How to lower blood sugar - every diabetic thinks

How to lower blood sugar - every diabetic thinks
How to lower blood sugar - every diabetic thinks

Diagnosing diabetes involves a blood sugar test. If at the same time its permissible level is exceeded, then this can be considered a sign of a developing disease.

how to lower blood sugar
how to lower blood sugar

People who face this problem are always concerned about how to lower their blood sugar. First of all, it is necessary to review the diet and eliminate foods with a high content of carbohydrates from it. These are all sweets: chocolate, jam, sweet waters, wines and liqueurs. You will also have to give up those containing glucose: grapes, raisins, fatty fish and meat, liver, pickled, smoked and s alty dishes. from the body and helps in the fight against a dangerous disease. These include vegetables and fruits, for example: carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes. Dairy products, legumes, pumpkin, zucchini, eggplant, fresh herbs, beets and cabbage are also useful. It is necessary to consume blueberries that help maintain vision. All of the listed vegetables and fruits contain vitamins, trace elements and fiber, which are necessary for patients with diabetes. Particular attention should be paid to citrus fruits,kiwi, cranberries, mountain ash, hawthorn, cranberries and gooseberries.

Thinking through the menu and specifically how to lower blood sugar, you should include a large amount of liquid in the diet, excluding only those drinks that contain carbohydrates. Tea is very useful, especially blueberry tea: it is easy to prepare it by pouring boiling water over blueberry leaves. We can also recommend red tea, which has a sweet aftertaste and will help you survive a sugar-free diet, as well as a sage decoction, which has a beneficial effect on the immune system and restores strength.

diagnosis of diabetes
diagnosis of diabetes

Traditional medicine also answers the question: "How to lower blood sugar?" This recipe is good: walnut leaves (50 g) are mixed with dandelion root (20 g) and poured with boiling water. The vessel with the decoction must be closed and wrapped well, left for 3 hours, then the medicine must be filtered, and it is ready for use. It is necessary to take 6 times a day for a tablespoon after meals. Partitions of walnuts can also help. To do this, you should prepare an alcohol tincture from them, which is perfect for gradually reducing sugar levels. A tablespoon of partitions is poured with vodka and aged for two weeks. The tincture is taken 6 drops in two tablespoons of warm water once a day before meals. Already after one course of treatment, which ranges from one to three months, the first signs of improvement may appear, which consist in the disappearance of the burning tongue and the sensation of dry mouth.

all about diabetes
all about diabetes

In the treatment of diabetes, one should not forget about the benefici althe effect of exercise on the patient's body. They not only reduce sugar levels, but also cheer up, helping to fight the disease. Be sure to walk a lot, devoting free time to walks, especially in the evening and on weekends. Forget about the existence of an elevator. Do not forget that everything about diabetes in each case can only be known by a doctor, based on the results of the tests.
