What is a sleep capsule

What is a sleep capsule
What is a sleep capsule

Manufacturers of various gadgets never cease to amaze us with the emergence of new models of miracle technology and useful devices. Not so long ago, sleep capsules from various manufacturers appeared on the Russian market. The novelty is not yet available everywhere. But some companies in large cities can already boast of acquiring it. Those who are concerned about the high productivity of their staff are installing capsules in their offices.

Why is this necessary?

Economists and physiologists have been doing research for a long time on the best organization of the workflow. Millions of dollars have already been spent on developing various methodologies in this area. As a result, it was found that it is better to organize working hours so that in the middle of the day the tired brain of employees has the opportunity to recover.

Capsule for sleep with oxygen (price)
Capsule for sleep with oxygen (price)

In the early 2000s, this problem reached the state level in the United States. The US Department of He alth has made it a priority policy to combat overwork and stress at work. It was then that they seriously took up the development and improvement of such equipment as a capsule forsleep.

How did it all start?

What is this device and why was it invented? The first to come up with his invention were Asian scientists. The history, culture and lifestyle of the East are inextricably linked with relaxation techniques. Meditation and naps are an important part of every Southeast Asian's life.

The first prototype of modern capsules appeared in Japan in the last century. Having already crossed the threshold of the 2000s, scientists decided to develop this direction, and now we have the most modern device that allows us to isolate ourselves from the hustle and bustle of the day and plunge into a calm short-term sleep.

What is a capsule?

The sleep capsule itself is a kind of pencil case with a physiologically shaped couch inside, a relaxing soundtrack, color lighting options and a timer. The walls of the cabin do not let in extraneous sounds, and the one inside has a feeling of complete detachment from the world.

Sleep capsule (price)
Sleep capsule (price)

Cabins are of two types according to the device: those that hide a person completely, and those in which only the upper half of the body is closed. The second option is more convenient for offices. It looks less bulky and takes up little space. The place where the legs are located is raised, this makes it possible to relieve fatigue and swelling from them.

Now in Russia

For the first time, Russians were given the opportunity to purchase these original devices by German and American manufacturers, their sleep capsules were the first to be imported by Energy Point. Laterthe market was saturated with similar equipment from Japan, China, Korea. They opened the production of capsules in Russia. The devices have not yet taken root too much; they equip the offices of large advanced concerns headed by businessmen from the West. There has long been a practice of employees taking short day breaks to enhance their performance.

Japanese sleep capsules
Japanese sleep capsules

Such a dream, of course, should not be long. The developers claim that it is necessary to wake up in the fast phase of dreams, otherwise the refreshing effect will not come. Therefore, it is recommended to set the timer to 20 minutes - this is enough to cheer up.

Additional features

Each manufacturer wants to give their capsule model their own "chip". This may be an unusual external form, and the presence of a water mattress, in which you plunge with special pleasure. The more additional features, the more expensive the sleep capsule. The price of the "fancy" model is about 12 thousand dollars. But there is hope that when the sales market is saturated, the price of the miracle technology will decrease.

Oxygen sleep capsule
Oxygen sleep capsule

Even now there are more economical models, but there will be less comfort when using them. For example, in a vertical capsule you won’t relax much, and this position of the body does not contribute to falling asleep.

One day, the developers came up with the idea to put together a sleep capsule and an oxygen pressure chamber. Physicians have long known the beneficial effect of oxygen on all cells of the body, findthe way to saturate them is to take an important step on the path to recovery. This process is called "oxygenation".

Oxygen capsule - two in one

A capsule for sleep with oxygen differs from the usual pressure chambers in that oxygen does not enter it in its pure form. It is mixed with air, but it is absolutely safe, unlike using pure O2. Staying in such an environment improves the breathing of the skin and promotes its regeneration. If you regularly carry out such procedures, then an improvement in appearance and rejuvenation is guaranteed.

Oxygen sleep capsule is often equipped with aromatherapy and massage functions. Built-in diffusers saturate the air with particles of natural essential oils, and the vibration action helps to better open the pores, which increases the effectiveness of the entire procedure.

Oxygen sleep capsule
Oxygen sleep capsule

A sleep capsule with oxygen, the price of which starts from 180 thousand for a Chinese product and reaches figures exceeding one and a half million (Japanese sleep capsules) - one way or another, is in demand. Those who cannot afford a functional expensive model can always have a session at the spa.

Indications for being in an oxygen capsule

For both men and women, the oxygen sleep capsule will help get rid of:

  • headaches and muscle pains;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • high blood pressure;
  • psoriasis and other skin diseases;
  • overweight;
  • neurological problems.

Temfor ladies who care about their appearance, procedures will help to avoid:

  • loss of breast shape;
  • reduce skin elasticity;
  • postpartum problems;
  • cellulite.

Prospects for "sleepy" capsules

Abroad, booths with such equipment began to be placed everywhere at airports and major railway stations. Passengers are happy. They are pleased with the pleasant opportunity to take an hour's nap while waiting for the flight. Particularly impressionable citizens, however, are afraid to oversleep and miss a plane or train.

Sleep capsule
Sleep capsule

Today, "sleepy spas" are opening in major cities around the world, where citizens can get a good rest in between times. No one is surprised anymore when they call a friend at noon, which in response sounds: “Call later. I'm sleeping.”

Asian countries picked up the idea and went even further. There you can now rent a room in a capsule hotel, which is actually a capsule 2 meters long and one and a half high. Standing inside such a room will not work, you can only sit and lie there. It is cheaper than a full-fledged hotel apartment. And such a hotel takes up absolutely nothing, which is important for overpopulated Asian countries.

Would you like to sleep at work?

According to some media reports, the survey showed that the heads of Russian enterprises are not yet ready to implement such an exotic innovation in their offices. Nevertheless, the mentality dictates, rather, to intensify the struggle for labor discipline, and not organize sleep in the middle of the working day. So for now the capsulesfor sleep will continue to delight office workers exclusively in big cities, remaining exclusive there.

For those who want to try the novelty by all means, the way out will be to visit the salon, where you can combine sleeping in a capsule with other pleasant procedures. Of course, after hours.
