Medicine 2024, October

40 maternity hospital, Yekaterinburg: reviews about doctors, a list of things. How to get to the 40 maternity hospital, Yekaterinburg?

40 maternity hospital, Yekaterinburg: reviews about doctors, a list of things. How to get to the 40 maternity hospital, Yekaterinburg?

In each populated area there are several maternity hospitals, among which, after reading the reviews, visiting the institution, you can choose the most suitable one. The city of Yekaterinburg is no exception. In the article we will talk about the maternity hospital number 40

Caesarean section: pros and cons. Consequences of a caesarean section

Caesarean section: pros and cons. Consequences of a caesarean section

In our article we will talk about what is a caesarean section, when and to whom it is due. The possible consequences of this operation will also be considered. The article will be useful both for those who have a first pregnancy, and for mothers who are already expecting a second baby

What tests should be taken for hormones when planning a pregnancy

What tests should be taken for hormones when planning a pregnancy

When planning the birth of a baby, you should consult a specialist. He will prescribe a number of necessary examinations and tell you what tests to take when planning a pregnancy. Research is essential for couples who are having difficulty conceiving a child

When is intrauterine insemination used?

When is intrauterine insemination used?

According to statistics, every fifth married couple cannot have children. And in almost half of these cases, doctors cannot determine the reason why natural conception does not occur. In this situation, intrauterine insemination will be the best option for conceiving a child

Vibes are the link between people

Vibes are the link between people

Vibes are an invisible force that causes feelings to arise between people. How do they affect our subconscious?

Nails are horny plates (homolog of claws). How do nails grow? nail function

Nails are horny plates (homolog of claws). How do nails grow? nail function

There are no blood vessels and nerve endings in nails. The nail itself is located on the nail bed. On the one hand, it ends with a free edge, and on the other, with a root that is hidden from the human eye. This article talks about the structure and function of nails, diseases, how to care for them so that they are he althy and strong

What muscles belong to the muscles of the trunk? Muscles of the human body

What muscles belong to the muscles of the trunk? Muscles of the human body

The movement of muscles fills the body with life. Whatever a person does, all his movements, even those that we sometimes do not pay attention to, are enclosed in the activity of muscle tissue. This is the active part of the musculoskeletal system, which ensures the functioning of its individual organs

Zakharova Irina: biography, reviews, photos

Zakharova Irina: biography, reviews, photos

Pediatrics is one of the main branches of medicine, aimed at the study of childhood diseases and methods of treating diseases in a child. The main goal of pediatrics is to promote the he alth of children from birth to adolescence. The profession of a pediatrician is the most popular in modern medicine

Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care: unit structure, tasks, functions

Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care: unit structure, tasks, functions

The Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care has a special place in any inpatient medical facility. It is here that patients with the most severe pathology enter and undergo intensive treatment courses

Electric blood pressure monitor: description, principle of operation, tips for choosing, reviews

Electric blood pressure monitor: description, principle of operation, tips for choosing, reviews

Tonometer - a device that is designed to measure blood pressure. Today it is used by everyone who monitors their he alth. The types of tonometers, the correct choice of this device and the rules of use will be discussed in this article

Vsevolozhsk Maternity Hospital: address and reviews

Vsevolozhsk Maternity Hospital: address and reviews

Vsevolozhsk Maternity Hospital is a medical institution that has all the necessary resources to provide qualified care to women and newborns

What is a sleep capsule

What is a sleep capsule

Manufacturers of various gadgets never cease to amaze us with the emergence of new models of miracle technology and useful devices. Not so long ago, sleep capsules from various manufacturers appeared on the Russian market

Wheelchair for the disabled: types and device. Wheelchair with sanitary equipment

Wheelchair for the disabled: types and device. Wheelchair with sanitary equipment

A huge selection of wheelchairs makes it possible for people with limited motor functions not to isolate themselves from society. The main thing is to choose the right vehicle that will meet the individual needs of a particular person

Injury of the larynx: types, causes, symptoms, diagnostic testing and treatment

Injury of the larynx: types, causes, symptoms, diagnostic testing and treatment

Injuries of the pharynx and larynx - damage received by this part of the human body. Their causes may be directly affecting the area factors or indirect impact. Influence is possible external, internal. Currently, in the ICD-10, laryngeal trauma refers to a group of neck injuries, coded by codes S10-S19

What is skenar therapy? Scenar therapy: indications, contraindications, reviews

What is skenar therapy? Scenar therapy: indications, contraindications, reviews

What is scenar therapy. Description and history of appearance. What are its effects, and why is it so popular? Are there contraindications and is it harmful to human he alth?

