Cylinders in urine are very small casts of the renal tubule cavity. The presence of these indicates some he alth problems. Cylindruria occurs due to insufficient filtration of the kidneys. As a rule, this is associated with some kind of pathology.
They are detected during a general urinalysis (abbreviated OAM). This analysis is recommended to be taken by absolutely all people who applied to a medical institution. OAM and complete blood count (CBC for short) helps to identify many he alth problems in the patient. Also OAM and UAC is a standard procedure for a comprehensive examination.
Cylinders in baby's urine

Urine is normally slightly acidic. The pH value should not exceed seven, the minimum value is five and a half. Cylinders are formed in the urine, which has an acidic reaction. In addition, OAM may show an increased amount of protein.
The process of formation of these microscopic bodies indicates the presence of problems with the kidneys. Normally, cylinders can be found in the urine, but no more than two in the field of view.
Types and causes
Cylinders in urinecan be formed in several ways:
- protein;
- epithelial cells;
- erythrocytes.
It is also very important to note that strong physical activity or a protein diet is the reason for the detection of single hyaline casts in the urine.
There are three groups of cylinders in total:
- hyaline;
- grainy;
- waxy.
At the same time, granular are divided into several types:
- erythrocyte;
- leukocyte;
- epithelial.

Hyaline casts in urine are the most common type. Outwardly, they are transparent and uniform. The ends of the cylinders are rounded. It is very important to know that single (up to two) hyaline cylinders identified as a result of a urine test are a normal phenomenon for a he althy body. As mentioned earlier, the reason for this is physical activity and a protein diet. If more of them were found in the urine, then the reasons may be:
- jades;
- kidney tuberculosis;
- dehydration;
- pathology of the cardiovascular system (cardiovascular system);
- liver disease and so on.
There are two types of granular casts in urine:
- coarse;
- fine-grained.
They appear as a result of damage to the tubules of the kidneys. At the same time, cellular elements disintegrate. If this type of cylinder is found in the urine, then this indicates serious problems with the kidneys:
- glomerulonephritis;
- sclerotic changes;
- nephrolithiasis;
- development of malignant neoplasms in the kidneys and so on.

Waxy casts in urine are completely different in appearance from other types, as they have a dense structure, they look like wax. This is a very bad sign in research, this type of cylinder suggests that some tubules are completely atrophied and there is no urine flow in them.
Waxy casts can be found on urine tests in the following cases:
- thermal (agonal) state;
- chronic severe form of glomerulonephritis;
- kidney amyloidosis;
- nephrotic syndrome;
- kidney toxicity and so on.

Now briefly about erythrocyte casts in the urine. They are formed as follows: erythrocyte structures are superimposed or adhere to hyaline structures. In this case, the erythrocyte element can be distinguished from the structure of the cylinder itself. This helps to recognize hematuria (that is, the presence of casts in the urine). There are cases when they are homogeneous. In this case, the reason could be:
- acute glomerulonephritis;
- kidney infarction;
- vein thrombosis and so on.
The presence of red blood cells is always a pathology. Externally, this view has the following features:
- brownish color;
- edges can betattered;
- cylinders are quite brittle.
To detect erythrocyte casts, it is necessary to examine only fresh material. They talk about diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.
Pathological casts in the urine can make it clear to the doctor what kind of pathological process is going on in the patient's urinary system. The laboratory assistant who conducts the analysis is obliged to indicate which type of cylinders is found in the urine. Now briefly about one more type - the leukocyte cylinder.
Detection of this form indicates serious diseases, among which pyelonephritis, sepsis, lupus nephritis and so on can be distinguished. They are formed as a result of adherence of leukocytes to the hyaline matrix. Leukocyte casts are difficult to detect, and in the study of urine sediment, they can be confused with the epithelial type, which we will talk about right now.
Epithelial cylinder is a protein structure that is formed by compaction of epithelial cells. What causes them? The reason for their formation lies in the decay and dystrophic changes in the tubules. The discovery of this species indicates degenerative lesions of the kidneys.
They can appear in the urine of a patient with kidney failure who has recently had a transplant operation. Their detection suggests that the transplant is rejected by the body. However, this is not the only reason for their appearance in the urine. They appear at:
- acute tubular nephropathy;
- glomerulonephritis;
- terminalstates and so on.
It is also important to note that the appearance of this type of cylinders for patients with glomerulonephritis is a very bad sign (damage to the tubular apparatus and the addition of secondary nephrotic syndrome).

This species consists of blood pigments that are brown in color. Pigmented casts form in several ways:
- when transfusing incompatible blood;
- when exposed to toxic substances and so on.
Once again we remind you that all cylinders can only be detected in urine with an acidic reaction, since the alkaline effect on them is destructive. In urine with an alkaline reaction, they may not be detected at all or be present, but in small quantities.
When examining the sediment, one should not forget that there may be pseudocylinders formed by mucus or urate s alt.