How to restore he alth? What is good and what is bad for he alth? He alth School

How to restore he alth? What is good and what is bad for he alth? He alth School
How to restore he alth? What is good and what is bad for he alth? He alth School

He alth is the basis of the existence of the nation, is the result of the country's policy, which creates an internal need for citizens to treat it as a value. Preservation of he alth is the basis for the fulfillment of a person's destiny to procreate.

Preservation and restoration of he alth

For the proper functioning of the body and the prevention of diseases, a person must constantly be in motion. With a sedentary lifestyle, metabolism is disturbed and this usually leads to obesity with aggravating consequences.

Only with active movement, human organs and systems function normally. Low mobility leads to a reduction in human life.

full recovery of he alth
full recovery of he alth

Often a sedentary lifestyle is associated with the peculiarities of the profession or, due to illness, the need to observe bed rest. Such a life has a detrimental effect on he alth: cardiovascular disorders develop, metabolism is disturbed. Lack of movement causes muscle hunger, which is as dangerous as lack of oxygen, malnutrition andvitamin deficiency.

An effective tool that contributes to the elimination of negative effects with a lack of movement is a he alth-improving physical culture. It plays the role of a prophylactic, preventing diseases and restoring the body after various diseases.

He alth walking

A feature of this type of walking is its calming factor, it distracts from mental and nervous loads, and also eliminates the lack of motor activity.

Physical he alth regeneration while walking is subtle. The duration of walks and the speed of movement increase gradually. As a result, the musculoskeletal system is strengthened, general endurance and correct posture develop. The natural factors of nature - clean air and sunlight - during a walk also have a beneficial effect on the physical condition of a person.

He alth Run

How to restore he alth? Take up running. This is a universal means of strengthening action. All body systems - respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous and muscular - begin to function normally.

he alth recovery center
he alth recovery center

During he alth-improving running, the musculoskeletal system is strengthened, the incidence of cardiovascular diseases is reduced, and metabolic processes are improved. In addition, all internal organs and blood vessels begin to function better.


A unique means of physical education is swimming. This sport is suitablewhen you need a full recovery of he alth. In water, due to its properties (high density, oxygen content, low temperature), a person feels himself in a state close to weightlessness. The lower temperature of the water, compared to body temperature, gives a hardening effect. In the aquatic environment, pain decreases. In the process of diving to different depths while holding the breath, the respiratory, cardiovascular, and nervous systems are trained. Muscle tone in cool water increases, which favorably affects the muscular system.


Note the following:

  1. The lifestyle of a person and his he alth are interconnected. For the proper functioning of the body, constant physical activity is necessary.
  2. The he alth recovery system must necessarily include he alth-improving physical culture.
  3. In the process of training, a person benefits only in the case of a properly selected set of exercises.
  4. The variety of he alth-improving physical culture gives everyone the opportunity to choose the appropriate sport, taking into account individual characteristics.

How much time to do physical education?

How to restore he alth through physical education, how much time should be devoted to physical exercise? Scientists from the British Research University worked on this issue.

he alth school
he alth school

They found, for example, that people aged 18 to 64 need 2.5 hours of physical activity per week (dancing, walking, cycling) oran hour and a quarter of high-intensity sessions. And to strengthen the heart and lung systems, muscle tissue, reduce the risk of diseases that are non-infectious in nature, the time of weekly classes should be at least 5 hours.

People over 65 are required to devote at least 1 hour 15 minutes a week to wellness activities, and children and adolescents - at least an hour daily. Preference should be given to aerobics over strength exercises.

He alth School

Special schools for the prevention and treatment of various diseases are being created in the country. Their goal is:

  • provide reliable information about the disease;
  • increase the responsibility of a person for their own he alth;
  • to form strong beliefs to fulfill the requirements of the doctor, the desire to be treated;
  • motivate to lead a he althy lifestyle;
  • encourage disease prevention.
he alth recovery system
he alth recovery system

The size of the group in the school of he alth is no more than 10 people. Each lesson lasts two academic hours with a short break of 10 minutes, the frequency of classes: at least twice a week. The training program includes up to 10 lessons.

Seven he alth tips

Besides medicines used in the fight against diseases, you can help yourself without medicines. By following just seven tips, it will be easy to answer the question "How to restore he alth?".

