Dorsopathy of the cervical spine: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Dorsopathy of the cervical spine: causes, symptoms and treatment features
Dorsopathy of the cervical spine: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Unfortunately, the wrong lifestyle and many other factors often cause the development of diseases associated with the spine. Cervical dorsopathy is one of the varieties of such pathologies. In this article, we will get acquainted with the main features of this disease, as well as learn how to recognize and cure it.

Opening remarks

Cervical dorsopathy includes a large number of destructions of vertebral tissues and adjacent muscle fibers. Such an ailment can develop in absolutely any part of the spine, and will always be accompanied by pain and impaired blood circulation.

cervical dorsopathy
cervical dorsopathy

Cervical dorsopathy is most common in people, and this is due to the structure of the vertebrae in this area. First, they have a very small size and the least developed muscular system. Also, a very important artery passes through this segment of the spine, capable of supplying blood to the brain. Also, the cervical region must supporthead and be very mobile. It is these features of the structure and location that can lead to cervical dorsopathy.

What are the pathologies?

First of all, it is worth paying attention to pathologies of a deforming nature. Their features are the occurrence of painful processes in the intervertebral discs, which subsequently lead to a violation of the spine itself. These include such pathologies of posture as lordosis, scoliosis and kyphosis, as well as displacement of the vertebrae of various etymologies.

dorsopathy of the cervical spine
dorsopathy of the cervical spine

The next group of diseases is associated with inflammatory processes that occur already in the spine itself. In this case, the intervertebral discs are not involved, but the muscles and ligaments that are adjacent to the vertebrae become significantly inflamed and start to hurt.

Another type of disease is discogenic dorsopathy. In the presence of such an ailment, only cartilage tissue is destroyed. Diseases of this nature include protrusions and hernias.

What is this ailment?

Dorsopathy of the cervical spine (ICD code is categorized as M50) usually occurs due to a strong load on the cervical region. As a result of this, the cartilage tissue, as well as the discs, begin to gradually deform. This process leads to pinching of many blood vessels, including the artery that supplies blood to the brain. Pathology will be characterized by severe pain that occurs not only in the neck, but also in nearby areas. Highlyoften patients complain of severe pain in the shoulder blades, chest and shoulders.

Be aware that such a disease can lead to very serious complications, so take care of your he alth right now.

Can children get neck problems?

Cervical dorsopathy (ICD-10 code is listed in this article) can occur not only in adults and the elderly. Small children can also be affected by these diseases. At the same time, the disease occurs in the children's category of the population is not so rare.

cervical dorsopathy mcb 10
cervical dorsopathy mcb 10

Quite often, neck diseases occur as a result of difficult childbirth or injury at a very early age. Also, neck pathologies can occur as a complication after suffering severe infectious diseases.

Parents should pay attention to their child's posture from an early age. If necessary, it needs to be corrected and the spinal muscles strengthened. To do this, be sure to visit a doctor. The specialist will select a set of special exercises for the child, prescribe a course of wellness massage, and, if necessary, prescribe a corset to wear.

Dorsopathy of the cervical spine: how to recognize the presence of pathologies?

In fact, there are many symptoms that will indicate problems with the neck, and not always the patient can independently determine the type of disease present in him. Such symptoms can occur in the presence of other pathologies. Therefore, be sure to consult a specialist to determine the exactdiagnosis and prescribing the most optimal treatment.

So, in the presence of such a type of pathology as cervical dorsopathy (ICD code - M50), the patient usually complains of weakness throughout the body and fatigue. This is due, first of all, to insufficient blood flow to the brain. Also, the patient may have a sharp deterioration in hearing and vision, and there may be constant dizziness. Sometimes patients complain of acute and severe headache, accompanied not only by dizziness, but also by impaired coordination. There are pain sensations in the neck and adjacent areas. At the same time, it becomes very difficult to make movements with the neck itself, especially when playing sports.

dorsopathy of the cervical region
dorsopathy of the cervical region

If you notice any of the above symptoms, be sure to go to the hospital. After all, neck diseases can have very serious consequences, so treat cervical dorsopathy as early as possible.

The main causes of the development of the disease

Dorsopathy of the cervicothoracic region is not uncommon, so it is worth studying the reasons that lead to its occurrence. A special risk group includes people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, as well as those who are excessively overweight. Such a disease can occur due to malnutrition. Many people don't think about what they eat, which is why they don't include the mineral-rich foods they need to keep their spine he althy.

Neck pain can be a consequencereceived injuries and bruises. Dorsopathy can begin to develop in childhood. And the reason for this will not be parents tracking the posture of their baby.

