Medicine 2024, October

Structure and functions of the pituitary gland

Structure and functions of the pituitary gland

The pituitary gland, the structure and functions of which will be discussed later, is an organ of the endocrine system. It has 3 sections

The rate of reactions of the sign. What is a reaction rate?

The rate of reactions of the sign. What is a reaction rate?

The rate of reaction may be different, it depends on the environment. Variation can also be inherited. The reaction rate helps to identify the presence of the disease

The plasma cell is an important component in the environment of leukocytes

The plasma cell is an important component in the environment of leukocytes

An important role in the creation of antibodies in the human body is played by the plasma cell. That is what will be discussed

Universal donor: blood type and Rh factor

Universal donor: blood type and Rh factor

In medical practice, there are often cases in which patients lose a large amount of blood. For this reason, they need to transfuse it from another person - a donor

Passive transport of substances across the membrane: description, features

Passive transport of substances across the membrane: description, features

What is passive transport? Transmembrane movement of various macromolecular compounds, cellular components, supramolecular particles that are not able to penetrate through the channels in the membrane, is carried out through special mechanisms, for example, using phagocytosis, pinocytosis, exocytosis, transfer through the intercellular space

Paraffin wrap - is it so useful?

Paraffin wrap - is it so useful?

Paraffin has long been used for cosmetic and medical purposes. To date, paraffin wrapping is considered one of the most effective procedures, since the effect of this substance on the body allows you to eliminate signs of cellulite and body fat in a short time. The advantage of this technique is that it can be carried out independently at home

Hormone calcitonin: research, norm and deviations

Hormone calcitonin: research, norm and deviations

Calcitonin is a hormone produced by the thyroid gland. It is formed in the parafollicular cells of this organ. By chemical nature, the hormone calcitonin is a polypeptide. It consists of 32 amino acids

Shift the leukocyte formula to the left or right

Shift the leukocyte formula to the left or right

Not every one of us is familiar with such a concept as a shift in the leukocyte formula. She will tell an experienced specialist about the presence of any disease, the nature of its course, and in some cases one can even guess what the further outcome will be

How is sciatica treated?

How is sciatica treated?

The spine is not in vain considered the center of the body. This is where the spinal cord is located. He is responsible for the entire body. Sciatica is a lesion of the roots of the spinal nerves, which is accompanied by severe pain. At the same time, the quality of human life deteriorates sharply. That is why it is important to start treatment as early as possible

What is the function of vasopressin? The hormone vasopressin

What is the function of vasopressin? The hormone vasopressin

Vasopressin is a neurolytic hormone produced by the hypothalamus of the brain. Entering the dorsal lobe of the pituitary gland, vasopressin has an active effect on the processes of diuresis and the circulatory system

Pharmacopoeia - what is it? Pharmacopoeia: description, history, content

Pharmacopoeia - what is it? Pharmacopoeia: description, history, content

Pharmacopoeia is a book that combines all medicines known at the time of its publication, methods of their manufacture, storage and sales rules. It also regulates the quality of raw materials and finished products

How to restore he alth? What is good and what is bad for he alth? He alth School

How to restore he alth? What is good and what is bad for he alth? He alth School

He alth is the basis of the existence of the nation, is the result of the country's policy, which creates an internal need for citizens to treat it as a value. Preservation of he alth is the basis for the fulfillment of a person's destiny to procreate

Harsh breathing: causes and treatment

Harsh breathing: causes and treatment

Harsh breathing is usually the result of various viral infections in adults and the result of hypothermia in children

Umbilical hernia in children: surgery and rehabilitation

Umbilical hernia in children: surgery and rehabilitation

The article discusses the following issues: etiology, clinic and diagnosis of umbilical hernia, methods of treatment; umbilical hernia in children, operation; types of operations, rehabilitation

Erythrocytes in the blood: the norm and the consequences of deviation from it

Erythrocytes in the blood: the norm and the consequences of deviation from it

A complete blood count can reveal certain pathologies that develop in the body. One of the important indicators is the number of red blood cells in the blood. These cells are essential for the proper functioning of our body. If their excess or deficiency is determined, this indicates various deviations that require additional diagnostics. What number of red blood cells is considered the norm, why certain deviations occur, will be discussed in detail in the article

How to use a glucometer: instructions. Can I use expired glucometer strips?

