Have you ever woken up in the morning with swollen eyelids or had trouble putting on your shoes after a day at work? Surely such unpleasant symptoms are familiar to everyone.

To know how to remove water from the body, you need to understand why swelling occurs. A number of diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys cause fluid retention in the tissues. In addition, estrogen, which is present in excess in women during the premenstrual period, contributes to the accumulation of excess water.
But today we will talk about why edema occurs in he althy people. Not the last role in the violation of water metabolism is played by insufficient physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle, which contribute to the slow movement of lymph and blood flow. Vigorous exercise will help to remove water from the body in this case.
Another reason is dietary errors, an abundance of fatty and s alty foods. S alt is the main supplier of sodium to the body, which in this case becomes the cause of edema. Dilation of capillaries and blood vessels caused by excessive alcohol addiction also causes fluid retention.
Perhaps this will seem absurd to some, butbefore you remove water from the body, you must learn to drink it in sufficient quantities. One of the main causes of edema is dehydration (dehydration). For the normal functioning of the body, simple water is necessary, which it regularly receives less. This causes the cells to store water for normal functioning, while the body suffers from dehydration.
So, how to remove water from the body without the use of diuretics?

You just need to adjust your daily diet. Since 1 mg of carbohydrates binds 4 mg of water in the body, sugar, as well as s alt, should be consumed in extremely limited quantities. The same applies to smoked meats, sausages, fatty foods, pastries.
It is desirable to include in the menu products that remove water from the body. The simplest vegetables - potatoes, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes and bell peppers - perfectly contribute to the release of the body from retained fluid. Watermelons, melons, tomatoes and bananas are better than medical drugs to cope with the problem of edema.
It has already been said above about the need to drink ordinary water. Drinking one and a half to two liters of clean water per day should become a daily habit. If you visit the gym, do fitness, you should drink even more water.

Bath or sauna is the first enemy of edema. Under the influence of hot steam, the body will easily get rid of excess fluid. If visiting the bath for any reasonundesirable for you, then you can take a bath with an extract of pine needles at home. Twice a week will be enough to normalize the water-s alt metabolism.
Medicinal plants will also help to get rid of edema as soon as possible: lingonberry leaf, bear's eye, bearberry, horsetail. In addition, if you add cranberries, lemon, ginger to drinking water, then fluid retention in the body can be avoided.
Get a he althy diet, increase physical activity, follow the tips above and you won't have to worry about how to remove water from the body.