • exclusion of physical and other activities for a couple of weeks;
  • classes should be minimal, therapeutic, in the process the amplitude and strength will increase;
  • required breathing exercises;
  • a balanced diet is important, in which proteins, vitamins, and minerals will be present.

Sleep in a comfortable way and on a hard surface if possible.

how long do ribs heal after a fracture
how long do ribs heal after a fracture

Terms of healing and healing of fractures

How long a rib fracture heals without displacement, with it, multiple depends on the person himself. Bone structures grow together in a short time if assistance was provided quickly and efficiently, without additional or direct complications and pathologies. Among other things, recovery will be quick with the correct behavior of the victim.

It is important for the patient to follow the diet, regimen and lifestyle. The doctor gives recommendations, instructions - the victim fulfills them. The patient should avoid physical activitybed rest and doctor's settings. If a person does all this, then the fusion of the damaged area occurs soon.
