17 narcological hospital (Moscow): reviews, address and phone number

17 narcological hospital (Moscow): reviews, address and phone number
17 narcological hospital (Moscow): reviews, address and phone number

Unfortunately, in our country there are a lot of people with various bad habits that cause addiction. Drug addiction and alcohol cravings are considered serious illnesses that should only be treated under the supervision of doctors to ensure proper medication and restore patients to he alth without consequences or with minimal risks.

Specialized medical facilities

To work with addicted people in cities there are specialized clinics, both private and public. All of them provide medical services for the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with addictions at different stages.


Narcodetox . There are many more centers and private offices,addiction-free practitioners, but they are smaller and less in demand.

17 narcological hospital in Moscow

This medical institution was founded in 1982. This is a hospital, which is one of the clinical sectors on the basis of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology of the capital. Until now, it operates by helping people with substance abuse, addictions to alcohol and drugs.


The treatment and prevention center includes several departments, its own laboratories (both stationary and mobile), the Rubicon Club for Alcoholics Anonymous. A total of 17 narcological hospitals employ more than three hundred doctors whose speci alties (for example, a psychiatrist-narcologist, psychotherapist, psychologist, social workers) can provide the necessary assistance to patients with acute and pronounced emotions, as well as those who are prone to severe depression.

Branches and departments of the narcological center

All city narcological clinics are branches of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology and represent its scientific and clinical base. As for Hospital No. 17, there are two branches to serve patients as quickly as possible.

Addresses of branches of the 17 narcological hospital:

  • Varshavskoe shosse, bld. 170-g;
  • Bolotnikovskaya st., bld. 16.

Phones of the registry and all doctors are posted on the official website of the institution.

Both branches provide services fordiagnostics:

  • differential;
  • functional research;
  • ultrasound;
  • testing for HIV and syphilis;
  • examination of internal organs (liver, stomach, heart);
  • laboratory tests to establish the fact of drug use.

In addition, hospital doctors provide assistance in the post-alcohol period and accompany the recovery process after stopping drug use.


The branches are located near metro stations: one point of the 17th narcological hospital on Anino, the second on Kakhovskaya.

Institution's photo

For those who have the desire or need to visit the 17 clinic, some photos of both branches of the institution are presented.


17 the clinic at Annino is shown in the photo above.

17 clinic on "Kakhovskaya" - in the photo below.


Doctors of the 17th Clinical Narcological Hospital

Each department of the clinic employs specialists of both narrow profiles and therapists.

About 60 doctors work in branch No. 2 (Hospital 17 on Varshavsky Highway, building 170). Most of them are young doctors with less than 5 years of experience.

The most experienced in the team are: Yukhimenko R. A. (narcologist-psychiatrist with 8 years of experience) and Efremov A. V. (narcologist-psychiatrist with 10 years of experience).

The rest of the staff earn experience and raise their authority with patients.


  • Malyshev V. Yu.
  • Alekseenko A. N.
  • Bespalov D. E.
  • Akhmetov E. R.
  • Bodunov E. A.
  • Bogacheva M. V.
  • Golovin S. A.
  • Gordeev A. M.
  • Demina M. V.
  • Egorov D. S.
  • Zharova E. V.
  • Zabrodina E. S.
  • Kvitka P. S.
  • Kiryushkin V. A.
  • Laktaeva E. A.
  • Misharin I. V.
  • Ovchinnikov S. V.
  • Saenko O. A.
  • Frolov D. V.
  • Khokhlov P. L. and others.

Among those who have won the special trust of customers are:

  • Rumyantseva Olga Igorevna;
  • Bulatov Sergei Aleksandrovich;
  • Vorobyova Elena Vladimirovna;
  • Skorik Dmitry Vladimirovich.

Branch No. 1 17 of the narcological hospital on the Kakhovskaya metro station (along Bolotnikovskaya street, building 16) is larger in size, and, accordingly, the number of employees is larger. About a hundred doctors provide care to patients here. Among them there are doctors of medical sciences, candidates of medical sciences. The most experienced doctors with more than 15 years of experience are:

  • Bobrov A. E. (psychiatrist, 38 years of experience);
  • Makarova N. E. (narcologist, psychiatrist, 27 years of experience);
  • Mikhailov P. G. (narcologist, psychiatrist, 20 years of experience);
  • Molchanov S. A. (narcologist, psychiatrist, 15 years of experience).

