How to restore the body: causes of failure, symptoms, adherence to the regimen, taking vitamins, medication and home recovery methods, advice from doctors

How to restore the body: causes of failure, symptoms, adherence to the regimen, taking vitamins, medication and home recovery methods, advice from doctors
How to restore the body: causes of failure, symptoms, adherence to the regimen, taking vitamins, medication and home recovery methods, advice from doctors

Antibiotics are life-saving medicines for bacterial infections. They kill the bacteria that cause the disease and prevent it from spreading, which can be important, especially in severe cases. In this article, you will learn how to restore the body after antibiotics and strengthen the immune system.

Harm of antibacterial drugs

The problem with antibiotics is that they have become overused and prescribed even when viral infections are present. But these drugs do not kill viruses.

Antibiotics not only kill bad bacteria, they also kill good bacteria. When chronically abused, they can disrupt the gut, which can affect many other areas of life, including immunity, mental he alth, digestion, body detoxification, and can even increase inflammation.

Harm of antibiotics
Harm of antibiotics

Howantibiotics affect the gut

While antibiotics cure one disease in some situations, they also change and damage the gut microflora, even after a single dose.

Such drugs not only suppress bacterial infections, they can also cause an immediate decrease in beneficial strains of bacteria such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. In some cases, they can also increase Clostridium (a harmful type of bacteria that lives in the gut).

Most antibiotics can also cause long-term changes in the intestinal bacterial flora. In some cases, the intestines can return to normal on their own, without help. But this may take an average of four weeks after a single dose of antibiotics. If frequent doses of antibiotics are used, the intestines may experience permanent changes.

Similar drugs can damage mitochondria - energy stations of cells. Without he althy mitochondria, the entire body can weaken and lose energy.

Antibiotics used during the first few years of life have the potential to build the gut microbiome. This can lead to a greater likelihood of weight gain and obesity in both childhood and adulthood.

Side effects of antibiotics

In addition to these invisible signs of antibiotic damage, side effects can also be more obvious, such as diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Some people may have allergic reactions to certain types of antibiotics, such as penicillin. This is manifested by sores in the mouth or itchy rashes that may appear after the start of therapy.

While antibiotics may have certain he alth benefits, their side effects are quite varied. Because they destroy good bacteria as well as bad ones, they can cause long-term damaging effects. Therefore, it is very important to know how to restore balance in the body.

Side effect of antibiotics
Side effect of antibiotics

Conditions for a he althy gut

Sometimes antibiotics are unavoidable, 3 conditions must be met to keep the gut he althy and minimize long-term negative effects.

  1. Follow instructions. While you may not be thrilled about taking antibiotics, it's important to get the full course of treatment in the first place. If you have to take drugs, use them properly to make sure the bacteria you're fighting are actually killed. If you stop early, you will most likely have to take another course of antibiotics.
  2. Take probiotics separately. It is worth taking drugs that restore the body - probiotics, during the course of antibiotics. Ideally, probiotics should be taken at least three hours after antibiotics. Keep in mind that there are different opinions about which strains are the best. If broad-spectrum drugs are prescribed, then a high dose of probiotics is a good way to protect the intestines.
  3. Maintain gut he alth. Even if you losesome beneficial bacteria in the course of therapy, maintaining a he althy gut while you are taking antibiotics, can reduce the duration of your negative bowel symptoms.
  4. Taking vitamins. After antibiotic therapy and past infections, the body more than ever needs vitamins that restore the body. They will help increase resistance to infections, strengthen immunity.
  5. omega three
    omega three

Bifidobacteria and probiotics

Because antibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria, the most important thing is to populate the gut with good bacteria. The fastest way is to take a drug with bifidobacteria. Choose a broad-spectrum product without additives. For initial recolonization, take 2-3 capsules daily.

There are probiotic rich foods. They are also important. Choose fermented and fermented foods with live and active cultures (like cabbage, kombucha, and kimchi). Avoid yogurt and kefir if they contain sugar - most commercial varieties of these products contain 20 to 30 grams of sugar per serving, and this amount eliminates the benefit of probiotic strains.

Gut He alth

It is important to continue the work of gut repair and healing after antibiotics. Taking bone broth, collagen, glutamine can help ensure that the barrier functions of the digestive system remain intact.

There are many vegetables that are also important as fiber helps the intestinesfunction normally. After antibiotics, some may cause diarrhea.

Mitochondrial Support

These are the energy sources of the cells and when our energy in the cells does not work well, we will not feel better. The intestine needs mitochondria to restore normal function. And they are also needed to restore the immune, digestive system and any other organs in the body.

Nutrients vital for mitochondrial function include:

  • B vitamins.
  • Zinc.
  • Magnesium.
  • Antioxidants.

