Medicine 2024, October

Ondine's curse - apnea syndrome

Ondine's curse - apnea syndrome

Even modern people do not always immediately understand that Ondine's curse - a syndrome of cessation of breathing and sudden death - is not some ancient curse or a modern esoteric problem, but a disease caused by certain characteristics of some people. What is this disease, how does it manifest itself and can it be de alt with? We will try to answer all the questions in this article

Medical respirator or how best to protect yourself from the flu

Medical respirator or how best to protect yourself from the flu

The article describes the characteristics of medical masks and medical respirators. The classification of respirators is briefly given. The concept of biological aerosols is deciphered. The conclusion is made about the choice of means of protection against respiratory infections without product names

Glycemic profile: normal. Glycemic profile analysis

Glycemic profile: normal. Glycemic profile analysis

Glycemic profile is not a roof, not a fence and not an analysis. This is a graph, more precisely - a curved line. Each point in it is the level of sugar in the blood during the day. This line will never be straight: glycemia is a capricious lady with a fickle mood, her behavior must not only be monitored, but also recorded in a diary

The norm of a woman's blood test. Complete blood count: the norm in women

The norm of a woman's blood test. Complete blood count: the norm in women

You need to take care of your he alth all the time. It doesn't matter how old you are or how you feel now. Literally in a short period of time, everything can change. And in order to prevent the occurrence of some serious diseases or begin their timely treatment, it is necessary to regularly do a blood test

Mole on the foot. Dangerous and non-dangerous moles in adults and children

Mole on the foot. Dangerous and non-dangerous moles in adults and children

The appearance of moles on the feet, as well as on any other parts of the body, cannot be prevented by any special methods. However, some moles or nevi (according to official medical terminology) can cause significant discomfort in a person's daily life. The appearance of a nevus on the foot is of particular interest to the owner, since the feet are that part of the body that is constantly subjected to external pressure due to walking and wearing shoes

How to do inhalations with "Borjomi"?

How to do inhalations with "Borjomi"?

"Borjomi" from Georgia gained its popularity in the former USSR. Bicarbonate-sodium water with natural mineralization from the city of the same name is used to treat the digestive tract, as well as for diseases such as gastritis, pancreatitis, stomach or duodenal ulcers, enterocolitis and liver diseases. However, its use is possible not only as table water

How to make inhalation for children: doctor's prescription, rules, time, features, indications and contraindications

How to make inhalation for children: doctor's prescription, rules, time, features, indications and contraindications

Inhalation method of treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract is in great demand in our time. Why? Because it is an effective and safe way to cure the whole family with a minimum of side effects. Despite the ease of use of inhalations, everything should be agreed with the doctor

Functions of the liver and pancreas. The role of the liver and pancreas in digestion

Functions of the liver and pancreas. The role of the liver and pancreas in digestion

The article presents the anatomical features of the liver and pancreas. 6 functions of the liver and 2 functions of the pancreas are considered in detail. The role of these organs in the digestion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates is considered in detail. The concept of pancreatitis is disclosed and approaches to treatment are briefly described

Bülau drainage: technique, indications and contraindications

Bülau drainage: technique, indications and contraindications

Drainage according to Bulau often helps to save a person's life during exacerbation of diseases. This method of treatment allows you to remove excess fluid from the pleural region: blood, pus, lymph. Such a procedure should be carried out only by a highly qualified specialist, otherwise the death of the patient is possible

Fannel in newborns - what you need to know

Fannel in newborns - what you need to know

This article is about fontanelles in newborns. It reveals the essence of the very concept of this formation in babies, its varieties, the norms of development of the fontanel and various deviations, the timing of overgrowth and possible causes of early / late closing of the "window", and also considers pulsation as a natural phenomenon of life support for crumbs

Milk mixture "Semper Bifidus": composition, instructions, reviews

Milk mixture "Semper Bifidus": composition, instructions, reviews

Very often, mothers in the first year of a child's life experience constipation in babies. There are many medicines to help remove this ailment, but if the disease becomes chronic, as a rule, pediatricians advise trying the special Semper Bifidus milk mixture. It helps to eliminate constipation, improves digestion, removes dysbacteriosis and is suitable for daily feeding

Profession "masseur": education, salary, requirements

Profession "masseur": education, salary, requirements

It is possible to choose a job related to medicine, but at the same time not to delve into analyzes and examination of patients without any problems. For example, become a massage therapist. How to get this profession? What awaits such an employee?

What does a heart x-ray show?

What does a heart x-ray show?

