Blepharoplasty in Moscow: features of the procedure and reviews

Blepharoplasty in Moscow: features of the procedure and reviews
Blepharoplasty in Moscow: features of the procedure and reviews

Gone are the days when the services of plastic surgeons were available only to we althy people. And in recent years, blepharoplasty is gaining popularity. There are many clinics in Moscow offering this service, but not all of them perform it with the same quality. This operation is a serious surgical intervention, so it should be done only in a trusted institution. What is blepharoplasty? What feedback do people leave about it? Where is the best place to have an operation in Moscow? We will try to answer these questions in our article.

What is blepharoplasty?

Age-related changes, perhaps, are most strongly reflected in the face. The skin around the eyelids is thin and sensitive, so wrinkles appear earlier here and look much more noticeable. Trying to preserve youth, many women turn to blepharoplasty. During this procedure, the surgeon removes excess fatty tissue and skin around the eyes. If desired, you can also correct the incision and remove the hernia under the lower eyelids. After the operation, the eyes are visually enlarged, and the face looks much younger.

blepharoplasty in Moscow
blepharoplasty in Moscow

In Europe, the procedure is extremely popular among women 40-50 years old, and in Asia - among young girls who want to increase the size of their eyes. Blepharoplasty in Moscow is considered an expensive operation. Often, it is combined with other cosmetic services, such as a facelift, contouring or peeling. As a rule, its cost varies greatly depending on the clinic. The amount usually includes the initial appointment with the surgeon, materials and medications, the operation itself. And subsequent restoration may require additional funds. However, do not save on the procedure. The consequences of poor-quality surgery can greatly affect not only your he alth, but also your appearance.

Types of blepharoplasty

As a rule, surgery affects only the problematic part of the eye. Depending on the indications, the following types of this procedure are distinguished:

  • Blepharoplasty of the lower eyelid - in this case, the skin is removed only from the area under the eyes. The surgeon makes a small incision along the growth of the eyelashes, removing the fatty tissue that forms the pouches.
  • Blepharoplasty of the upper eyelid - during the operation, part of the fold above the eye is removed. The patient gets rid of the impending eyelid, the incision of the eyes is noticeably increased. Doctors recommend combining the procedure with a brow lift for the best effect.
  • Circular plastic - combines the above procedures.
blepharoplasty in moscow best surgeons
blepharoplasty in moscow best surgeons

In addition, there are different methods of carrying out the operation. Obsoleteis considered a classic procedure when excess skin is removed manually with a small scalpel. The most expensive way is to lift the eyelids with a laser. It allows you to painlessly make a miniature incision, which subsequently heals faster. The risk of infection is also greatly reduced. You can make blepharoplasty in Moscow using any of these methods, but the cost of procedures will vary significantly.

Contraindications and possible complications

Blepharoplasty is a simple procedure, but not everyone can do it. Like any other operation, it has many contraindications. We list the most serious among them:

  • arterial hypertension (high blood pressure);
  • blood diseases, including bleeding disorders, hepatitis, syphilis and HIV;
  • malignant tumors of any stage;
  • diabetes mellitus, as this disease makes it difficult for tissues to heal;
  • eye diseases, namely retinal detachment, glaucoma, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eyelids;
  • menstruation, pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • serious thyroid disease, including hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, Graves' disease;
  • chronic kidney or liver failure;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, including past heart attacks and strokes.
lower eyelid blepharoplasty in Moscow
lower eyelid blepharoplasty in Moscow

As a rule, blepharoplasty in Moscow begins with an examination by the attending surgeon, who collects an anamnesis by questioning the patient. Concealment of contraindications can result in irreversible complications for the client, which will be impossible to correct. However, even with a successful operation, there is a risk of their occurrence. Most often, patients face the following difficulties:

  • early complications, which include postoperative edema, bleeding and subcutaneous bruising, lower eyelid eversion, infection of the sutures;
  • late complications - visible scarring on the eyelids, suture divergence, increased tearing, cysts, eye asymmetry, upper eyelid drooping and dry eye syndrome.

