Immunoglobulin - what is it? Immunoglobulin (analysis): norm and deviations

Immunoglobulin - what is it? Immunoglobulin (analysis): norm and deviations
Immunoglobulin - what is it? Immunoglobulin (analysis): norm and deviations

Man is surrounded by bacteria and microbes throughout his life. Many of them, living outside, do not cause any problems to human he alth, and some are even beneficial. However, along with harmless microbes, pathogenic microorganisms that provoke viral and infectious diseases can also enter the human body. The human body tries to fight them. This is where immunoglobulins enter the arena.

immunoglobulin is
immunoglobulin is

Immunoglobulin is a special cell contained in a person's blood and supports his immunity. When foreign cells, viruses or microorganisms are detected, these immune molecules begin to neutralize them.

What is immunoglobulin: features

Immunoglobulins are an important tool of the immune system. They have a number of characteristic features:

  1. Specificity. It consists in neutralizing only the causative agent of the disease. Whereas most antimicrobial and antiviral drugs are toxic not only to pathogens, but also to the body's own cells.
  2. Safetyfor the body.
  3. Minimum concentration required to fight antigen.
  4. Mobility. With the blood, immunoglobulins enter the most remote parts and cells of the body to fight pests.
immunoglobulin test
immunoglobulin test

Functions of immune molecules

Immunoglobulin is a protein that performs many biological functions, which are as follows:

  • recognition of a foreign substance;
  • subsequent antigen binding and immune complex formation;
  • protection against re-infection;
  • destruction of excess immunoglobulins by anti-idiotypic antibodies;
  • rejection of tissue from another species, such as transplanted organs.

Classification of immunoglobulins

Depending on the molecular weight, structure and functions, five groups of immunoglobulins are distinguished: G (lgG), M (lgM), A (lgA), E (lgE), D(lgD).

Immunoglobulin E (lgE) is found in blood plasma in very small amounts. Fixed on skin cells, mucous membranes and basophils. This group of immunoglobulins is responsible for the occurrence of an allergic reaction. Attaching it to the antigen leads to swelling, itching, burning and other allergic reactions.

immunoglobulin e elevated
immunoglobulin e elevated

If immunoglobulin E is elevated, this indicates the penetration of irritating substances into the body or the presence of an allergy to a large number of histamines. To establish an accurate diagnosis,perform additional blood tests to detect specific antibodies.

In addition, in the case when immunoglobulin E is elevated, it is also necessary to pass an analysis for the presence of parasitic substances in the body, for example, helminths. These worms parasitize on the internal organs, destroying the mucous membrane, which results in the intensification of the production of protein cells.

Immunoglobulin M (lgM) has an increased molecular weight, which is why it cannot enter the blood of a child during its intrauterine development. The fetus produces it on its own. The production of this group of immunoglobulins begins first after infection enters the body. Immunoglobulin M plays an important role in the process of removing the pathogen from the bloodstream. An increase in immunoglobulin M is an indicator of a severe inflammatory process in the body. For example, an increased content of these titers in cord blood indicates the occurrence of intrauterine infection of the fetus, infection with rubella, syphilis or toxoplasmosis.

what is immunoglobulin
what is immunoglobulin

Immunoglobulin G makes up the majority of immune cells in the blood. The production begins a few days after the infection enters the body and after the start of the production of immunoglobulin M. It remains in the body for a long time. It is the only type of antibody passed from mother to child that creates passive immunity.

Immunoglobulin lgA is called secretory, as it protects the respiratory, urinary tract and gastrointestinal tract from infections. Alsoreflects the attack of viruses on the mucous membranes. What is immunoglobulin D, its amount and function, is still not fully understood.

Assignment of an immunoglobulin test

A blood test to determine the amount of immunoglobulin E is prescribed in case of detection of bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, food or drug allergies. Recurrent inflammation of the lungs, skin abscesses, frequent fractures of the limbs, scoliosis and sinusitis indicate a genetic pathology, expressed in an abnormally high concentration of immune proteins of the E group.

immunoglobulin m
immunoglobulin m

An analysis for immunoglobulin M is prescribed for the detection of acute and chronic purulent infections, intrauterine infection of the fetus, hepatitis and cirrhosis, parasitic diseases. It is necessary to donate blood to analyze the amount of lgG immunoglobulins when recurrent respiratory and bacterial infections, chronic viral and infectious hepatitis, and AIDS are detected.

An immunoglobulin A test is done for recurrent meningitis, otitis media, sinusitis, myeloma, leukemia, lymphoma.

Deficient condition

Deficiency of antibodies of any fraction indicates the presence of an immunodeficiency state. It can be both congenital, that is, primary, and secondary, acquired. This manifests itself in recurrent and chronic bacterial infections. IgA deficiency is the most common. This is expressed in increased sensitivity to infections. The causes of secondary immunodeficiencies can be very diverse - from malnutritionbefore exposure to ionizing radiation.

Use of human immunoglobulin

Immunoglobulin is not only protein cells that perform a protective function, but also a substance that is actively used in medicine. Available in two forms:

  • solution for intramuscular injections;
  • powder for intravenous administration.

Human immunoglobulin can be prescribed for replacement treatment:

  • primary and secondary immunodeficiencies;
  • severe viral and bacterial infections;
  • various autoimmune diseases;
  • AIDS in children;
  • to prevent diseases in premature babies.

Antiallergenic immunoglobulin can significantly improve the condition of a child with recurring severe allergies. It can only be prescribed by a qualified attending physician.

As part of preventive vaccinations, you can also find human or animal immunoglobulin. Serum is used to form passive immunity. Included in flu, rubella, mumps, measles vaccines.

immunoglobulin price
immunoglobulin price

Immunoglobulin treatment

Treatment using immune cells is carried out exclusively in the hospital, as there are a number of side effects:

  • fever, chills, headaches;
  • shortness of breath, dry cough;
  • vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps;
  • drowsiness, weakness, sensitivity to light;
  • tachycardia, chest discomfort.

With the strict supervision of a doctor, the drug can be prescribed to pregnant women and during breastfeeding.

Where to buy drugs with immunoglobulin

You can buy a drug with immune cells at a pharmacy. It comes with instructions with a detailed description, contraindications and dosage. But you should not buy and take the drug without a prescription. The price of intramuscular immunoglobulin for 10 ampoules averages 800-900 rubles. A 25 mm bottle for intravenous injection costs an average of 2,600 rubles. In the pharmacy you can also buy drugs for emergency prevention, which include human immunoglobulin. Its price will be much higher, but they are simply necessary for a person who has fallen into an epidemic focus.

human immunoglobulin
human immunoglobulin

Immunoglobulin is a globular protein, the absence or deficiency of which seriously affects the state of the human body. Isolated from blood plasma, it is present in most immunostimulating drugs.
