In the usual sense, biocenosis is a set of homogeneous organisms of a certain environment. For the human body, its change leads to disruption of the balanced work of all organs. For example, in women, this imbalance leads to the development of vaginal dysbiosis. Is it necessary to treat biocenosis? What exactly is it?
What is a biocenosis from a scientific point of view

Biocenosis (from the Greek "life", "common") - a set of homogeneous flora, fauna and microorganisms that have a connection between themselves and the external environment. The qualitative composition of accumulated species is subject to structural changes. When several aggregates live in one environment, the strongest of them displaces the competitor. Many organisms are natural - the biocenosis of a meadow, river - and artificial - a garden, a pond.
What is biocenosis for the female body
For women, the most pressing issue is the microflora of the genitourinary organs. The biocenosis of the vagina is a combination of lactobacilli and a tiny amount of other microorganisms - fungi, staphylococci, gardnerella, etc.e. Each woman has her own unique composition of microbes, which changes with age and lifestyle. The result of a bacterial analysis of the microflora of the vagina will help to identify the onset of the development of the disease. What is a biocenosis in young women capable of childbearing? This is a stable system, including more than a hundred species of bacteria, in which lactobacilli predominate (more than 90%). These microorganisms form a biofilm on the surface of the vaginal epithelium. Such protection is a natural barrier that stimulates local immunity, supports reproductive functions, and protects against infections.
Causes of changes in the microflora of the vagina
What is a biocenosis? This is balance. Disbalance in the composition of the microflora leads to the development of dysbiosis. Periodically, this condition occurs in all women for the following reasons:
- hormonal changes - pregnancy, puberty, menopause, abortion, medication, etc.;
- climate change;
- antibiotics (long-term or course use);

- stress, nervous strain;
- contraceptives - IUDs;
- hypothermia of the body;
- beriberi;
- promiscuity - many sexual partners;
- reduced immunity;
- constipation, intestinal dysbacteriosis;
- frequent douching, tight underwear, intimate cosmetics.
Restoration of the vaginal biocenosis

In the absence of symptoms of the diseaseyou can wait with the treatment, let the immune system restore the balance of microflora on its own. Mandatory therapy is required only when planning pregnancy. Treatment for dysbiosis is:
- elimination of the causative agent of infection (antibacterial vaginal creams and ointments are prescribed for topical use, tablets for oral administration; the duration of such therapy is 8 days);
- increased immunity (a course of immunomodulatory therapy is being carried out);
- restoration of normal microflora in the vagina (eubiotics help - preparations that contain live bacteria; treatment with them can only be started after the infection is destroyed, otherwise these bacteria will not survive in the body).
Thus, biocenosis is a natural he althy existence of a biological state and environment. Violation of natural balance leads to imbalance. For a person, this is the path to destruction, disease. Be careful - it is easy to destroy bacteria, but to restore the microflora, you will have to work hard.