How is the operation going?

Blepharoplasty is a fairly common procedure. In Moscow, the best surgeons offer their services to anyone who wants to change their appearance. However, potential patients are often afraid of the operation. And completely in vain. Collecting a detailed anamnesis and passing the necessary tests is a preparatory stage. The doctor interviews the patient to find out about past diseases that can cause complications. It is also necessary to take blood and urine tests, visit an anesthesiologist and do a fluorography. A month before the operation, you need to stop taking alcohol, "Aspirin" and "Analgin", and also do not smoke. The surgeon excludes possible eye diseases, determines visual acuity and eyelid tone.

blepharoplasty Moscow surgeons
blepharoplasty Moscow surgeons

The operation is carried out according to a scenario thought out in advance. The patient lying with his eyes open is marked with a marker marking the eyelids. Then an incision is made, the length of which usually does not exceed 3-9 mm. Excess is removed through itskin and fat. Muscles can also be removed. After the work is completed, an intradermal suture is applied to the incision. How long does blepharoplasty take in Moscow? Patient reviews note that in the capital's clinics, the procedure rarely takes more than 2 hours. It is usually performed on an outpatient basis, however, some institutions offer permanent hospitalization for their clients during surgery and rehabilitation.

Recovery after surgery

Rehabilitation period after blepharoplasty takes about 20 days. Immediately after the operation, severe swelling and bruising appear on the patient's eyes, which will gradually subside within a week. The seams will be sealed with a special plaster that cannot be removed for 5-7 days. During the healing period, the incision should not be touched with dirty hands, apply cosmetics to it, rub, stretch and comb. A few days after the procedure, the attending physician removes the sutures and prescribes medications to the client, which promote the rapid healing of wounds.

best blepharoplasty in Moscow
best blepharoplasty in Moscow

After 2 weeks, the consequences of the operation will become almost invisible. However, within a month, doctors recommend avoiding heavy physical exertion. The skin around the eyelids needs to be protected with creams from direct sunlight for about six months.

Where to do blepharoplasty in Moscow?

There are many clinics in the capital that offer this procedure. As a rule, the more prestigious the institution, the more expensive it provides its services. But it’s not worth saving on the operation, because your future external appearance depends on it.view. According to the residents of the capital, the best blepharoplasty in Moscow is performed in the following medical centers:

  • Dr. Shihirman - clinic of plastic surgery and cosmetology.
  • Beauty Trend - aesthetic medicine and plastic surgery clinic.
  • Ross Medical Group is a private hospital staffed by the world famous plastic surgeon V. V. Naumov.
  • Medlange is a center headed by Dr. E. A. Kudinova.
eyelid blepharoplasty Moscow
eyelid blepharoplasty Moscow

Now let's take a closer look at these institutions, their physicians and the services they offer.

Dr. Shihirman

This clinic is considered one of the leading institutions that perform such a procedure as eyelid blepharoplasty (Moscow). It is headed by Eduard Vadimovich Shikhirman, candidate of medical sciences, member of many European societies of aesthetic surgery. It has been operating on the domestic market for more than 20 years, having performed more than 6,000 operations during this time. Shikhirman is considered a pioneer in plastic surgery in Russia. The doctor takes even the most difficult cases. His clinic performs not only blepharoplasty, but also rhinoplasty, liposuction and lipolifting procedures. The last advanced training of the leading surgeon of the clinic was held in 2015 in Holland.

blepharoplasty in Moscow reviews
blepharoplasty in Moscow reviews

Dr. Shikhirman performs blepharoplasty operations on his own in his hospital. Depending on the type of procedure, its cost can vary from 85,000 to 170000 rubles. The price includes all the appointments with the surgeon, the consultation of the anesthesiologist, as well as the day of stay in the hospital.

