For many women, cellulite is a major cosmetic concern. Even for those who systematically work out in gyms, its unaesthetic manifestations on the skin continue to cause a lot of anxieties and worries. One of the most progressive methods of body correction is LPG massage, reviews of which testify to the high efficiency of the procedure, achieved by painless smoothing of the skin.

Manifestations of cellulite are reflected on the skin of the fair sex in the form of changes in subcutaneous adipose tissue. Fat seals visually look like dimples and tubercles on the skin, resembling an orange peel. These formations indicate blockage of blood vessels in the layers of fatty tissue. In addition to the fact that this prevents the free flow of oxygen and nutrients to the skin, it is much more difficult to remove fluids, fats and toxins from the body. Massage LPG reviews regarding the elimination of painful manifestations of cellulite has the most positive.

The essence of the method is to provide a three-dimensional vacuum-mechanical impact on the skin areas affected by cellulite. The effect of such exposure extends to all skinlayers, including the layer of subcutaneous fat. The modern LPG device has favorable reviews even among plastic surgeons, who recognize it as a highly effective and worthy alternative to surgical liposuction. It should be noted that in recent years liposuction remains the most popular body contouring procedure not only in Russia, but throughout the world.
Due to the fact that it does not require penetration through the skin and the non-invasive LPG procedure is completely painless, it has the most positive reviews. This massage allows not only to effectively eliminate the manifestations of cellulite, but also to prevent its formation. Today, stress is recognized as the main cause of cellulite. The human body instantly reacts to the slightest changes in its environment. It can be a bad environment, a sedentary lifestyle, a lack of proper rest, an unhe althy diet, or an emotionally difficult period of life.
Positive reviews about the LPG procedure indicate that such a massage is able to completely eliminate the effects of stress and stimulate increased production of happy hormones - endorphins. When the body constantly has to adapt to such conditions, this inevitably leads to a change in the functioning of the nervous, lymphatic and circulatory systems, which are primarily responsible for the appearance of cellulite. Thus, the LPG procedure, which has the most favorable reviews, is shown in the presence of the following cosmetic defects:

- cellulite andprerequisites for his education;
- excessive subcutaneous fat deposits;
- loose skin.
It can be recommended to enhance the effect of liposuction, as well as for sciatica, injuries, muscle spasms.
No one doubts the effectiveness of the LPG method today, but it should be approached with caution, as it has a number of contraindications associated with mechanical damage to the skin, varicose veins, oncology and acute infectious diseases.