He althy airways and lungs produce special sounds during exhalation and inhalation. However, not all noises can be normal. There is hard breathing caused by inflammation of the air passages, especially the bronchi. These processes almost always change the volume of the exhalation, and it is heard as clearly as the inhalation.

Disease symptoms
Such breathing is easy to determine by obvious indicators of a general disease - the appearance of a dry, tense cough, shortness of breath. The temperature may rise slightly. But these signs are characteristic of a simple ARVI. In most cases, due to incorrectly prescribed therapy, ARVI ends with bronchitis.
Usually, the doctor, when examining and listening in the chest area, hears hard breathing in the lungs. At the first stage of malaise, wheezing, as a rule, is not audible. With an exacerbated course of the disease, the patient's well-being can significantly worsen: a wet cough begins with sputum that is difficult to separate, and body temperature rises. Even asthma is likely.
In allergic patients, as a result of contact with an irritant, bronchitis may develop even without fever. Diagnosis of this disease is very simple:the patient has a strong cough, watery eyes after contact with the allergen.

If there is no cough
Not always such a phenomenon as a hard cough in a child is pathological. For example, it may depend on the physiological properties of the baby's respiratory system. Moreover, the younger the child, the stronger his breathing. In the first months of a child's life, the phenomenon may be caused by poor development of muscle fibers and alveoli. This anomaly is observed in children from birth to 10 years. However, it usually goes away in the future.
Do not neglect the help of a doctor
Sometimes hard breathing is observed with bronchitis or a more complex disease - bronchopneumonia. It is imperative to contact a pediatrician, especially with an increase in expiratory noises and a rough timbre of the voice. A conversation with a specialist is also necessary in the case when the exhalation has become too noisy. The doctor will tell you how to treat hard breathing.
Inhalation is an active process, while exhalation does not require intensity, and it must go reflexively. The sonority of exhalation also changes in the state when there is an inflammatory process in the body that concerns the bronchi. In this situation, exhalation and inhalation are equally audible. You should also visit a doctor and take an x-ray if you have difficulty breathing, wheezing, severe coughing, and shortness of breath.

If the baby has a cough
For the most part, the baby gets a cold due to hypothermia. As a resultthere is a decrease in immunity, and the infection quickly spreads throughout the weak body. Often, the inflammatory process begins in the mucous membranes of the bronchi. It is accompanied by an increase in sputum production.
At this time, the pediatrician, when listening, determines the child's hard breathing and cough. In addition, there are also wheezing associated with increased sputum secretions. At the initial stage of malaise, the cough is usually dry, and then, as it increases, it becomes wet. A cough with sharp breathing may indicate a recent ARVI (not all the secret has come out of the bronchi yet).
Harsh breathing: causes
Parents should understand that children have a rather weakened immune system. From the moment of birth, it only begins to be produced, and therefore the baby is significantly susceptible to various diseases. There are several provoking factors that excite childhood diseases, namely:
- persistent respiratory infections;
- strong temperature fluctuations (alternating cold and hot air);
- presence of allergens;
- presence of chemical pathogens (usually they enter the body simultaneously with inhaled air).