UZDG - what is it? Indications for appointment

UZDG - what is it? Indications for appointment

To understand the principle of operation and the mechanism of operation of ultrasound (what it is and how to treat it) will help decoding: ultrasonic dopplerography of blood vessels. This is a modern method of ultrasound examination of internal organs, based on the Doppler effect

The open laceration on the leg and arm does not heal. Wound treatment. What is a wound?

The open laceration on the leg and arm does not heal. Wound treatment. What is a wound?

Probably, every person knows what a wound is: at least once in a lifetime, but everyone received it. Fortunately, in most cases the case is limited to minor damage, which, nevertheless, gives a very clear idea of the subject of our article. Even a person who is not a surgeon or at least a physician by occupation must have not only theoretical knowledge of what a wound is, but also practical skills in the initial actions when it is received

PST wounds (primary surgical treatment): a set of tools, medicines

PST wounds (primary surgical treatment): a set of tools, medicines

A wound is mechanical damage to tissues in the presence of violations of the integrity of the cover. The presence of a wound, rather than a bruise or hematoma, can be determined by signs such as pain, gaping, bleeding, impaired function and integrity. PST of the wound is carried out in the first 72 hours after the injury, if there are no contraindications

Triple dose of Safar in medicine

Triple dose of Safar in medicine

Safar's triple dose is a universal way to free the airways of an unconscious person. This is the beginning of cardiopulmonary resuscitation

How to sew up a wound: features of the procedure, necessary tools and preparations

How to sew up a wound: features of the procedure, necessary tools and preparations

What does it mean to sew up a wound? This is a mechanical manipulation, which consists in connecting the edges of the broken integument of the skin, which helps to prevent the penetration of microbes inside and ensures a speedy recovery. Sutures are applied to restore the natural anatomical position of the epithelial tissues

Vaccination: history of occurrence, types of vaccinations, intervals between vaccinations

Vaccination: history of occurrence, types of vaccinations, intervals between vaccinations

The article reveals the concept of vaccination, provides a brief history of the emergence of vaccination. The main types of vaccinations and their differences are given. The intervals between the main vaccinations are given, the requirements for vaccination are listed

Plague vaccination: instructions, indications and side effects

Plague vaccination: instructions, indications and side effects

Carriers of a terrible infection that destroyed entire cities in the past are rodents. We are talking about the plague, the outbreaks of which are still recorded in the countries of Africa, South and North America. The most effective method of preventing the disease is the plague vaccination, the features of which and the indications for its formulation will be discussed in this article

X-ray diagnostic center "Picasso": addresses, opening hours, services, reviews

X-ray diagnostic center "Picasso": addresses, opening hours, services, reviews

X-ray is the most popular diagnostic. Today, X-ray machines can perform the entire range of examinations, including the spine. Picasso diagnostic centers carry out a detailed diagnosis of the maxillofacial region, which allows you to make the correct diagnosis and optimize the treatment plan at all stages

Human ribs. Description, functions

Human ribs. Description, functions

The chest is a bone and cartilage formation that forms a cavity. It consists of twelve vertebrae, 12 costal pairs

Food infections and poisoning: symptoms, treatment and prevention

Food infections and poisoning: symptoms, treatment and prevention

Food infections and poisoning cause human ailments. With a large accumulation of pathogens, the body is damaged in a large number of individuals. Understanding the problems of infection, you need to take into account all the risks and prevent diseases

Cleansing the stomach: recipes, washing methods, medical advice

Cleansing the stomach: recipes, washing methods, medical advice

The main measure for food poisoning is gastric lavage. Cleansing the digestive system is also carried out with some diseases. In addition, there is an opinion that absolutely everyone, even perfectly he althy people, needs to systematically flush the body. Next, we will find out what methods of cleansing the stomach exist and whether they have contraindications

Muscular dystrophy: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, recovery period and consequences for the body

Muscular dystrophy: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, recovery period and consequences for the body

When a person's normal muscle function is disturbed - the first sign that he may begin to develop muscular dystrophy. The symptoms of this disease are described in detail here, and it will also be possible to learn how to deal with this disease

BMI norm. What is it?