The department also has doctors in the following speci alties:

  1. Anesthesiologist-resuscitator (Andreev A. N., Izotova N. Yu., Kalyagina E. V., Mironov V. S., Tarasov V. E., Tsitsugin D. V.).
  2. Infectionist(Kolesnikov V. G., Chekmareva L. I.).
  3. Narcologist (Zhdanova S. Yu., Saparov A. T., Ivanov A. V., Morozov Yu. B., Nikolaev K. A., Pronin M. M., Agaronov V. R., Bagryantsev D. I., Berestov V. V., Verevkin S. V., Danilin A. G., Zaitseva A. V., Zolotukhina Yu. S., Kalinichenko V. N. and others).
  4. Neurologist (Ishchuk Yu. G.).
  5. Psychiatrist (Nasonkina O. M., Saparov A. T., Kozhbakov O. A., Afrukov A. V., Remizova M. N., Salikova Yu. P., Smirnov V. V., Tsygankov B. D., Chetyrina E. V. and others).
  6. Psychotherapist (Danilin A. G., Moskal N. E., Semichastnova S. L.).
  7. Therapist (Izotova N. Yu., Kalyagina E. V.).
  8. Surgeon (Mironov V. S.).

Cost of services

The clinic operates under the state program and provides assistance to patients with special needs. In this case, a referral and the presence of a certificate with a diagnosis are required. For those who want to individually undergo examination / diagnosis / treatment, a private program is provided for a fee.


The cost of hospital he alth screening services is approximately as follows:

  • Ultrasound: genital organs - from 630 rubles; necks - from 570 rubles; abdominal cavity - from 680 rubles, small pelvis - from 570 rubles; joints and tissues - from 650 rubles; duplex scanning - from 1470 rubles
  • X-ray: chest - from 200 rubles; bones and joints - from 730 rubles
  • Functional diagnostics: heart - from 540 rubles, brain - from 610 rubles; lungs - from RUB 935

Hospital Reviews

17 Moscow Narcological Hospital,working for many years, has collected a lot of feedback. However, they do not give an unambiguous assessment of the institution, since some of them are good, and some are sharply negative.

It is important to understand that the opinion in the review may be erroneous, written under the influence of emotions, or be simply fake in order to increase/decrease the level of trust in the doctors of this clinic.

In addition, there is such a nuance as a change in the opinion of patients about the 17 narcological hospital, depending on its branch and department.

Positive experience

According to patients, the positive qualities of the hospital and staff are cleanliness in the departments and comfortable conditions for patients, good-natured and calm attitude towards patients. Nutrition, according to patients, is good, treatment is provided in full. A lot of good reviews are received by doctors who return children, fathers and other family members to normal life after many years of addiction to bad habits. Among such people are doctors: Beburia, Zolotukhin, Malkov, Balashov, Avfukov, Morozov, Saiyan, Basse, Kirichenko, Soshneva, Markina.

Special attention is paid to the fact that doctors behave calmly, but strictly. Patients initially actively resist this, and then they mark it as the right tactic of behavior, which is "sobering".

Many relatives of the patients of the clinic remain grateful to the doctors for the fact that they thoroughly study the case histories and look for an individual approach to each of their patients.

Negative impressions

Despite positive reviewsabout 17 narcological hospital, there is a percentage of bad statements that help to identify the problems of the institution.

Negative reviews mainly carry information that bad doctors, superficial diagnosis and then unreasonable and dangerous treatment, after which he alth deteriorates very much. Some complain about the boorish attitude of the staff and call the hospital "hell". Others say that the results of the examination were falsified in the hospital, some point to the existence of such a fact as extortion of money from relatives for a good attitude towards their relatives who are being treated.


One of the reasons for the patient's bewilderment was the absence of an endocrinologist in the hospital, and, as a result, the refusal to accept a patient with endocrine pathology for treatment.

Another negative point that many patients pay attention to is the long waiting time in the emergency room.

In general, reviews may refer to the entire hospital or individual employees, and therefore it is necessary to check the information that is of particular importance to a particular person.
