Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is a disorder of intrauterine development of a child due to excessive consumption of alcohol by the mother. According to statistics, 128 thousand babies with this diagnosis are born in the world every year. The characteristic features of the disease include mental and physical abnormalities in the child. These are underdeveloped limbs, short stature, dementia, a small brain, memory impairment, speech delay. FAS is an irreversible condition. All methods of treatment are associated only with the short-term removal of its symptoms and the prevention of complications.
Etiology of disease

What is FAS syndrome in children? The cause of this condition, as already mentioned, is the mother's alcoholism. Regular drinking during pregnancy increases the risk of developing FAS by 20%. The most negative effect is the use of high-strength alcohol during the period of gestation. Hecan cause pathology even if the woman did not drink at all before pregnancy.
Factors provoking the development of the disease
Let's take a closer look at this. Not all drinking women have children diagnosed with FAS syndrome. The likelihood of developing a disease depends on certain factors:
- experience of alcoholism women;
- the amount of alcohol consumed during pregnancy;
- strength of consumed alcoholic beverages (vodka is much more dangerous than wine and beer);
- frequency of acute intoxication during pregnancy.
It has also been scientifically proven that the development of the FAS syndrome is influenced by the characteristics of the absorption of ethyl alcohol by the mother's body. No less important are indicators such as heredity. Professor Elizabeth Elliot proved that women living in countries with a cold climate are more likely to give birth to a sick child. This is due to slow metabolism in the body. 67% of all cases occur in countries such as Denmark, Ireland, UK, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia.
Who is at risk?

Does the described syndrome always occur when drinking alcohol during pregnancy? Experts believe that the most dangerous in this regard is the embryonic period and the first trimester as a whole. At this stage, the formation of the internal organs of the child, the central nervous system and the bones of the skeleton is carried out. The main danger of this time periodis that a woman in position may not yet know that she is pregnant and continue to drink alcohol. This leads to the formation of fetal alcohol syndrome in the fetus.
There is another group of pregnant women who believe in the safety of alcohol and continue to drink it in the second and third trimesters. But even the minimum doses contained in weak alcoholic beverages can cause irreparable harm to the baby's body.
Because of what does the disease develop?
FAS (fetal alcohol syndrome) occurs due to the direct molecular effect of alcohol metabolites on the absorption of macro- and microelements by developing fetal tissues. Under the influence of alcohol, protein deficiency and hypoglycemia occur, as well as vasoconstriction and intrauterine hypoxia. The end result of these processes are violations of cell adhesion, improper functioning of neurons and deviations in the development of the baby's internal organs.
Signs and symptoms

FAS (alcohol syndrome) is not a single disease, but a whole complex of various pathologies affecting various systems and organs. The main sign of the lesion is considered to be external defects that appear in the appearance of the child. The disease is also characterized by internal disorders and mental disorders.
FAS syndrome has fairly obvious external signs. These include a deep-set bridge of the nose, an underdeveloped chin (because of this, the child’s forehead begins to seem too large because of this), swollen eyelids. Also in childrenwith such a diagnosis, there is often a too small skull. Signs of FAS also include large, low-set, abnormally shaped auricles. They may have additional folds that he althy children do not have. In 80% of cases, there is also a slight underdevelopment of the upper lip and a reduced lower jaw.
How to tell if a child has FAS? Photos of children suffering from this disease will help you find the answer to this question.
Possible deviations

How else does FAS syndrome manifest itself? Symptoms of the disease are expressed in disorders of the musculoskeletal system, genitourinary system, the work of the digestive organs and the heart muscle. Almost always, a slowdown in development, a weak muscular frame and thinness are detected. Asthenia and short stature can be observed throughout a person's life.
Disturbances in the work of the central nervous system are caused by the underdevelopment of the brain. Deviations can also manifest as poor hearing and vision, learning disabilities, lethargy and inattention.
Children with this diagnosis require special medical support and social protection. The patient's condition should be constantly monitored by doctors, since children with FAS may be antisocial and emotionally unstable. They are not aware of the consequences of their own actions, and therefore can easily harm themselves and their loved ones.
Degrees and forms of the disease