  1. Move as much as possible.
  2. Eat lesschemicals.
  3. Give preference to vegetables and fruits.
  4. Organize the right drinking regimen.
  5. Try fasting.
  6. Get enough sleep every day.
  7. Be in the sun more.
what is good for he alth
what is good for he alth

These tips will help you feel great, improve your mood and enjoy life.

Recovery of he alth after childbirth

Pregnancy and childbirth put a lot of stress on a woman and it takes time to get back to normal. After the birth of the baby, all the care for him again falls on the shoulders of the mother. How to restore he alth and maintain good he alth during this time:

  • carefully observe intimate hygiene;
  • help the uterus return to its previous size. To do this: lie on your stomach more, empty your bladder regularly, breastfeed your baby after 2 hours;
  • pay close attention to your diet: eat often in small portions, use natural products, eat more vegetables and fruits, drink fermented milk products every day, eat cereals, give up fatty and spicy foods;
  • gentle breast care;
  • Be attentive to your he alth. If you feel unwell, seek medical attention immediately;
  • do not allow heavy physical exertion. Do not lift more than 5 kg during the first six weeks after delivery;
  • set aside time for physical education - walking is best during this period;
  • sleep well and have time forrecreation. You don't have to do everything at once. Transfer part of the work to the husband or close relatives.


He althy food is the key to he alth. Proper nutrition requires natural products that contain natural substances that help strengthen the body's defenses. These include fresh fruits and vegetables, milk products, cereals, various nuts.

no harm to he alth
no harm to he alth

What is good for he alth? What foods contribute to a he althy lifestyle?

  1. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and prevent the development of cancer cells.
  2. Oatmeal is rich in vitamin E, contains protein and a lot of fiber, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the human digestive system.
  3. Kiwi, whose seeds are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, and the flesh is rich in vitamins E, A, C.
  4. Black grapes support the work of the heart muscle, prevent the formation of neoplasms.
  5. Oranges contain a lot of pectins that lower bad cholesterol, contain vitamin C.
  6. Broccoli is rich in ascorbic acid, vitamins U, K, PP, trace elements: potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, and also contains antioxidants.
  7. Avocado normalizes blood glucose levels. The fruits are rich in vitamins.
  8. Cress, it has a lot of calcium, iron, folic acid and iodine, there are vitamins E, A, C.
  9. Garlic stabilizes blood pressure.
  10. Olivethe oil contains antioxidants and helps lower cholesterol.
  11. Apples help digestion, lower cholesterol, cleanse the body of toxins.
  12. Pumpkin. Its pulp contains a lot of fiber, trace elements, vitamins. When using pumpkin, metabolism improves, pressure decreases, and swelling decreases. Pumpkin juice helps with kidney and bladder stones.
  13. Carrots. Due to the content of beta-carotene and vitamins in it, it is recommended for various diseases of the heart and stomach, as well as low vision.
  14. Cabbage is useful for liver pathologies and stomach ulcers, it is recommended for obesity, vascular sclerosis, it contains vitamins U, C.
  15. Celery leaves contain a lot of carotene and vitamins. It is recommended for nervous diseases, heart disease.
  16. Buckwheat is rich in iron and calcium, promotes blood thinning, is useful for high blood pressure, vascular diseases, atherosclerosis.
  17. Greens (dill, parsley, lettuce, sorrel) is a source of fiber, cleanses the intestines. All edible greens are low in calories, high in vitamins and amino acids that are easy to digest.
  18. Eggs slow down the aging process, thanks to their content of tocopherol acetate, rich in protein.
  19. Cottage cheese is a source of calcium, which is very necessary for the proper functioning of the body.
  20. Nuts are rich in vitamins, they are recommended to normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland, maintain skin elasticity, improve brain function. It is enough to eat up to 4 nuts a day.
how to recoverhe alth
how to recoverhe alth

Some of the twenty listed are recommended to be consumed daily without harm to he alth. This is a list of essential foods for proper nutrition.


Human he alth is under close attention of scientists from different fields of science. You can save it when a person leads the right way of life: eats rationally, has a good sleep, hardens the body, fights bad habits. Special schools and he alth recovery centers have been organized in Russian cities to help people preserve and strengthen this valuable gift of nature.
