The term "intercurrent diseases" is used to describe complications that occur in several areas of the body at once. One type of inflammation is superimposed on another, which makes it difficult to correctly diagnose. The detected symptoms may not correspond to the known methods of differential analysis, it is quite difficult for an ordinary person to describe the cause of their ailment.
Ways to fight mixed inflammation
When intercurrent diseases appear, they try to follow the established rules to normalize the state of the body. To do this, various drugs are used to help extinguish acute symptoms and identify the underlying cause of the ailment. So, in the first days, allergic reactions are removed with increased proportions of glucocorticoids. They do the same after severe stressful situations or with injuries.

Nausea, vomiting are among the conditions that interfere with proper diagnosis. Severe complications are called an Addisonian crisis, and it is necessary to deal with it with hydrocortisone. When resuscitation is quite far away and you have to save a person on the spot, hemisuccinate hydrocortisone is used inthe amount of 100 grams or dexamethasone about 4 mg. The drug is administered intravenously to eliminate the load on the digestive system, already affected by an infection or other disease.
If a person is already informed that he has intercurrent diseases, then when traveling long distances, you should always take a medical history with you. In the event of a deterioration in well-being, resuscitators or ambulance doctors will quickly determine the type of inflammation and make the right decision to administer the appropriate drug.
What does the term mean?
Intercurrent diseases describe conditions of mixed types of complications affecting one another. As a result of the negative action, a rapid deterioration in well-being occurs. So, chronic diseases can provoke acute inflammation in some part of the body. And this, in turn, affects the further development of the initial malaise.

Chronic rhinitis is complicated by allergic reactions and can lead to the development of inflammation of the lungs or bronchi. Asthmatics suffer more than he althy people when they develop the common cold. And herpes gives more pronounced symptoms with a decrease in immunity from the flu or a sore throat. Diabetics get complications when they have an infection in their gut.
Intercurrent diseases in these cases are SARS, allergies, influenza and tonsillitis. This group includes only those inflammations that are acute, having independent causes.
Exacerbations in children
It is important to considerwhat are called intercurrent infections in the treatment of young children with chronic nephritis. Any damage to the respiratory system and even a common boil can turn into a serious condition. Therefore, treatment begins immediately if there are symptoms of deterioration in well-being. More often, simultaneous therapy with drugs of directed action against the infection itself is used, in addition, they try to extinguish the symptoms of the disease that has joined.

It is often necessary to first extinguish the nephritis with antibiotics, and only after that treat the inflammation of the adenoids or perform a tonsillectomy. Because during acute conditions such procedures are contraindicated. Vaccination in the chronic form of inflammation in the kidneys is unproductive, as well as immunization of the body with a developed infection. A substitute for this is the observance of the norms of conservative treatment: the child is constantly monitored, his nutrition is normalized, and bed rest is followed.
High blood sugar
The following intercurrent diseases in diabetes mellitus are distinguished:
- Intestinal infections.
- Pathology of the pancreas.
- Physical and psychological injuries.
- Viral and bacterial infections.
- Inflammation in the internal organs.
Any decrease in immunity and the development of diseases of independent etiology leads to a worsening of the form of chronic diabetes. Therefore, upon detection of any ailment, even a slight one, they try to lower insulin in the blood. These measures are required fornormalization of internal metabolic processes of the body.
Recovery from high blood sugar complications
Hormonal imbalance always occurs with the development of symptoms of diabetes. The normal state is restored by changing the dosage of insulin, according to the blood tests for glucose. To facilitate the patient's well-being, the dose is not reduced, but rather increased depending on the complications.

So, with hyperthermia follow the following method, the dose increases depending on body temperature:
- Overcoming the 37 degree bar - increase the insulin dose by 10%.
- Above 38 degrees - the dosage is recalculated by 25%.
- Above 39 degrees - add 50%.
Insulin overdose should be avoided. This can only make matters worse.