The norm of ESR in children. What should be the values?

The norm of ESR in children. What should be the values?
The norm of ESR in children. What should be the values?

ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) is the same as ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Response), but this was the name of this analysis some time ago. This indicator is necessarily included in the CBC (general blood test) and is of great importance for the diagnosis of diseases. ESR is measured in mm / h, i.e. it is measured by how many millimeters the column will fall in one hour in the Panchenkov capillary. Erythrocytes fall down, and a light liquid remains on top - blood plasma. In other words, in the capillary, the blood is divided into two components - formed elements and plasma, between which there is a clear boundary, and ESR is measured along it. The Panchenkov capillary itself has a scale marked in millimeters, according to which the boundary of two components is determined.

Normal ESR indicators

The norm of ESR in children directly depends on age. In newborns, this indicator is practically not determined, it ranges from 0 to 1 mm / hour. At the age of 1 month, the rate rises from 1 to 7 mm/hour, by 6 months up to 10 mm/hour. The older the child gets, the higher it is. At the age of one to 12 years, the ESR rate in children is from 1 to 12 mm / hour, and by the age of 15 it becomes almost the samethe same as in adults - from 1 to 18 mm / h. A low ESR does not carry any diagnostic load, but only indicates that there are no inflammatory processes in the body. The norms for adult men and women are different - in men it reaches 9 mm / hour, and in women it is twice as high and can reach 20 mm / hour, in pregnant women it sometimes even rises to 45 mm / hour. According to various sources, the ESR norm in children (as in adults) may differ slightly, and these are only approximate guidelines. For example, about 10 years ago, its upper limit in women was considered equal to 15 mm/hour, while modern doctors consider 20 mm/hour to be the norm.

ESR in children
ESR in children

In what diseases does ESR increase?

ESR in children and adults can increase with any inflammatory process. For example, pneumonia, pyelonephritis and other diseases, as well as burns, fractures and any other injuries. The more severe the disease, the higher the ESR rises. This indicator can remain elevated for a long time even after recovery. It can return to normal even 1-2 months after the illness.

What indicators are included in the UAC?

What is a clinical blood test, probably everyone knows, and yet we recall - this is a laboratory blood test that allows you to assess a person's condition. The amount of hemoglobin (HB), leukocytes (L), ESR, platelets (Tr), erythrocytes, color index and leukocyte formula is determined. In addition to the general analysis, the doctor may request reticulocytes, the duration of bleedingand clotting time. These indicators are of great importance in bleeding and anemia.

What is a clinical blood test
What is a clinical blood test

Hemoglobin norms for representatives of the stronger and weaker sex are different, for men, hemoglobin is considered normal from 125 to 160 g / l, this value is slightly lower for women 120 - 145 g / l. High rates, as well as low ones, may indicate any diseases. Thickening of the blood occurs in the first hours after bleeding, with thrombophlebitis, and also in smokers. The rate of leukocytes is from 3.5 to 9109/l, they can rise with any inflammatory processes. Platelets affect clotting and range from 180 to 320109/l. The ESR norm in children and adults was discussed above, so we will not dwell on it. The leukocyte formula is also of great importance for clarifying the diagnosis. An increase in stab leukocytes in it is directly related to the severity of the disease, and an increase in eosinophils may indicate allergic reactions, helminthic invasions. In addition, according to the KLA, you can make a diagnosis such as anemia, and determine some types of leukemia. This analysis should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. Blood can be taken both from a finger and from a vein - this does not affect the result of the analysis.
