Contraceptives: what is it? The use of contraceptives

Contraceptives: what is it? The use of contraceptives
Contraceptives: what is it? The use of contraceptives

For a long time, humanity has been trying to find ways to prevent unwanted pregnancies. A few decades ago, barrier methods of contraception had an advantage. Now there are a lot of tools that help protect against conception. This article will tell you about them. You will learn what contraceptives are. What they are and how to use them will be described below. It is worth recalling that for the correct selection of protective equipment, you need to contact a gynecologist and undergo an examination.


Contraceptives: what is it?

Protective means or contraceptives are called devices that allow you to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy. All of them are divided into male and female. The latter, in turn, have an additional classification.

Every person should know how contraceptives are used, what they are and what they are for. Otherwise, it will not be possible to avoid unwanted pregnancy and its consequences. Consider what protective equipment exists and how to use them.


Barrier methods

Specialists say about condoms (contraceptives), that such a tool is the most popular among young people. This method of protection is suitable for people who do not have a permanent sexual partner. Condoms are the only contraceptive that men use. This tool allows you to protect yourself from many sexually transmitted diseases. Plus the condom is also in the cost. This method of protection against pregnancy is recognized as the cheapest.

Other barrier methods of contraception are used by women. Their use is not as popular. Also, many people have a distrust of these methods of protection.

  • Diaphragm or pessary. The devices are inserted into the vagina before intercourse and close the cervix to prevent sperm from entering the cervix. The use of this method can lead to inflammatory processes in the urethra, damage to the mucous membrane. The device requires mandatory disinfection after use.
  • Caps. The use of contraceptives of this type is contraindicated in women with various diseases of the cervix (cancer, erosion, the presence of polyps, dysplasia, and so on). Modern caps are available in three types. The duration of application should not exceed 4 hours. The device is held in the vagina by the walls.


This method of protection against unexpected conception is recognized as the most reliable. New generation contraceptives not only allowprevent pregnancy, but also have a curative effect. They are often prescribed to correct the cycle and normalize hormonal levels. All hormonal agents are divided into standard and mini-dosed. The latter are also classified: three-phase, two-phase and monophasic.

The peculiarity of using these funds is that they must be taken daily at the same time. Skipping another pill reduces the effectiveness of the drug. Medicines are prohibited for use in varicose veins, smoking, diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

There are also hormonal patches and contraceptive implants. What is this device? The patches are glued to a specific area of the body (usually the lower abdomen) and are not removed during the cycle. Implants are sewn under the skin at different times. These contraceptives work the same as the pills.


Intrauterine Devices

The next most popular means of protection against pregnancy are spirals. Despite its name, the device looks like a stick with a bifurcation at the end. The intrauterine device is installed exclusively in the gynecologist's office. It has a different lifespan. There are also spirals with hormonal and healing effects.

The device provides reliable protection, but there are reported cases of pregnancy. It is contraindicated to install a spiral in the presence of an inflammatory process, suspected pregnancy, certain diseases of the cervix and tumors of the genital organ.



Similar contraceptive reviews are different. The inconvenience in their application is as follows. A woman needs to apply creams, gels, pastes or suppositories 10-15 minutes before sexual intercourse. In addition, the frequent use of these substances leads to the development of vaginal dysbacteriosis, a violation of the microflora.

Chemical contraceptives have a spermicidal effect. They prevent sperm from entering the cervix. Also, substances can protect against some sexually transmitted diseases. More often, these methods are used for insurance, for example, when you miss another hormonal pill.

Natural Protection

This is considered the most unreliable method of contraception. Natural protection lies in the calculation of the day of ovulation by various methods. After determining the dangerous period, the woman refrains from contacts for a set time. You can determine the period of ovulation using the calendar, temperature, cervical method. The woman's own feelings are also taken into account.

Gynecologists do not recommend using this method of contraception. When using it, there is a very high chance of an unwanted pregnancy.


Emergency contraception

What is emergency protection? Contraceptive pills in this case have a high dose of hormones. They are taken after sexual intercourse. The period of use of drugs - no later than the end of three days. Such drugs block the work of the ovaries and cause menstruation. Their applicationfraught with hormonal failure, deterioration of he alth and pain in the lower abdomen.

How often can such emergency manipulation be performed? Contraceptives (tablets "Postinor", "Escapel" and others) of this type are not suitable for frequent use. From their name it becomes clear that they are taken in exceptional cases for emergency prevention of pregnancy.


All contraceptives have their own characteristics of use. Modern medicine provides a variety of ways to prevent pregnancy. To find the most suitable for yourself, you should consult a doctor. Before the appointment of oral drugs, a study of the hormonal background is mandatory. The introduction of intrauterine devices obliges to pass tests for the presence of infections and so on. Follow your doctor's advice and stay he althy!