If an irritant gets on the mucous membranes of the bronchi, then the inflammatory process begins, swelling appears, and the secretion of bronchial mucus also increases.
Little children have a hard time with almost all ailments. So, with bronchitis, similar processes can excite the rapid formation of obstruction (clogging)bronchi, resulting in acute respiratory failure.
In very rare cases, hard breathing and coughing can be triggered by a disease such as diphtheria: the crumbs have a fever and fatigue with anxiety. And here you can not do without consulting a pediatrician. As soon as there is any suspicion of this disease, an urgent need to contact a specialist.
Which could mean heavy breathing
Often such a phenomenon is found as a result of a cold before. If the baby feels well, there are no wheezing when listening, and the body temperature is normal, then there is nothing to worry about. However, if there is at least one indicator of the above, then you can suspect the presence of some ailments. Here are the signs of the most common diseases.
- Hard breathing occurs when there is a large accumulation of secretions in the airways and bronchi. Such sputum must be released outside so that the respiratory ducts do not clog and the pathological process does not begin to develop. An increase in mucus production occurs when the air in the room is too dry, there is a lack of drinking, and there is no walking on the street. Constant ventilation of the room, humidification of the air, frequent being outside will help to correct the situation, but only if the disease is just beginning to develop.
- If strong breathing is accompanied by a dry cough, fever and wheezing, developing bronchitis can be tolerated. However, only a doctor can confirm the correct diagnosis after research and obtaining test results. Hard breathing in a child should be treated under the supervision of a pediatrician.
- Asthma can only be suspected when heavy breathing occurs with shortness of breath, choking attacks, or aggravation of he alth due to physical exertion. At risk are children whose relatives have such a disease.
- Adenoids or broken nose. If there were any blows or falls, then you need to seek help from an otolaryngologist.
- The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and respiratory passages can swell if environmental irritants are present. Very often, children develop allergies to mites, dust, and more. An allergist will be able to detect the cause of the negative effect on the body.

What the treatment can do
In order to prescribe the correct therapy for hard breathing, it is worth making an appointment with a specialist who will provide information on all its methods and prescribe effective and appropriate treatment in a short time. How to treat hard breathing in a child? A lot of people are probably wondering about this. But more on that later. First you need to find out what this therapy gives:
- increased immunity (immunomodulation);
- protection from infection (there is a healing of the bronchi and ENT organs);
- increase in the energy of the human body to normal;
- establishing the functioning of the vascular-lymphatic system and the gastrointestinal tract.

If the formation of noise during breathing in a child is only the initial stage of the disease, then there is no need to buy him medications yet. You should give your child more warm liquids to soften the mucus remaining after the illness. It is also recommended to humidify the air in the room as often as possible, especially in the children's room. In addition, hard breathing, as well as coughing, may occur due to an allergic reaction. If parents assume such an ailment, then it is necessary to determine its nature and eliminate contact with the irritant to the maximum.
Therapy of heavy breathing with folk and medicinal preparations
There are many ways to treat this condition.

- If there is a cough, children from 1 to 10 years old are allowed to give extracts of medicinal plants (chamomile flowers, plantain and calendula leaves). Take 1 tbsp. l. each type, pour 3 cups of boiling water and leave for about 20 minutes. Strain and drink 0.5 cups of infusion three times a day for 15-20 minutes. before the meal.
- To soften a strong cough and hard breathing, this gruel will help: take 2 egg yolks, 2 tbsp. l. butter (butter), 2 tsp. any honey and 1 tsp. ordinary flour. All this is mixed and consumed in 1 dl. 3-4 times a day for 20 minutes. before meals.
- In case of wheezing with sputum, you can apply the following recipe: take 2 tbsp. l. dried figs, boil it in 1 glass of milk or water. Drink half a glass 2-3 times a dayday to eliminate hard breathing.
- Treatment for dry cough can still take place with the use of expectorant drugs (bronchodilators - Berodual, Salbutamol, Beroteka, Atrovent and mucolytics - Ambroxol, Bromhexine, Tiloxanol, " Acetylcysteine").
- If a bacterial infection is present, then antibiotics are prescribed (Ampicillin, Cephalexin, Sulbactam, Cefaclor, Rulid, Macropen).
It is not difficult to determine bronchitis in a child. The diagnosis is made if there are certain complaints, as well as serious symptoms of the disease. Additionally, the pediatrician listens to heavy breathing. Wheezing can be both wet and dry, and often depends on the degree of development of the disease.
From this article, many have probably already learned what hard breathing means and how to deal with it. Of course, no one is immune from various ailments, but you can always find ways to protect your body from all kinds of infections and inflammations.