It's undeniable that everyone has had situations in their life when they would like to know how to faint. Moreover, this was necessary not so much because of the manifestation of some ailments, but to force certain events or simply in order not to go to any event. In any case, we propose to find out how to faint on purpose without harm to your own body.

It's quite natural that losing consciousness causes quite unpleasant sensations. They can be: dizziness and headache, a sharp deterioration in vision, ringing in the ears and darkness in the eyes. However, you will agree that in certain situations it is necessary to faint on purpose in order to achieve something. In this case, you first need to think about your own body, since some methods are detrimental to both individual organs and the general condition. Next, we list ways to fall intofainting:
- Naturally, the first method is excessive fatigue. To do this, you need to not sleep for several days so that the body depletes its energy reserves sufficiently. However, this method is not very convenient, because we do not know what will happen to us, for example, in a week. Therefore, not sleeping for a long time is not at all the best solution to how to faint.
- Add clonidine (sleeping pill) to an alcoholic drink. However, in this case, the result can be quite unpredictable, since the body can react differently to such a mixture. Perhaps the proportions will be taken into account incorrectly, and, on the contrary, your activity will increase. But in case of an overdose, you risk your he alth very much, because fainting can drag on for a whole day.
- The best way is to first breathe very often, so that the breath becomes faster, and then sharply hold it. In this case, the lack of oxygen can cause a short syncope without negative consequences for the body. However, if you have good immunity, as well as a developed diaphragm, the method is unlikely to justify itself. The most that will happen is dizziness.
- Lower blood pressure. This method is primarily not recommended for hypotensive patients, that is, people with low blood pressure. This can not only provoke a prolonged fainting, but also end in death. Even if this method has a high percentage of the likelihood of fainting, you should not joke with it. Remember that even if younormal pressure, lowering it with certain drugs can adversely affect the work of the heart.
- Using a lot of calcium tablets on an empty stomach. Like the previous method, it is not recommended for testing, but is only present in the statistics items. Since calcium itself affects the functioning of the heart, its excessive use, and especially on an empty stomach, can provoke the development of serious heart disease or instant cardiac arrest (if the dose is not correct).

Some people think that if you suddenly take a vertical position after fainting, all symptoms will pass and you can go about your business, but this is not so. Doctors recommend lying down after such an incident for some time so that the work of all organs returns to normal. Only after that you can get out of bed, but it is not recommended to load yourself with anything on this day.