This article tells about the principle of X-ray, how to prepare for this procedure, as well as what diseases the doctor can see in the picture and what are the contraindications for X-ray of the heart

How is MRI stands for in medicine?

How is MRI stands for in medicine?

This examination method is widely used in modern medicine. MRI helps to detect pathological changes in many organs. For those who do not know how MRI is deciphered, this is magnetic resonance imaging. Let's take a closer look at what the procedure is and why it is used

Heliotherapy is sun therapy (sunbathing). Indications and contraindications

Heliotherapy is sun therapy (sunbathing). Indications and contraindications

Heliotherapy is a method of physiotherapeutic effects on the body with the help of all spectra of sunlight. This treatment is one of the gifts of nature, since it uses purely the energy of the sun, and not an artificially created likeness. However, before you run to take sunbathing, you should consult with doctors about the possible negative consequences of this method and deal with contraindications

Tympanogram: interpretation of results, indications and research methodology

Tympanogram: interpretation of results, indications and research methodology

Otolaryngologists prescribe a tympanometry procedure that shows the functional capacity of a person's ear. The result of the examination is a tympanogram, the decoding of which gives a more complete picture of the pathology of the middle ear in a patient

Biochemical blood test. ALT and AST: deciphering indicators

Biochemical blood test. ALT and AST: deciphering indicators

Alanine aminotransferase, or ALT, and aspartate aminotransferase, or AST, are enzymes found in body cells that are involved in amino acid metabolism. They are located only in the cells of organ tissues, and enter the bloodstream only when the cell breaks down during traumatic injuries or pathologies

Cauterize a wart with liquid nitrogen: purpose, rules and timing, indications, contraindications and possible consequences

Cauterize a wart with liquid nitrogen: purpose, rules and timing, indications, contraindications and possible consequences

With a decrease in the protective functions of immunity, a person becomes vulnerable to infection with viral infections. All of them lead to the development of any disease. One of these is the appearance of warts on the skin. Before agreeing to one or another method of eliminating neoplasms, you should find out about the most popular method - cauterization with liquid nitrogen

What is sports massage

What is sports massage

In modern sports, a very common method of training and recovery of athletes - sports massage. It helps to warm up muscles and avoid injuries, prepare for competitions and recover from heavy loads

Gas injections - what is it? Indications, contraindications, reviews

Gas injections - what is it? Indications, contraindications, reviews

In modern times, new methods of treating many diseases appear in medicine. For example, gas injections, which will be discussed in this article. The procedure helps to restore the human body, which is constantly under the influence of bad ecology, suffers from malnutrition and aging. As a result, oxygen is poorly supplied to tissues and cells

Illness - what is it? Morbidity structure, statistics

Illness - what is it? Morbidity structure, statistics

Incidence is the prevalence of all reported diseases. Types and classification of incidence

Children's sanatorium "Iskra", Evpatoria: address, reviews

Children's sanatorium "Iskra", Evpatoria: address, reviews

The city of Evpatoria is a seaside resort on the Western coast of the Crimean peninsula, which is annually visited by millions of tourists from Russia and neighboring countries. In this place, the coast is gentle, the sea is shallow, the beaches are sandy, and apparently, therefore, Evpatoria has been developing since Soviet times as a resort for children

Sanatoriums of Simeiz: review, description, features

Sanatoriums of Simeiz: review, description, features

Azure sea, pebbly beaches, healing climate, picturesque landscapes, mountains covered with junipers, architectural monuments, ancient parks - all this splendor is in a small but very cozy village on the southern coast of Crimea called Simeiz

Japanese facial massage

Japanese facial massage

In Japan, beauty and he alth are interrelated concepts. Most women will sigh and say that daily procedures are a luxury, and they simply have no time to do a Japanese massage, because they have a huge number of problems, work, and children and a husband require attention. The most important thing is to want to look young and attractive. Do not try to hide behind problems and lack of time

Macrophages: what is it and what is their role in the immune defense of the body

Macrophages: what is it and what is their role in the immune defense of the body

Immunity is a set of cellular and humoral means of protecting the body from infectious and tumor diseases. It is realized due to the existence of cells such as lymphocytes, plasma cells and macrophages. What it is, you should understand in more detail. Their significance is really great for the body and ensuring its vital activity in an aggressive environment

Batmotropic effect in the physiology of cardiac activity

Batmotropic effect in the physiology of cardiac activity

The heart is a muscular organ with its own rhythm regulation system. It is represented by pacemaker cells that regulate the activity of the heart muscle. It is influenced by medicinal substances and mediators produced by the adrenal glands. This action is described as a positive or negative inotropic, chronotropic, dromotropic or bathmotropic effect