Embryofetopathy that causes FAS, according toseverity is divided into mild, moderate. The first degree is characterized by minor external defects. The doctor will be able to identify the symptoms of the pathology only after a detailed diagnosis. Ordinary people may not even notice the oddities in the behavior and appearance of the child. Such kids are capable of learning in ordinary schools, while they usually lag behind their peers in terms of academic performance. What distinguishes children with mild FAS syndrome? Photos of these guys are no different from photos of their he althy peers.
Moderate FAS is characterized by severe symptoms. Anomalies in the structure of the skull are already more identified. Development at this degree of the disease occurs at a slow pace and requires constant monitoring by adults. Such children should study in special educational institutions.
Severe fetal alcohol syndrome is expressed in dementia. IQ in this case can be from 60 and below. Serious somatic abnormalities and pathologies of the central nervous system are also observed. When sick, children's life expectancy is usually extremely low - ¾ of children die in infancy.

Detection of FAS became possible only in 1997. To this day, the diagnostic technique is not accurate. The doctor may suspect the diagnosis if the following signs appear during an ultrasound examination:
- craniocerebral hernia;
- non-closure of the vertebral arch;
- disproportionate size of the skull and brain;
- anomalies inproportions of the facial apparatus;
- deviations in the development of the upper digestive tract.
- anomalies in the development of the heart muscle.
However, it is worth noting that none of the above signs is a clear confirmation of FAS in a child. In 90% of cases, the diagnosis can only be made to a child who has already been born. Diagnosis of FAS syndrome in a baby should be carried out by a neonatologist. In this case, the doctor takes into account the following indicators:
- degree of mother's alcoholism;
- height and weight characteristics of the child;
- external data.
Examinations such as head MRI or neurosonography are also required. Such procedures can reveal the underdevelopment of the brain. Treatment can only be prescribed based on the findings.
Methods of therapy

We examined what FAS (alcohol syndrome) is, photos of sick children, as well as methods for diagnosing the disease. It should be borne in mind that the pathology itself is incurable. The main threat is the development of complications. The prognosis is disappointing - only 26% of patients with severe and moderate severity survive to the age of 21 years. A child diagnosed with FAS syndrome should be constantly monitored in a medical facility. The examination should be carried out at least once every 6 months.
Treatment is aimed at improving the quality of life of the child and removing the threat of death. In a serious condition of the patient, doctors may prescribe an operation to correct malformations of the intestines, heart andother organs. To correct the external appearance, plastic surgery of the lips, nose, and auricles can also be prescribed. To slow and stop the progression of disorders of the central nervous system, children with FAS should be treated by a neurologist. Patients are encouraged to regularly attend sessions with a psychologist. Psychotherapy will help improve social adaptation. Children will be able to learn how to communicate with other people.
Every year there are more and more cases when FAS syndrome is detected. One of the tasks of the World He alth Organization today is to prevent the spread of pathology. A special program was developed, the purpose of which is preventive work with women suffering from alcoholism. If symptoms of the disease are identified, they should be consulted about the risks of having unhe althy children. It is also important to inform about alcohol addiction treatment methods.
In case of pregnancy in patients who abuse alcohol, the doctor may prescribe physiotherapy and vitamin therapy. These methods will reduce the risk of mineral and vitamin deficiencies and reduce the likelihood of fetal hypoxia. Of course, this will not guarantee complete protection of the fetus from FAS syndrome, but it can reduce the risk of developing pathology by 10-15%.
We examined in detail what FAS (alcohol syndrome) is, photos of children suffering from pathology, as well as its main signs. The last are violations of mental and physical development. There are also certainfeatures in appearance.

Deep-set nose bridge, swollen eyelids, underdeveloped chin - these are signs that may indicate that a child has FAS syndrome (the photos presented in the article demonstrate this). There is no cure for fetal alcohol syndrome. You can only alleviate the condition and monitor the further development of the pathology.