How to use a glucometer: instructions. Can I use expired glucometer strips?

Today, there are a lot of all kinds of medical devices that make life easier for us. But it is worth noting that not everyone knows how to manage them. But for some, the use of these devices is vital

"Omron M2 Basic": reviews, photos, instructions

"Omron M2 Basic": reviews, photos, instructions

Tonometer is a device that should be in every home, because a person of any age category may need it. Among the new generation devices on the market, it is worth noting the Omron M2 Basic tonometer. It is very convenient to use and ideal for home use

Types of wounds, signs, first aid

Types of wounds, signs, first aid

A wound is an injury in which the integrity of the skin and deep tissues, as well as mucous membranes, is violated. The wound is accompanied by the release of blood and pain. The intensity of bleeding depends on what types of wounds were inflicted and what vessels were damaged

What is normal weight?

What is normal weight?

How to determine the norm of weight, body type, height-weight ratio, waist circumference, by what formulas to calculate

How to cleanse the lungs of unnecessary accumulations

How to cleanse the lungs of unnecessary accumulations

The lungs are a very important organ, on which human well-being and the functioning of the whole body as a whole depend greatly. Since the lungs are, one might say, a kind of filter, over time they accumulate all the impurities that exist in the air we breathe. So the issue of cleaning them is important for any person, although it is most relevant for smokers and those who have given up this destructive habit

Homeopathic polyclinic on Prazhskaya street. St. Petersburg

Homeopathic polyclinic on Prazhskaya street. St. Petersburg

Description of the homeopathic clinic on Prazhskaya Street in St. Petersburg: services and reviews of the institution

Children's clinic on Dobroselskaya street: services

Children's clinic on Dobroselskaya street: services

Description of the children's polyclinic located on Dobroselskaya Street: opening hours, services provided

Pterygoid scapula: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, doctor's advice, massage and special exercises

Pterygoid scapula: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, doctor's advice, massage and special exercises

The disease associated with the displacement of the shoulder blades is very dangerous, because it can lead to complete incapacity of the upper limbs. There are many reasons for the development of the syndrome of pterygoid scapulae, however, their timely detection in combination with effective treatment in the vast majority of cases leads to a complete recovery. Features of the development and treatment of pterygoid scapula syndrome in children and adults are described in the article below

Increased lymphocytes in the blood: features, causes and consequences

Increased lymphocytes in the blood: features, causes and consequences

Everyone tries to take care of their he alth. If there are no symptoms and complaints, then it would seem that there is nothing to worry about. However, once again donating blood for a routine analysis, as a result, an increased level of lymphocytes can be detected. What could be the cause and what symptoms of lymphocytosis will appear, it is written in the article

How to improve vascular elasticity: ways, tips and tricks

How to improve vascular elasticity: ways, tips and tricks

Low elasticity of blood vessels adversely affects human he alth. After all, the circulatory system provides oxygen to all organs and tissues. Various adverse factors lead to increased fragility of the vascular walls. In advanced cases, this can cause cardiac diseases and disorders of cerebral circulation. How to improve the condition of blood vessels? We will answer this question in the article

Segmental massage: types, causes, techniques, techniques. What is the difference between classical massage and segmental massage?

Segmental massage: types, causes, techniques, techniques. What is the difference between classical massage and segmental massage?

The human body is a complex multifunctional system. That is why pathological changes in one of its organs can affect our entire he alth. In order to eliminate such changes, there is a reflex-segmental massage

A doctor is a specialist with a completed higher medical education: a description of the profession, reviews

A doctor is a specialist with a completed higher medical education: a description of the profession, reviews

Doctor is a very useful and necessary profession. There is a large selection of medical speci alties, so it's easy to decide

Skull: the connection of the bones of the skull. Types of connection of the bones of the skull

Skull: the connection of the bones of the skull. Types of connection of the bones of the skull

The skeleton of the head of vertebrates is called the "skull". Anatomy allows him to carry a protective function due to the bones firmly and immovably fastened to each other. The skull is a kind of box that preserves the brain and sensory organs

A vaccine is Types of vaccines. Vaccines for children

A vaccine is Types of vaccines. Vaccines for children

Today, doctors have only proven vaccines in their arsenal, which are considered reliable and safe. However, each organism has its own individual characteristics, which can lead to vaccine rejection

How to make an appointment with the dentist via the Internet?