Immunocompetent phagocytes are cells of active immunity

Immunocompetent phagocytes are cells of active immunity

The human and mammalian body has a functional immune system designed to protect it from the influence of infectious factors

Why is the lower leg numb, swollen? Itching, numbness, swelling of the lower legs: possible causes

Why is the lower leg numb, swollen? Itching, numbness, swelling of the lower legs: possible causes

Swelling, itching or numbness in the lower legs are uncomfortable sensations that can occur for many reasons. The most likely are the following: neuropathy, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, dyshidrosis, osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, scabies and onychomycosis. Physiological factors cannot be ruled out. For an accurate diagnosis, it is recommended to consult a therapist. This specialist will conduct diagnostic measures and find out the nature of the disease

Facial resurfacing and its varieties

Facial resurfacing and its varieties

Today, facial resurfacing is considered a fairly popular cosmetic procedure. After all, with its help you can not only clean clogged pores and remove dead layers of epithelial cells, but also eliminate fine wrinkles and age spots, get rid of acne and scars

Symptoms of a fracture of the orbit (orbital bone). Where is the orbital bone?

Symptoms of a fracture of the orbit (orbital bone). Where is the orbital bone?

Whatever you say, a person's appearance is of great importance in life, although some try to convince others of the opposite. A person with some external flaws does not cause an instant location, and he has to be won with the help of internal qualities

Blood agglutination is Blood types and agglutination reactions

Blood agglutination is Blood types and agglutination reactions

Agglutination is widely used in medicine. This procedure helps determine the blood type. There are several methods for this, each of which has its own characteristics

What organs does the human digestive system consist of? Description, structure and functions

What organs does the human digestive system consist of? Description, structure and functions

What organs does the digestive system consist of? Not every person has such knowledge. Thanks to their functions, the work of the whole organism is supported

Adam's apple - what is it? What is it for?

Adam's apple - what is it? What is it for?

Adam's apple is a protrusion on the neck, which is strongly pronounced in men. And although everyone knows about him, few are aware of what functions he is entrusted with

Orthopedic insoles for heel spurs: types, tips, reviews

Orthopedic insoles for heel spurs: types, tips, reviews

A wedge-shaped spike on the calcaneal tuberosity resulting from inflammation of the plantar fascia is called a spur. It injures soft tissues when a person leans on the heel and causes intense pain. Orthopedic insoles for heel spurs help to avoid discomfort when walking

Types of physical culture: mass, medical, adaptive. Physical education and he alth

Types of physical culture: mass, medical, adaptive. Physical education and he alth

The physical education system is part of a he althy lifestyle. Without moderate physical exertion, it is impossible to gain spiritual and physical strength. Physical education is a set of exercises aimed at improving the human body, strengthening its emotional and physical state. It is used as a prevention of diseases, as well as their elimination

The head of the radius: definition, structure, types, functions, anatomy, physiology, possible diseases and methods of treatment

The head of the radius: definition, structure, types, functions, anatomy, physiology, possible diseases and methods of treatment

If we examine the statistical information about fractures of the forearm, then the radius (from the Latin radius), with almost the same structure and anatomy, breaks much more often than the ulna. This is due to the psychological peculiarity of each person during the fall to put forward hands, then the strongest blow will fall on that part of the surface on which the bone comes out

Reberg's test: how to pass?

Reberg's test: how to pass?

Our kidneys do a tremendous job every day, filtering liters of blood. However, some pathological processes can prevent organs from performing such an important task. The Rehberg test is exactly the analysis that helps the specialist determine how well the patient's kidneys are doing their job. In the article, we will present how to properly collect a urine sample for research, as the results of the analysis indicate

Granulocytes - what is it? Granulocytes in the blood: increased, decreased, normal

Granulocytes - what is it? Granulocytes in the blood: increased, decreased, normal

Protective cells of the body accumulate in moments of inflammatory processes in the body. They return to normal only after the disease has passed

Elevated neutrophils during pregnancy: possible causes

Elevated neutrophils during pregnancy: possible causes

During pregnancy, the expectant mother has to take a lot of clinical tests. These measures are simply necessary so that the gynecologist can identify deviations in the bearing of a child and, if there is a danger to the he alth of the mother and baby, if necessary, hospitalize. One of the most important tests is considered to be blood tests, for example, elevated neutrophils during pregnancy can accompany serious illnesses

Processing the hands of medical staff hygienic: tools, rules

Processing the hands of medical staff hygienic: tools, rules

Sanitary standards establish how exactly the hands of medical staff should be treated hygienically. It includes not only washing the skin with ordinary soap, but also applying special antiseptic solutions to them