Terminal anesthesia: varieties and indications for use

Terminal anesthesia: varieties and indications for use
Terminal anesthesia: varieties and indications for use

Terminal anesthesia is one of the varieties of local anesthesia. In order to carry out the necessary manipulations on a certain part of the body and not feel pain, it is enough just to lubricate the skin or mucous membranes with a special solution. This method of anesthesia has found wide application in dentistry, ophthalmology, otolaryngology. It is also used during bronchoscopy, gastroscopy, cystoscopy, laryngoscopy.

General characteristics

Almost all people are afraid of pain - some more than others, because this is a natural phenomenon. Fear is inherent in man by nature itself for survival. But this, of course, does not mean that a person should make heroic efforts and put up with discomfort or endure severe pain. In order to get rid of pain, there is such a method of anesthesia as terminal anesthesia.


In complex operations anesthesia is used. But it harms the human body to some extent, and it is quite difficult for the patient to get out of it. Therefore, if the procedure is quite simple and is done quickly, it is more expedient to use local anesthesia - terminal. In this case, only a certain part of the body is anesthetized, while the patient is fully conscious. For those who are afraid of pain, this is a real salvation.

Use in surgery

The named method is most often used for superficial surgical interventions. In this case, the anesthetic acts on the surface where the terminal local anesthesia is performed, for a short time - approximately 15-25 minutes.

This type of pain relief is not suitable for operations that last longer. And in order to slightly prolong the effect of the anesthetic, sometimes adrenaline is added to it. This drug causes capillary spasm and impairs blood flow for a while. Due to the fact that the solution of the drug is not absorbed into the general bloodstream, its effect is prolonged.

Quite often, Lidocaine solution is used for local terminal anesthesia. Other local anesthetics may also be used. Previously, Novocain was widely used, now it is rarely used.

Fear of injections
Fear of injections

Terminal anesthesia: preparations

So that the patient does not feel pain during procedures and minor operations, the following anesthetic drugs are used:

  • Lidocaine;
  • "Dikain";
  • "Anestezin";
  • Novocain;
  • "Trimekain".

With the help of any of the listed means, terminal anesthesia is carried out quite simply. The main thing that the doctor needs to know is what is the concentration of the drug and the period of time required for it to work.

Drops Lidocaine
Drops Lidocaine

How superficial anesthesia is performed

As already mentioned, the Lidocaine solution is most suitable for terminal anesthesia. To anesthetize the surface of the skin and mucous membranes, the drug must have a concentration of 2, 5 or 10%.

The product is applied in various ways. They can simply lubricate the skin, moisten a cotton pad and apply it to the mucous membrane, or simply spray it through an aerosol. How the drug will be applied depends on where the operated area is located, as well as on what kind of remedy the doctor has. Such methods are much more convenient than Novocaine injections.


For example, to anesthetize surgery on the conjunctiva of the eye, the doctor instills them, and if surgery is needed on the cervix, then a cotton swab is soaked in an anesthetic solution and inserted into the patient's vagina. By the way, in order to provide first aid in case of injury to the eye, Novocain is best suited to relieve pain. And for diagnostics in ophthalmology (to relieve pain), an analogue of "Novocaine" - "Oxybuprocaine" is used. This drug has a strongeranalgesic effect.

Allergy testing

But before using terminal anesthesia, allergy tests are performed to determine if the patient has an adverse reaction to this drug.

Allergy test
Allergy test

The fact is that anesthetics for local anesthesia have a significant drawback - they can cause acute allergic reactions in some patients. But this is more about Novocain. "Lidocaine" and other drugs based on it cause allergies much less often.

When pain relief is needed

Terminal anesthesia is needed for superficial operations, when general anesthesia is not necessary. This way to protect against pain during procedures is very convenient and not complicated. The drug is simply applied to the mucous membranes or skin, which should be anesthetized.

In this case, there is no need to give an injection, which in itself causes not very pleasant sensations. Children are especially afraid of this and start crying only from one type of syringe with a needle. When using "Lidocaine", which is simply sprayed or applied to the skin, children take it calmly.

Types of terminal anesthesia

Different procedures use different methods of named anesthesia:

  • Dicain is used for simple operations in otorhinolaryngology. When it is necessary to remove the adenoids, the mucous membrane is lubricated with a solution of this drug.
  • If the gynecological operation will be performed on the cervix, the vagina is placedcotton swab pre-impregnated with an anesthetic. The same is done before surgery in the vagina itself.
  • Terminal anesthesia in the form of a special anesthetic gel is applied to the gums when a baby tooth needs to be removed. Such teeth, when they are loose, are removed almost painlessly. The gel is applied simply to avoid discomfort on the gums.
  • Another type of terminal anesthesia are eye drops, which include "Oxybuprocaine". They are instilled directly into the eyes before surgical operations on the conjunctiva. Also in this case, drops with tetracaine and lidocaine are used.
Eye pain relief
Eye pain relief

When inserting urinary catheters, their surface is also lubricated with an anesthetic, which makes the procedure less painful


So, terminal anesthesia is the simplest and fastest type of local anesthesia, which is used for simple operations and procedures. In this case, the anesthetic drug is applied directly to the area of the skin, where the surgical intervention is planned. This pain relief is ideal for young children who are afraid of injections.

To make the anesthetic last longer, adrenaline should be added to it. Before applying the solution to the mucous membranes or skin, you need to check if the patient is allergic to this drug in order to subsequently avoid Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock.