These nutrients are found in abundance in a balanced diet rich in vegetables, fruits, he althy fats and proteins.

he althy eating muesli
he althy eating muesli

Prevent the growth of pathogenic flora

When taking antibiotics, some people may be more likely to develop a yeast infection or goiter. The body needs good bacteria as pathogens can multiply rapidly. Probiotic supplements can help stop yeast growth and restore proper balance.

Another important factor for a quick recovery is to cut out sugar, refined flours, grains and fast food. All of this contains ingredients that help bad bacteria multiply actively without feeding beneficial microorganisms.

Liver protection

If you take antibiotics frequently or multiple times over several years, it is also important to keep your liver he althy. Studies have shown that these drugs -one of the most powerful liver damaging drugs.

But this body is the largest. The liver is responsible not only for detoxification, but also for the destruction of old hormones, the production of cholesterol, the synthesis of vitamin D. This organ helps to produce digestive juices.

Without a liver, we cannot survive. Start with a diet rich in antioxidants and he althy omega-3 fats. Vegetables that have higher levels of sulfur, such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower, help the liver detox, but also contain nutrients that can protect it and help it recover.

Even if you need to take antibiotics, you can minimize their side effects and harm. It is enough to explore how to restore the body at home. You can do this by adopting a lifestyle that promotes a he althy digestive system and cleanses the body of unwanted components and substances. The latter include refined sugars and trans fats.

he althy eating
he althy eating

Folk remedies to restore the intestines

To restore he althy gut flora and digestive function during and after a course of antibiotics, you can use folk remedies to restore the body:

  • Probiotics are probiotic foods rich in beneficial bacteria such as yogurt, kombucha or naturally fermented pickles, sauerkraut or kimchi. Take probiotics during and after antibiotic treatment. Saccharomyces boulardii is a beneficial yeast that can help with recovery.
  • It is very important to take vitamins that restore the body. Any vitamin complex will do. Of course, if there is no allergy.
  • Bone broth is another important food to use to heal your gut.
  • Avoid cold and raw foods. Give preference to more easily digestible dishes, such as soups and simple dishes of boiled rice, meat and vegetables.
  • Prebiotics - take during and after a course of antibiotics. A lot of soluble fiber is found in foods such as peeled fruits and tubers. This creates a breeding ground for beneficial bacteria. Soluble fiber, found in foods such as whole grains, beans, and indigestible vegetables, should be avoided as it will irritate the intestinal lining.
  • Ginger - drink tea with this product. It is enough to add fresh slices to boiling water, honey and lemon. This recipe will help to improve and speed up the digestive process.

Immune system protection

How to restore the body and protect the immune system? Ways to increase the body's resistance:

  • Take fish oil. The omega-3 fats in this product reduce inflammation, and it also contains vitamins D and A. Raw fish oil helps boost immune function.
  • Vitamin D. Regular exposure to the sun on your skin (without sunscreen) is the best way to get importantimmunomodulatory soft tissue nutrition.
  • Increase your antioxidant intake by consuming fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables daily. Vitamin C significantly boosts immunity in the fight against viral infections.
  • Folk remedies
    Folk remedies

Doctors advice

How to restore the body after antibiotics? According to the advice of doctors, an important stage after taking antibiotics is compliance with the drinking regimen and proper nutrition. Part of the therapy is a he althy diet, which is necessary for a quick and effective treatment. Fermented milk products should be present in the daily menu. They will improve intestinal motility, enrich it with lacto- and bifidobacteria.

It is useful to know how to restore energy in the body after viral infections. It is good to drink natural yogurt at night to populate the intestines with beneficial bacteria and avoid nausea after taking antibiotics. Take food rich in fiber. They contain dill, parsley, carrots, cabbage, apricots, beets, lettuce.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are good for viral infections: onions, garlic, apples, bananas. To quickly restore strength after an illness, you need protein. Its content is high in fish (halibut, cod, hake).

Support your immune system by following the points mentioned above. In addition, Chinese herbal medicine can be extremely effective in fighting a wide variety of infections and viruses.

Nutrition for Gut He alth
Nutrition for Gut He alth

Let's consider how to restore the body's metabolism after antibiotic therapy:

  1. Dream. It helps your body relax and speed up your metabolism. Your body still burns calories while you sleep, so you need to sleep for 7-8 hours.
  2. Regular schedule. Eating at the same time, getting up at the same time.
  3. Physical activity. How can you quickly restore the body? Walking, jogging, or other types of exercise that are different from your normal routine.
  4. Limit your sugar intake. Replace unhe althy sweets with fresh fruit.
  5. Remove trans fats from your diet. These substances are commonly used in cooking. Donuts, brownies, cakes - these sinful delicacies love to linger in our body.
  6. Increase the amount of water you drink. Water should be your main drink throughout the day. Any level of dehydration affects the balance of the body.
  7. Sunbathe. Doctors have found that people who spend more time outside the walls weigh less and are he althier overall. Sunbathe for at least an hour a day (during safe hours).