Beauty Trend Medical Center

High-quality blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids in Moscow is carried out at the Beauty Trend clinic, where patients are treated by the famous doctor Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zlenko. He studied at the London School of Plastic Surgery, where he successfully defended his Ph. D. He masterfully performs liposuction, eyelid lift and abdominoplasty surgeries. The doctor has over 6 years of experience. Regularly takes part in international medical conferences dedicated to aesthetic surgery. When conducting procedures, he seeks to use modern technologies that other specialists are unfamiliar with.

blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids in Moscow
blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids in Moscow

Beauty Trend Clinic is located in the center of Moscow on Lesnaya Street. The blepharoplasty procedure here takes about 1 hour, after which the patient, having recovered from anesthesia, can go home. The cost of the operation is 45,000 rubles (upper or lower eyelid) or 90,000 rubles (circular plastic surgery).

Ross Medical Group

If you want lower eyelid blepharoplasty in Moscow to be performed by an experienced specialist, then pay attention to the Ross Medical Group center. Leading plastic surgeon Vladimir Viktorovich Naumov operates here. The doctor has been performing cosmetic procedures for more than 20 years, and his experience includes more than 6,000 successful operations. In his work, Naumov uses only proven and reliable methods,leading to high-quality and long-term results. Initially, he specialized in maxillofacial surgery. Since 2014, the doctor has annually won the "Best Plastic Surgeon" award in the "Mediapharm" rating.

make blepharoplasty in Moscow
make blepharoplasty in Moscow

The cost of surgery by this doctor is calculated individually for each case. As a rule, prices for blepharoplasty start at the clinic from 55,000 rubles. The procedure includes the services of an anesthesiologist, consultations with the attending surgeon and the patient's stay in the hospital after the operation.

Medlange Plastic Surgery Center

Many clinics offer a procedure such as blepharoplasty (Moscow). Surgeons often begin plastic surgery after retraining from other areas. However, Ekaterina Sergeevna Kudinova, who works at the Medlange clinic, received her initial education in this speci alty. She is a talented student of the famous surgeon Igor Alexandrovich Wulf, who is known not only in Russia but also abroad. She performs signature seamless blepharoplasty surgeries that do not leave scars on the eyelids.

blepharoplasty clinic in moscow
blepharoplasty clinic in moscow

Dr. Kudinova performs the operation under local or general anesthesia. It usually lasts from 40 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the complexity. The patient does not require hospitalization, so after a few hours he can leave the clinic. You can also spend a day in the hospital if you wish. Priceoperations varies from 90,000 to 150,000 rubles. Prices include anesthesia, examinations and dressings.

Positive feedback about the procedure

Surgery is a complex procedure with a risk of complications. Therefore, many people do not dare to carry it out. However, those who nevertheless made themselves an eyelid lift were delighted with the effect obtained. In their opinion, the main thing is a good blepharoplasty clinic. There are many of them in Moscow, so patients can easily choose a reliable institution.

Let's list the main advantages of this procedure:

  • quick operation that can be performed under local anesthesia;
  • after the procedure, you can immediately go home without staying in the hospital;
  • short rehabilitation period, and stitches are removed after a week;
  • an effective treatment that visibly rejuvenates the face and enlarges the eyes;
  • low cost compared to other types of plastic surgery.

Negative feedback about the procedure

It is worth noting that negative reviews about the procedure are much less common. Much more expensive than in other regions of Russia is blepharoplasty in Moscow. The best surgeons with extensive experience demand an appropriate price for their services, which not all people can afford. Among the shortcomings of the operation, the soreness of scars in the first days of rehabilitation is also distinguished. Some patients develop severe swelling, due to which they begin to see poorly. The patches that seal the seams are peeled off. Within a week, you need to significantly reduce waterprocedures, which also caused dissatisfaction among the people.

Blepharoplasty is a popular plastic surgery offering a noticeable rejuvenating effect. When choosing a quality clinic with experienced surgeons, there is no doubt that it will pass without complications.