How to make an appointment with the dentist via the Internet?

It's always unpleasant to get sick. Whatever bothers a person, whatever procedure awaits in a medical institution, there is little pleasant in illness. Recently, it has become possible to make an appointment with a dentist via the Internet, which makes life much easier

Immunoglobulin - what is it? Immunoglobulin (analysis): norm and deviations

Immunoglobulin - what is it? Immunoglobulin (analysis): norm and deviations

Immunoglobulin is a globular protein, the absence or deficiency of which seriously affects the state of the human body. Isolated from blood plasma, it is present in most immunostimulatory drugs

Why is the indefinite form of the verb so called? Where does the verb go?

Why is the indefinite form of the verb so called? Where does the verb go?

Walk, lay down, lie down… Go, bed, lie down (or would lie down)… The first three verbs have no tense, no face, no other signs. They simply denote, as befits verbs, an action. This is the indefinite form of the verb. It is also called the initial (which is not entirely correct) or the infinitive. Who, at what time performed the action, this non-conjugated form of the verb does not indicate

Hypoglossal nerve. Hypoglossal nerve examination

Hypoglossal nerve. Hypoglossal nerve examination

People who do not have a medical education can hardly imagine what the hypoglossal nerve is. But in some cases, this information can be very important. There are a number of problems that impair a person's quality of life associated with the tongue and hypoglossal nerve. Let's consider them in more detail

Structure of the brain. Pons

Structure of the brain. Pons

The human brain is the main regulator of all body systems. Its organization includes many structures, each of which is responsible for a specific function. One of the vital parts of the brain is the pons

The pancreas produces which hormones?

The pancreas produces which hormones?

The pancreas produces two hormones - glucagon and insulin. Alpha cells are involved in the production of glucagon, and beta cells are involved in the production of insulin. In addition to these two varieties, the gland also contains delta cells that produce somatostatin

Departments of the small intestine: description, structure and functions

Departments of the small intestine: description, structure and functions

How do the small and large intestines interact? What are the features of the presented parts of the digestive tract? What role do the small intestines play in the absorption of nutrients? We will try to answer these and other questions in the presented material

Carbon monoxide poisoning: symptoms, signs, first aid

Carbon monoxide poisoning: symptoms, signs, first aid

Currently, carbon monoxide poisoning is one of the most common fatal intoxications. Carbon monoxide is a substance that has neither smell nor taste. It inevitably enters the atmospheric air during any type of combustion. With the penetration of carbon monoxide into the human body, an acute pathological condition develops. In the absence of timely and qualified assistance, in most cases, a fatal outcome occurs

Epidemic focus: concept, properties, occurrence, characteristics, measures and preventive measures

Epidemic focus: concept, properties, occurrence, characteristics, measures and preventive measures

There are several definitions of an epidemic focus. V.D. Belyakov believes that it denotes a territory in which, within certain spatio-temporal boundaries, infection of people with infectious pathogens is possible. The modern characteristic understands it as a manifestation of the epidemic process by asymptomatic and manifest forms of diseases

Foreign body in the airways: what to do?

Foreign body in the airways: what to do?

In our article, we will consider a situation in which a foreign body is in the airways. What to do in this case? We will talk about the symptoms of this condition, as well as the first aid technique in this emergency

He alth education: procedure, purpose and means

He alth education: procedure, purpose and means

Sanitary and educational work is a set of promotional, educational, training activities that highlight the usefulness of a he althy lifestyle, disease prevention, physical activity, and the need for medical examination. This kind of work is designed to increase the conscious attitude of citizens to their he alth