"Lekker-Iodine": instructions for use and reviews

"Lekker-Iodine": instructions for use and reviews
"Lekker-Iodine": instructions for use and reviews

The home first aid kit should have medicines that can come in handy at any time. Antiseptics in the form of iodine, brilliant green are essential components of a proper first aid kit. The usual glass bottles with these drugs have been replaced by more convenient packaging. Lekker-Iodine is a new format for the release of an essential drug. The tool is easy to use, for which it managed to win many positive recommendations.

Medication description

Everyone is used to the fact that some medicines are available only in liquid form. These agents include antiseptics: a solution of brilliant green, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, fukortsin. All these medicines are sure to be found in every home first aid kit. When trying to open a glass bottle with colored medicine, unpleasant situations often occur. At best, only your hands get dirty. To say that these funds can be carried with you, for example, in your purse, is not worth talking about.

lekker iodine
lekker iodine

"Lekker-Iodine" is a device that looks like a marker, inside of which there is a rod with a solution of ordinary iodine. A popular drug in an unusual package - an original combination of traditional medicines and a modern vision of their use. You can buy a novelty in most pharmacies, cosmetic stores. The cost of such a useful marker will appeal to every buyer, because it does not differ much from the usual solution and is only 60 rubles.

When can I apply?

Like a regular iodine solution, Lekker-Iodine instruction recommends using it if it is necessary to treat wound surfaces of the skin, abrasions, scratches. You can not do without a remedy for infectious and inflammatory processes on the epidermis. Many use it to treat acne on the face and body, fungal diseases.

How does it work?

Iodine is a compound of potassium iodide and ethanol. The substance is capable of forming iodamines and is selectively absorbed by the thyroid gland. Iodine is used in surgery for the treatment and disinfection of sutures and wounds. The presence of bactericidal and antiseptic properties allows it to be used externally. After processing the surface of the dermis, a slight burning sensation occurs, which quickly passes on its own.

lekker iodine reviews
lekker iodine reviews

The marker refill contains 5 ml of antiseptic. The product is used very sparingly, which cannot be said about the alcohol solution. If the tool will not be used for a long time, the rod will not dry out. Be sure to close the cap after use.

"Lekker-Iodine" from acne

Reviews indicate that the tool in the form of a marker is often used to treat acne. Due to its disinfectant, antibacterial and antiseptic properties, iodineeffectively eliminates acne. If you smear a focus of inflammation with a marker, the drug will have the following effects:

  • visibly reduces redness;
  • dries out pimples;
  • reduce inflammation;
  • will not let the infection spread.
lekker iodine for acne
lekker iodine for acne

It should be remembered that, as in a conventional liquid preparation, "Lekker-Yode" contains alcohol (5% d) iodine solution. This means it may cause burns if applied to sensitive skin.

Iodine-based remedy really helps to cope with acne (purulent and internal). It must be applied only to the inflammation itself. Best of all, the iodine in the marker copes with single rashes. If the pathology is permanent, the problem should be addressed comprehensively. In such cases, they begin to look for the cause of the disease in violations of the internal organs, hormonal failure.

What kind of rashes will the remedy cope with?

Using Lekker-Iodine for acne is not possible in all cases. With some types of rash, the active ingredient is not able to cope. First of all, this applies to comedones - black dots that occur when pores are heavily contaminated. You can get rid of such a defect with the help of scrubs and peeling. If, on the background of the blockage, inflammation appears, the remedy can be applied pointwise.

lekker iodine for acne reviews
lekker iodine for acne reviews

The most effective marker with iodine will be if you want to get rid of internal and purulent acne. With the formation of pustules in the deeplayers of the dermis, it is necessary to lubricate the focus daily until the redness decreases. Only one layer of the drug should be applied to the skin to prevent burns.

It should be borne in mind that you can use Lekker-Iodine only if you are not allergic to the main component. Therefore, you should first determine the sensitivity by smearing a small amount of funds on the wrist. In the absence of redness, itching, burning, you can use the marker with the medicine for its intended purpose.

Some rashes on the face and body are dangerous to treat on their own. A consultation with a dermatologist will help determine the correct tactics for dealing with the problem.

Other company products

The company made sure that anyone could find the necessary product among the assortment. You can get rid of acne not only with the help of Lekker-Iodine. Reviews suggest that Lekker-Lindo will be more effective in this case. The drug contains green tea and aloe extract, triclosan and salicylic acid. Thanks to a well-chosen complex, it is possible to achieve anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, wound healing and soothing effects.

lekker iodine instruction
lekker iodine instruction

The liquid is applied pointwise, only to the inflamed area several times a day. The manipulation is repeated until the rash disappears completely. The product is effective for acne and acne.