Neck pathologies can occur due to the distribution of improper load on the spine. Women who carry heavy bags on one shoulder are at particular risk.

It is not necessary to exclude infectious diseases that can give severe complications, including on the spine. Also, people with a genetic predisposition may be susceptible to such diseases.

How is the diagnostic process carried out?

Of course, before making a diagnosis, the doctor must diagnose the state of he alth of his patient. If you have neck pain, see a vertebrologist. First of all, the specialist will collect a large amount of information from the patient's words, after which he will palpate in order to find painful areas, as well as to find those places where the muscle tissue began to thicken. After that, the doctor will send you for an X-ray, and, if necessary, for a magnetic resonance examination.

cervical dorsopathy treatment
cervical dorsopathy treatment

After carrying out such procedures, you can accurately determine the type of dorsopathy, as well as determine its severity.

Cervical dorsopathy: treatment

If, nevertheless, the doctor has diagnosed you with such a diagnosis as dorsopathy, then be prepared for the fact that the treatment of this disease will take a long time, and most importantly - comprehensively. According to statistics, patients who clearly follow all the recommendations of an experienced specialist were able toin six months, completely get rid of such an ailment as cervical dorsopathy. What is it, you have already learned above. Now it’s worth figuring out how to properly treat the disease.

Conservative treatment

First of all, get ready for the fact that the doctor will prescribe a large number of drugs for you. Some of them are intended to relieve inflammation and pain. Others are muscle relaxants and chondroprotectors. Such drugs restore damaged areas of cartilage and bone tissue, as well as improve muscle condition.

Treatment procedures

Dorsopathy of the cervical-thoracic region is also very well treated with the use of various physiotherapeutic procedures. It is very important to perform the exercises selected by the doctor during treatment. They need to be done in order to strengthen the spine and the muscles adjacent to it. Also a very important stage of treatment is a massage and the use of ultrasound therapy. In the most advanced cases, good results are also shown by such a procedure as acupuncture. However, to carry it out, you need to find a very good and experienced specialist.

Treatment with folk methods

As mentioned above, cervical dorsopathy needs complex treatment. Only in this case can the disease be completely eliminated. A very good auxiliary treatment method is the use of home folk recipes. However, even in this case, it is not worth doing amateur activities. Tell your doctor about your plans and he will help you find the best prescriptionstraditional medicine.

dorsopathy of the cervicothoracic region
dorsopathy of the cervicothoracic region

Compresses and rubbings prepared at home have a very good healing effect. Doctors often recommend these recipes to their patients:

  • take a few leaves of lemon balm or horseradish. Steam them well, and apply to painful places. Do this just before going to bed. After it, it is advisable to wrap yourself up in a warm blanket;
  • tincture of eucalyptus. Take about fifty grams of the leaves of this plant and fill them with vodka. Before using such a rub, it should stand in a dark place for about a week. And only after that start the rubbing procedure. Apply the product to the skin with massage movements, and massage it until it turns red;
cervical dorsopathy treatment
cervical dorsopathy treatment

you can also try to prepare a medicinal compress. Plants that have a good calming effect are suitable for him. Here you may need birch leaves, lavender, yarrow and dandelion. You can collect all the listed plants yourself in ecologically clean places, or buy them at any pharmacy. Pour boiled water over the plants, let them brew, and then apply compresses to the painful areas. Also, aromatic teas can be prepared from these components. They will be invaluable during the healing process

Preventive measures

Dorsopathy of the cervical spine, the treatment of which should be started afterthe first symptoms of the disease that appear, it is much easier to prevent than to treat later. Therefore, doctors recommend following several important recommendations that will help keep your neck he althy for a long time.

First of all, experts recommend starting a he althy and more active lifestyle. Join a gym and start exercising. Yoga exercises have a very good effect on the human body, so be sure to try this type of spiritual practice for yourself. You will strengthen not only your body, but also your spirit. This is especially important for those people who spend most of their time behind a monitor screen or driving a car.

You also need to try to adjust your diet. Delete harmful foods from it and include he althy ones, with a high content of various trace elements and vitamins.

Warmly dress in the cold season, in order not to catch a cold neck. It is very important in frosty weather to wear a warm scarf around your neck. Lift heavy objects with extreme care. If you still have to do this, then make sure that the load on your back is even.

As you can see, keeping your neck he althy is easy, so start taking care of yourself right now. Also, don't forget about your children. Form the right habits in them from childhood, and then in the future they will definitely not have problems with their back and neck. Take care of your he alth and take care of yourself, because your well-being depends on it!
