What is Wood's lamp: indications for use

What is Wood's lamp: indications for use
What is Wood's lamp: indications for use

Wood's lamp is a diagnostic device or lamp that serves to recognize fungal diseases, including pathogens. The device allows you to accurately determine dermatitis, it shows the affected areas of the skin that are not visible to the ordinary human eye.

Wood's lamp
Wood's lamp

Wood's lamp is widely used in various dispensaries, children's and cosmetology institutions. It is also indispensable at home, in cases where there is no medical center nearby, and a diagnosis is required. It is convenient and easy to maintain. The scope of the diagnostic device is also wide in dermatology. Wood's lamp in dermatology allows you to quickly get results and prescribe individual treatment options. Unlike biochemical agents, the lamp is more convenient and effective.

The instrument is lightweight and has a small configuration. The device has a built-in magnifying lens, with which you can examine age spots and accurately identify the etiology of the problem. Mercury is also used as an ultraviolet source.quartz lamps with a power of 18 watts. Wood's lamp diagnostics is actively used for the study of dermatological and skin diseases.

woods lamp in dermatology
woods lamp in dermatology

Normally, the lamp emits a light blue glow, and with sensitive skin, violet radiation is observed. The affected areas of the skin give a multi-colored glow. Fungal infections and skin infections are translucent with green light. In inflammatory processes, white areas can be seen. When infected with pityriasis versicolor, the skin emits a dull yellow glow.

Wood's lamp is able to detect fungal infections, hyperpigmentation, dermatosis, as well as to diagnose the general condition of the dermis. The study itself will not take much time - just a couple of minutes is enough to get a clinical picture and the condition of a person's skin. In the hands of a qualified doctor, this inexpensive and effective device turns into a real diagnostic device with a wide spectrum of action.

It is used to recognize the affected areas of hair, nails, eyelashes and eyebrows. Before diagnosis, the skin is thoroughly cleaned, and a protective mask or special glasses are put on the eyes to prevent direct exposure to the lamp. The examination takes about two minutes and is carried out in the dark at a distance of 20 cm.

Wood's lamp diagnostics
Wood's lamp diagnostics

Wood's lamp can differentiate microsporia, favus, candidiasis, lupus erythematosus, rubrophytosis, leukoplakia and trichophytosis. The device has no side effects and is completely safe to use, subject to the recommendations. The illuminator is allowed to be used in farm, veterinary and medical institutions.

Examination with a lamp in a dark room will help to consider the relief of various rashes - depressions and small bulges, as well as to assess their prevalence. Subdued lighting allows you to enhance the contrast between hyperpigmented and hypopigmented rash. In conclusion, I would like to note that this device with an ultraviolet source contributes to the instant establishment of the localization of various problems and melanin. Its cost is low, the device is sold in pharmacies and online stores.
