Allergy testing. Where to do allergy tests for children

Allergy testing. Where to do allergy tests for children
Allergy testing. Where to do allergy tests for children

Currently, a significant proportion of people suffer from such a common ailment as allergies. However, not everyone knows what this pathology is, so it will be interesting for them to know that this is a protective reaction of the body, which is aimed at neutralizing the activity of harmful bacteria and viruses, as well as minimizing the risks of other harmful factors. The immune system identifies the source of the disease by the DNA chain. At the same time, it can sometimes malfunction, as a result of which harmless substances are taken for pathogenic bacteria. All this is accompanied by a violent reaction from the immune system. This is the meaning of allergies.

Allergy tests
Allergy tests

In a standard situation, in a person suffering from allergies, in the event of an exacerbation, a protective reaction manifests itself in the form of inflammation of the skin, bronchi, intestines and other organs.

It should be noted that the source of the above disease are components of protein origin - allergens. These primarily include: food, plant pollen, animal hair, cosmetics, household chemicals and more.


To accurately diagnose the source of an allergic reaction, patients take products based on microparticles of the epidermis and animal hair, plant pollen, and food components. The duration of the allergy test depends on the specific type of drug. This may take hours or days.

Allergy testing technology

When prescribing such a procedure as allergy tests, the specialist preliminarily analyzes the data on the specifics of the pathology and determines the approximate group of allergens. Separate test methods using irritant agents give positive results.

Get tested for allergies
Get tested for allergies

Such drugs are applied to small scratches that are made in advance in the wrist area. In some cases, doctors give a subcutaneous injection.

Often, different irritants are needed to test for one type of allergy, and the degree of their concentration in the preparation may be different. Signs such as swelling, rashes and redness on the patient's skin are subsequently studied by the doctor, after which he makes the final diagnosis.

Blood test

When testing for allergies, specialists almost always perform a blood test. What is it for? To find out what antibodies are present in the patient's body. Such a study helps to determine the type of allergicreactions. It should be noted that a blood test as a procedure does not entail any contraindications for the patient.

Skin tests

To diagnose the pathology in question, doctors very often use skin tests for allergies, which are classified into direct and indirect. Let's take a closer look at them.

Allergy skin tests
Allergy skin tests

In direct tests, allergens are applied to micro-scratches that are made on the patient's skin. As a rule, about twenty samples are carried out in one procedure. The reaction of the skin in this case is an indicator of what is the source of irritation. The procedure takes quite a long time (more than 24 hours). If a patient has redness, swelling or peeling in the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin being examined, this is a sign that the person has a pronounced allergic reaction.

Often, specialists conduct an indirect test. What is the meaning of this procedure? The patient is given an injection subcutaneously, which contains an irritant substance, after which the patient receives blood serum, which determines one or another type of allergy. This procedure allows specialists to determine the degree of danger of a particular type of allergy for a person.

Many are interested in the question of where to do allergy tests. This procedure is carried out by an allergist, an appointment with which you can make an appointment at the clinic at the place of your registration.

Provocative test

There is also another type of analysis through which an allergic reaction is detected, the so-calledprovocative test. This study is carried out if there are discrepancies in the indicators of the dermatological test and the data on the development of allergies.

Where to do allergy testing
Where to do allergy testing

Provocative test is divided into nasal, conjunctival variations, when it comes to such a pathology as allergic rhinitis. In this case, inhalations are introduced into the nose and eyes. In case of bronchial asthma, the patient is prescribed inhalation tests.

Children Allergy Testing

It should be noted that samples for children are recommended in the same way as for adults. However, you should not forget about age restrictions here. In particular, direct and indirect variations of skin testing should not be done if the child is under 3 years of age. The provocative type of allergic tests also falls under the ban. Most experts are sure that if the allergy is natural and not accompanied by complications, then children under 5 years of age should not carry out the above procedure, since the child's body can easily change the reaction to the allergen.

Sampling specifics

It should be emphasized that in the event of an exacerbation of the pathology under consideration, an allergen test should be carried out no earlier than one month from the moment it begins. Once again, we note that it is best to take allergy tests at a specialized medical center. Why?

Allergy testing for children
Allergy testing for children

If a complication occurs and the disease begins to progress, qualified doctors can always come to the rescue. However, the patientany reaction can occur.

Case history

A complete picture of the pathology under consideration will help to draw up a diary and a medical history. In particular, they make it possible to determine when the allergic reaction arose for the first time, what factors of the natural habitat influenced its formation or termination, how the patient feels when the situation changes. Children can also find out what was the main cause of the symptoms through the history of the disease and allergy testing. As a rule, these are excessive physical activity, depression.

It must be remembered that the speed and effectiveness of treatment depends only on the correct diagnosis.
