During the difficult war period of 1941-1945, the government of the USSR issued a special order to several scientific institutes for the development of an inexpensive medical preparation that was supposed to effectively increase immunity. In 1947, only the VIEV Veterinary Institute was able to cope with this task.

Special laboratory led by Ph. D. A. V. Dorogova presented the developed drug, which had the name "ASD fraction 2". Application for humans had the widest range of effects, due to the antiseptic, wound healing and immunostimulating properties of this agent. As an inexpensive and accessible raw material, frog tissues were used, processed by heat treatment with further liquid condensation.
In the further production of the drug, Dorogov used meat and bone meal. Since the high temperature of the material processing erases information about the type of organism used, such a replacement did not affect the initial properties of the "ASD fraction 2" product in any way, the use for humans has not lost itsefficiency. Tests of the drug on animals showed excellent results - their treatment was so effective that a number of healing properties of this remedy were revealed.

Further testing of the drug in humans revealed an effect in the treatment of bronchial asthma, various female diseases and even breast cancer. As a result of the study of the drug "ASD fraction 2", the use for humans contributed to the activation of the functions of the endocrine, nervous, and immune systems. Thrombophlebitis and varicose veins were cured, and its long-term use contributed to rejuvenation, increasing the elasticity of the skin and tissues. The medicine has established itself as a highly effective drug in the treatment of oncological, gynecological, pulmonary, skin, gastrointestinal or cardiovascular ailments.
The very name of Dorogov's antiseptic-stimulant contains the meaning of its effect on the body - an antibacterial effect combined with adaptogenic properties. Dorogov's antiseptic is not rejected by cells, since it fully corresponds to their structure. Its immunomodulatory properties are due to the fact that it quickly affects the metabolic processes of the human body, normalizes metabolism and completely restores the functioning of all vital systems. Thus, the multifaceted effect of the drug "ASD fraction 2" was proved. Application to humans has a unique increase in the protective functions of the body. There is a convincing point of view that Dorogov used the knowledgemedieval alchemists, which is why his creation is often called an elixir.

Modern medicine elixir "ASD 2 fraction" application allows only for animals. For some unknown reason, this unique invention was never officially recognized. At first, the drug was classified, then an unexpectedly large number of people appeared who wanted to appropriate the merits of Dorogov, who during his lifetime also developed the third fraction of the stimulant, and after his death, the experiments stopped altogether. Today, the miraculous medicine can only be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy. It should be remembered that there are different schemes for using a medicine for a person in the treatment of various diseases. For example, in the treatment of oncology, the following schedule should be followed: it is taken 4 times a day with a difference of four hours, starting from 8:00 to 20:00. It is necessary to complete 10 courses, each of which consists of 5 days, starting with 5 drops. On each course, 5 drops should be added, and so on up to 50 drops at a time. Course 10 should be taken until complete recovery, and if desired, it can be stopped.