BMI norm. What is it?

As practice shows, the BMI indicator for women is often much more important than for men. Unfortunately, in most cases, the representatives of the stronger sex do not consider it necessary to follow the figure

Hospitals in Kyiv: addresses by districts

Hospitals in Kyiv: addresses by districts

Every person sometimes needs to go to a medical facility. There are many districts in the capital of Ukraine. Therefore, in order to find the right medical institution, you need to know the contacts of city hospitals in Kyiv. You can also choose the address of the clinic, which is located closest to your home

"Scrubs" for the intestines. Recipes, reviews

"Scrubs" for the intestines. Recipes, reviews

Dim falling hair, brittle nails, facial skin problems, overweight, heaviness, discomfort, bloating - these are the most obvious problems that a slagged, irregular bowel entails

What medical signs are there? History and meaning of medical signs and symbols

What medical signs are there? History and meaning of medical signs and symbols

Medicine, or "the art of healing", originated in ancient civilizations. Most of the modern symbols associated with her also originate from those times. In particular, they were influenced by the culture of ancient Greece. What do medical signs and symbols mean? You will find a photo and the meaning of the most common emblems further in the article

Gamma-interferon: role and significance in the human body

Gamma-interferon: role and significance in the human body

To protect the human body from the damaging effects of pathogenic pathogens - viruses, the immune system has a mechanism that ensures the fight against infectious diseases. It is the production by cells, for example, T-lymphocytes, of special substances, one of which is interferon gamma. Formed in the immune system, the compound plays the role of cellular defense

Replenishing vocabulary: ailment is

Replenishing vocabulary: ailment is

What is ailment? What part of speech is this word, and where did it come from? Is it possible to pick up synonyms for it that everyone understands? How many syllables can this word be divided into, and on which syllable does the stress fall? This and more you will learn from this article

Emergencies and emergency medical care. Pre-hospital medical care in emergency conditions

Emergencies and emergency medical care. Pre-hospital medical care in emergency conditions

Emergencies and emergency medical care - everyone needs to know about this. Often a person's life depends on how much we are aware of these issues

What is MRI diagnostics? Possibilities of MRI-diagnostics. Diagnostic MRI of the brain. Reviews about MRI diagnostics

What is MRI diagnostics? Possibilities of MRI-diagnostics. Diagnostic MRI of the brain. Reviews about MRI diagnostics

What is MRI diagnostics? This question is raised by those who are faced with this study. How does it work and what is it for? The answers to these questions are very important, because all people get sick, therefore, it is necessary to know about the methods of diagnosing diseases

Examination of normal histology of the adrenal gland

Examination of normal histology of the adrenal gland

Few people know that on the top of the kidneys there is an "attached" organ called the adrenal gland. The adrenal gland secretes a number of hormones into the bloodstream (adrenaline, norepinephrine, cortisol, aldosterone, sex hormones). Therefore, in case of problems with the level of certain hormones, first of all, attention is paid to the adrenal glands. With tumor or cystic neoplasms of the adrenal gland, it is examined histologically. We will talk about it in this article

Manual blood pressure monitor on the wrist: models and reviews

Manual blood pressure monitor on the wrist: models and reviews

People suffering from cardiovascular disease should constantly monitor changes in blood pressure. This indicator can be measured using special measuring instruments that manufacturers produce in different variations. The manual tonometer differs from analogs in the compact sizes. The medical device is convenient to use. You can take it with you to work, to the country, on a trip or a business trip

Semiautomatic tonometer: features, selection rules

Semiautomatic tonometer: features, selection rules

Semi-automatic blood pressure monitor should be in every home first aid kit, however, for comfortable use, the device must be of high quality and convenient

Monitoring the operational prices of vital medicines of Roszdravnadzor

Monitoring the operational prices of vital medicines of Roszdravnadzor

The operational monitoring of medicines by Roszdravnadzor concerns vital drugs and the formation of prices for them. Monitoring of medicines will improve the supply of medicines, curb price increases

Qualification categories of doctors: description and rules for obtaining

Qualification categories of doctors: description and rules for obtaining

It is the duty of any medical practitioner to increase the level of knowledge and skills. Certification is considered one of the ways of training, which has its own requirements and features, according to the results of which specialists are assigned the appropriate category. Each of the categories of doctors occupies a certain step in the hierarchy of the medical field